Friday, August 26, 2016

Life in flux

Hi everyone! How was your week? Life around here has been crazy.  Why did we decide that a good time to move was right at the beginning of a school year, at the end of summer, and during the hottest time of the year?  I guess we are desperate to get out of this condo.

So, this week the only thing I accomplished was to catch up on the Grandma's blocks for one of my Rainbow Scrap Challenge projects.  Here are the blocks in this month's colors:

Definitely grayed tones, which were not helped by the afternoon light.

When I counted my blocks, I discovered that I was 9 blocks behind, so of course I decided to make them all at once.  Why not?  There's nothing else going on, is there?  Here are the 9 that I accomplished this week:

Whoo-hoo, I'm all caught up!  At least for the next 4 days.  Some of those colors are really great, too.  The yellow and coral on the left are my favorites of this batch.

I cut all of these out at once and made them assembly-line style, and it still took me all week.  I am putting things in boxes and doing various other things in between as well.  For some reason, the hubs still wants to eat every day.  Even though I am packing up many of the pots and pans.  Can you imagine?  The nerve!

Just to congratulate myself, I laid many of the blocks out on a bed (sorry for the lumps) just to see what the quilt will look like:

I've been thinking all along that I wouldn't have sashing but would just stitch the blocks and let a secondary pattern come through.  Now I'm wavering.  What do you think?  Also. does anyone have any opinion on any missing colors?  I know we have 2 months to go, and one of those has to be a red, but I need 6 more blocks to finish it up.  Any suggestions?

Everybody have a great weekend.  It's going to be hotter than blazes here, and we'll be packing. When did we get all this stuff?  We also have to shop for appliances, so it looks to be an expensive weekend for us.  I think I may need to have a break with some ice cream or something midway through!

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finished or Not Friday, and soscrappy for RSC16.


  1. Hi Mari, great job getting all those blocks done. I really like the secondary pattern that emerges when you place the blocks next to each other. Red will look great as may a bright turquoise (you may remember that I am a big fan of turquoise from my Terra Australis quilt). I look forward to your blog posts, love your conversational tone. Hope you have a great weekend, Mary.

  2. I think these blocks are just gorgeous. Wow!

    Wish I could share some cooler weather with you for that moving process. I've spent the past 2 days in the Madison Wisconsin area, tagging along with my husband while he visited clients. It has been in the low 70s here and overcast.

  3. As an intermediate quilter I would chicken out and use sashing - lining up those points would scare me! But, I love your secondary pattern that emerges! More yellow is my suggestion - but I love me some yellow! Your work is so beautiful! Love your blocks!

  4. I wouldn't do sashing. Think it looks great the way it is. I would put in a paler yellow to balance with the pale green and maybe add a darker blue and green.. You will work it out.

  5. Definitely full of scrappy rainbow goodness. I'd skip the sashing, it looks great without it. Hope the packing goes fast, the appliances aren't as bad as you think. Finally, Subway was our go to dinner when we were moving. Good luck!

  6. I love the secondary pattern without the sashing. I think a teal or an aquamarine would be a nice addition. Maybe a medium gray as well. It's going to be a beautiful quilt!

  7. Your quilt is going to be lovely! I really like the colors you have chosen so far. Some colors to add - soft pink, Gray, aqua or maybe a mint green. Hope you find your appliances quickly!

  8. I agree that the secondary pattern is great with the white area, a little eye rest area. You e done great colors, very luscious. I'd suggest a brighter yellow, to add to the pale one you have. It's looking good!

  9. I'd love to see some golden yellow, maybe some aqua or turquoise, and even some gray or milk chocolate brown. The colors work together so well I'd probably skip sashing, add another column or row if larger size is desired.

  10. I love the quilt as it's laid out without any sashing. You've done such a great job piecing the blocks. All of the suggestions for colors above are great. Thanks for linking to Finished or Not Friday.

  11. Add me to the no sashing team. Such great colors!

  12. The NERVE of that man!! Doesn't he know you've got quilting to do?!?!? LOL Either way your quilt is going to be beautiful, but my tendency would be to sash these blocks. Good luck with the move!!

  13. That is going to be so gorgeous - I love seeing all the blocks laid out together! I decided to add sashing to my scrap jar stars so that I wouldn't have to match up so many seams. That's a worthwhile consideration, right?! Lol! Best of luck with your packing and moving! Never a fun task, but you will be so happy when you finally get into your new home!

  14. I love the solid colors in the blocks. I would not add sashing. I love the look of the blocks side by side. This is going to be an awesome quilt.

  15. Your blocks are drop dead gorgeous! Could you maybe work in a couple of greys perhaps?

  16. Getting quilting done while moving?!?! You are my hero. :) I moved twice in the last couple of years and missed my quilting while packing. I always wanted to work on something that was already packed. I am going to go against the general consensus. I think a narrow sashing would be great on this quilt. Maybe with a tiny solid cornerstone. I think it would help the beautiful blocks pop.

  17. I like the feel of your rainbow. Perhaps a red violet block? If you add sashes, a silver cornerstone could be the "rain" in your rainbow.

  18. I like the feel of your rainbow. Perhaps a red violet block? If you add sashes, a silver cornerstone could be the "rain" in your rainbow.

  19. It is coming along beautifully! If it was on my work table, I'd finish it sans sashing, sans borders. It's gorgeous just the way it is! XO

  20. Hmmmm.... Red and a school bus yellow would be great. The blocks look great side by side. You seem to be very precise (ha no pun intended). I should have said you seam to be. Sorry it is very early here and I am so just sipping the first cup of coffee, what I was getting around to saying is that I like the blocks without sashing. The patterns will look so great.

    Good luck with the packing. Yay for a new house all your own.

  21. I think a multi-color sashing would be the only way to go if you choose sashing. Using any one color will diminish the others . . . but it's such a strong, graphic, color+white design, maybe no sashing is the way to go.

  22. I am guessing we still have red and yellow to go... could do a brighter red and a maroon. School bus yellow would fit nice with your blocks. You could always throw in a black, grey - light and dark and a brown if you need some more =)
    Love the secondary design when they are all laid out side by side.

  23. Beautiful
    What is the name of the block?
    And I vote Team No Sashimg

  24. It is turning out great! And you needed to piece those others to keep a little bit of sanity in an otherwise crazy time right? I'm with ya - just now catching up to august - and they tell me it's september - how????


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