Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Intricate Stitches--Bonus Block 2

Hi all, and welcome back to the Intricate Stitches quilt!  Today is block number 10!  Recall that the Rainbow Scrap Challenge only has 10 months this year, so we have had to double up for a couple of months so that we can have a full 12 blocks for the quilt.

Here is the second bonus block, which I made up in blue, green, and yellow:

I love this block!  This has a couple of names, the earliest of which is Kansas Star, from the Kansas City Star newpaper in 1932.  Carrie Hall, also from the 1930s, calls this Eight-point Allover.  It's number 1732a in Barbara Brackman's Encyclopedia.  Here is the best part of this block--it is made with 9 repeats of one unit, and the whole pattern comes from the placement of the colors.  This makes it super easy to cut and piece, which means you can knock this one out before school starts up again.  And we all know how fast that's coming!

A note about colors:  I made my block using scraps in various colors.  The success of this block depends entirely on the values of the colors chosen.  Use any colors you would like, but keep the values the same as the ones shown in this block.  Your lightest color should correspond to the yellow, with the darkest color corresponding to the dark blue.  This will make sure that the pattern in the block comes through.


There are only two sizes of pieces to cut in this quilt!

Cut 2-7/8 inch squares:                                          Cut 3-3/8 inch squares:

2 yellow                                                                    4 yellow
2 dark yellow or gold                                                  5 dark blue
4 dark green
4 bright green
6 medium blue

Cut all of the 2-7/8 inch squares in half from corner to corner to make two triangles and you are finished with the cutting!


This block uses one unit, a simple square in a square.  Take 4 of the appropriate colored triangles and add them to the edges of the 3-3/8 inch squares.  These units should be 4-1/2 inches each, to finish at 4 inches in the block.

Make one using the 4 dark yellow or gold triangles and a blue 3-3/8 inch square.  This is the center square for the block.

Make 4 using the remaining dark blue squares, 3 medium blue triangles, and one yellow triangle:

Make 4 using the yellow 3-3/8 squares, 2 of the bright greens, and 2 of the dark green triangles:

That's it!  All the units are made!


All the final assembly requires is to lay out the units as shown:

Stitch together into rows and then join the rows to make the final block.  Give it a good press and admire!

A little wrinkled from being carried in my pocket!

One tip for this block--I never advocate pressing seams open, but it helps a lot with this block to press open the final seams that join all the square in a square units.  Backstitch at the ends to be sure the seams don't pop.

Have fun with this not-very-intricate but uncommon block, and be ready for block 11 (!!) coming up on September 6.  We are racing towards the finish of this quilt!

Sharing at Linky Tuesday, Let's Bee Social, and soscrappy for RSC16!


  1. I love blocks that are deceptively easy and give intricate-looking results! Do you know I saw your comment on Cindy's post, and thought, I wonder if that is THE Mari...yep! Found you in a roundabout way but I think we have commented on each other's blogs through Angela's scrappy linky parties. :-) (now to go comment on your fabulous bear)

  2. This block has a great effect and it is interesting that it is all due to the color/value choices. I like this on a lot Mari. Pinning for future reference. I think a quilt of just these would be pretty or enlarging this block to make a mini. Thanks for the tutorial.

  3. Really like the colors in this one -- beautiful work.

  4. Love the colors you selected. That would make a stunning quilt with 12 blocks.....

  5. How nice to have a simple block give such a pleasing effect. Your values and color choices really make it special.

  6. What a pretty block, and so surprising that it is made with just the square in a square pieces! I might try making it for a mini, too, like Bernie suggested.

  7. I love square-in-square blocks, and this one is terrific! Isn't it amazing what a little play with value/color can accomplish?

  8. If I was naming this block, I think I'd call it a Magic Star. It really shows off the MAGIC of color placement!


Thanks for your kind comments! I appreciate every one and will answer if I can. No-reply commenters, you are appreciated also!