Friday, August 19, 2016

Black and white

Hi everyone!  We are back from our visit to our grandson and I already miss him so much!  I'm also missing the cooler weather and the clean air, but not as much as those baby fingers!

Since we travelled this week, I didn't get a lot of sewing time, but I did manage to make up these:

As they used to say--do not adjust your set! A black block and a white block for the postage stamp quilt!  I tried laying out the 16 blocks that I had and decided that I want the quilt to be rectangular and not square, so I need 4 more blocks.

I wasn't planning to make a black block or a white one, because I was afraid that either one would be too dull and would act as a "hole" in the quilt.  I was so wrong!  These two turned out to be a couple of my favorite ones!  There is so much to look at in each of them.  I'm really glad that I went for it.

I swear to you that this block is straight!  The photo lies!

So I still have 2 more blocks to make, which means more sorting, which is frankly the worst part of the whole endeavor.  Don't know what color they'll be, but I want to wrap this up by the end of next week, because we move in 3 weeks!  No tiny pieces left behind!

I have these two little pieces left over.  I couldn't decide if they were black or white, so I left them out of both.  Where would you have put them?

In other news, I have finally joined Instagram!  I wasn't planning to, but there are some fun things happening over there that I want to participate in, so I took the plunge.  Come on over and join me @academicquilter!

Everybody have a wonderful weekend.  I have brought out the boxes and am beginning the task of packing up the condo.  This is a happy thing, right?

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Oh Scrap!


  1. THose black and white blocks are awesome. In fact if you had tons of scraps it would be cute to make a whole postage stamp quilt with those two blocks. Really love them. If I had to add the checkered fabric, I would probably add them to the black side but it is a hard call.

    Have fun packing!!

  2. The little squares seem to read more black, but it might also depend on what they are paired with. The black and white postage stamp blocks should be wonderful in your quilt.

    Good luck with the move!

  3. I think it all depends on what those little squares are next to. I'm leaning black, but who knows? What I think is so neat about your two blocks is that they are a good lesson in how much color you can have in a design and still have it read as white or black. I know I would have erred on the side of being too timid to use some of the colors you did, and my block would definitely have been the "hole" you were referring to. Good luck getting ready for your move, Mari. I've heard that a cool down is coming with less humidity. Wouldn't that be wonderful! My heart aches along with yours missing your grandbaby.

  4. Good question! Black or white?! I'm loving all those tiny blocks in a block, this is going to be amazing!

  5. I am really looking forward to seeing this quilt sewn together. I love the design. Thanks for sharing it with Oh Scrap!

  6. Your black and white blocks are wonderful! I enjoyed looking closely at all the different fabrics you included. This is going to be an amazing quilt!

  7. I'd have put those b/w pieces in both! But I do love to throw mediums into high contrast patterns, just to gum up the works...
    I'm looking forward to seeing this quilt come together!

  8. Is this a continuation of an earlier series? Postage Stamp blocks, I presume. It is a challenge to do black and white blocks because unlike other colors the values/shades can be limiting. That said, they both came out not just beautiful but distinctly white and black.
    I would have used the orphan pieces in the black block. They just read more black than white.

  9. Lovely blocks! I prefer to make rectangle quilts but the one I'm making now will be my first quilt to stay square! Looking forward to seeing your final layout!

  10. use those bnw blocks un the borders.


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