Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Squares everywhere

H everyone!  I hope you are all having a really great week! It's warm as all get out here, and the air is very "heavy."  Still getting used to the summer!  The sunshine is nice, though.

The big thing going on here in the the "sewing area" is that tiny squares are taking over my life.  They seem to be migrating into other areas of the house, too.  We've all had a project that we were kind of doing "on the side" and then it took over everything.  That's how I feel right now!  I've been putting together some more of the 100-patch blocks from the eleventy-billion 1-1/2 inch squares that I've been collecting forever. Check out these new colors:

Artsy photo on a boulder!

Lavender, brown, and teal/turquoise! I also made up a tan block:

Color matched to the mulch!

Beige is not my thing, but this worked great!

I'm making these blocks using a very thin interfacing (see HERE for the method I'm using) and it's working out well.  The important thing is to use the thinnest stuff you can find, and I'm using Pellon 906, made for sheer fabrics.  It's little more than tissue paper, but it's just the right weight for this project.

After I made the blocks I started with the sashing, which I think really makes the blocks.  Being an impatient sort, I had to see what it looked like all put together, so then I ended up with this:

A little windy!
It's going to look great!  The four blocks together measure about 31 by 31 right now.  Not sure what is going to happen with outer borders or anything yet.

I now have 12 blocks and have sorted out the pieces for 4 more, which is where I think I might stop.  I do have enough of the pink for a second block, and the yellow, too, and I probably have enough greens to make 3 blocks, so I might expand to 20 blocks.  We'll see.

Finally, this past week I was at my parents for my dad's birthday and my mom pretty much had a mini-stroke right in front of us. One minute she was fine, the next she couldn't speak.  Just gibberish, no words.  She's fine now!  We got her to the hospital quickly and she got meds and is now home.  But I just wanted to remind everyone to go hug their parents.  Life changes in a second, and they won't be here forever.  Hug them while you can!

Enough of that!  Happy sewing, everyone!

Sharing at Let's Bee Social and Oh Scrap!


  1. I love your blocks! That must have been so scary to see with your mom. I'm so glad she's ok! :)

  2. I agree about hugging your mum.mmy hubby had a mini stroke in March. I was with him too. I had the ambulance there within half an hour. He was in hospital for a week. Tests showed a blocked artery so an operation was needed. He is doing well. We are so lucky he is still with us.
    Take care of her...

  3. Hi Mari,
    First, I'm glad that your Mom is ok! I LOVE your blocks, they are quite wonderful! I'm so impressed that you have eleventy billion squares, I think that is three more than I have! Sorry you are not enjoying our East Coast summers, that is why man invented air conditioning!!
    Pugs and kisses,

  4. Thanks for the wonderful sashing idea for your colorful blocks. I, too make blocks with small squares and I make them by first making four patches. Works for me.

  5. Love the blocks and have seen the method you use with the interfacing. I've wanted to try it myself, and after seeing your blocks...I have to do just that!!

  6. Fantastic blocks -- SO glad you were able to get your mom to the hospital quickly and that she is back with all of you. Yes - I agree - HUG your parents while you can!

  7. I am so happy to hear your mom is recovering. Thank goodness you were all right there and took quick action. I am sure that was a huge part of her successful recovery. I will give mom and dad a hug this afternoon when I see them.

    These blocks are wonderful Mari. You have a great talent for using your scraps. The borders add a lovely design element to the project taking it from pretty to gorgeous. Adding the tan and brown blocks will give it depth. It almost makes me want to save 1.5" squares. The smallest I save is 2".

    We haven't seen the little ladies in a while. I kinda miss them........

  8. So good to know your mother is doing well. That would be so scary and your reminder is a good one for us all.

    I also have tons of those 1.5" blocks saved and I love your idea here. I especially love how you sashed them.

  9. Your quilt is turning out great. So glad your mom is ok! How scary!

  10. 1.5" is tiny and torturous. And 100 is too many to keep in order. But that said, you did an amazing job of capturing their potential beautifully. Freezer paper - AHA!!!
    Sending hugs to you and best wishes for your mom.

  11. I love when quilts are intriguing both close up and far away. Your eleventy billion squares are so fun--especially with that setting. There are so many kinds of Pellon that it can be really confusing, so thanks for sharing what you used. I'm glad to know your mom is okay. That must have been so scary for all of you.

  12. Glad your mum is okay! I like these tiny squares a lot; I don't like beige much either but your beige block looks great. The setting is perfect for them too.

  13. Those are really cool! I really like what you've done with them.

  14. Oh, I LOVE that setting for postage stamps. I have a lot of smaller sized one color ps blocks and might see how they look with that sashing.

    Glad you all recognized the small stroke when it was happening. It must have been a frightening experience for all.

  15. Love your little blocks! Even the beige one is pretty too! Quick action with your mum, glad all ok.

  16. So glad your mom is okay. I love your blocks and that sashing is fabulous! Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  17. Oh, I am so sorry about your mom - glad she is okay now. I can only imagine how scary that was. Your 100 square blocks are so neat! They are going to make a beautiful quilt - I love the sashing you decided on!

  18. Thank heavens you were right there when your mother had the episode. Now you can all be on the watch for the symptoms. Meanwhile -- the postage stamp squares are glorious! Your setting shows them off perfectly.

  19. Sending healthy thoughts to your mom! Your squares are looking really good! The sashing looks great! I would probably make 20 blocks, because I prefer rectangle quilts, but you couldn't go wrong either way!


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