Friday, April 22, 2016

Tag, you're it!

Hello all!  How was your week?  Mine was as busy as can be. Lots and lots of work to be done!  On top of that, spring has definitely arrived.  I love the flowers, and all of a sudden some of the trees have leaves, and it's been pretty warm and nice.  That also means the pollen is popping and the eyes are running, along with the nose.  Add it all up and I could use a three-day nap.

Of course, there's always time for a little sewing, at least around here!  This week, I made this little tag blanket for little Otis:

Cool beans, huh?  I think it looks like something a little one will enjoy.  Do you know that they sell these for upwards of $25?  Really, look it up!  I was amazed, since I put mine together from a couple of  small pieces and some scrap ribbons.  Since these were all leftovers, I'm going to say that it didn't cost me anything but thread.  And even that was already on the machine.

Here are the two fabrics that I used:

The top one is flannel and the bottom is a lovely print.  These were leftover half yards.  Actually I think the flannel was an end-of-bolt situation, where you get the extra for half price. I cut these squares 17 inches each and then used half-inch seams all around.  Why such deep seams?  Hello, it's for a baby!  I fully expect him to pull on the tags and I don't want him pulling the blankie apart.

I cut a bunch of ribbons of different colors and textures to 5-inch lengths:

These are all from scrap ribbons.  Most of these are leftovers and pieces from ribbons that were used to tie up bundles of fat quarters.  See those twill ones?  They say 'Moda' on them.  I don't think Otis will mind, do you?  There's also a random piece of really big rickrack.  I really have no idea where that came from, except I know I didn't buy it.  It's got a different texture, so I just folded it in half and stuck it in there with the ribbons.

After all the cutting, it's just a matter of pinning the ribbons to one square, stitching right sides together around the two squares, turning, and pressing.  I also stitched on the outside just to better anchor the ribbons.  All in all, I think it turned out nifty.

So, there it is!  I really like how it came out and I'm pretty sure that tiny Otis will enjoy it.  It's literally made to be drooled on!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!  I am going to a conference and then I plan to come home and do laundry.  What an exciting life I lead.  If I'm lucky, though, there may be a stop off at a quilt shop, which is reason enough to travel to this conference!

(Hey, this is my 200th post!  Yay me!)

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finish it up Friday.  and Oh Scrap!


  1. Very cute nice choice of fabric, don't know how old your little one is but I am sure as time goes by he will have hours of fun just looking at the animals.

  2. Yeah, you INDEED!! I need to think about fabrics for one or more of these tag blankets, too -- thanks for pointing me in the right direction!!

  3. that's adorable. I am not on the kid train, but it looks like something a baby would like to fiddle with.

  4. Lucky Otis. I bet this blanket will be loved and dragged around.
    I'm glad you are finally getting some spring! Enjoy the weekend.

  5. That is sooooo cute! I must try to make one.

  6. We're coming into winter here so I love anything with flannel! Looks lovely and cosy - well done!

  7. That's a really sweet project!
    Enjoy your quilt shop... err... conference! Yeah, that's it. 8)

  8. Very cute! What a great project to make from a bunch of leftovers. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  9. What a fun little project! I have seen those before, and thought they would be great for babies. Otis is so lucky to have a quilting grandma!

  10. Congratulations on your 200th post! Wonderful tag quilt. IT looks like it would be a lot of fun to fondle.


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