Tuesday, October 18, 2016

A flurry of triangles

Hi everyone, and welcome to the hottest day of fall!  It's supposed to be fall, but right now its something like 77 degrees and the next few days are going to be even warmer.  And here I was just starting to anticipate cooler temperatures and looking forward to the first freeze.  So much for that for now.  Plus it wasn't 77 degrees when I got dressed this morning, so, you know, overly warm all day. 

Since it's not going to be cold around here any time soon, I've been creating my own "flurry" of sorts with hsts:

That, my friends, is 84 4-1/2 inch half-square triangles.  Yes, that many!  They took forever! I am participating in the Autumn Abundance blog hop next week with some friends and these are for my hop project.  (The hop is being hosted by Bernie at Needle and Foot, so be sure to check in with her starting next Monday. Or today, if you want!)

I used the Magic 8 method to make most (80) of these hsts.  I confess that I've always used other methods, and I never used to make hsts larger and cut them down, but now I do both of those things.  To make the hsts using the Magic 8 method, I cut 10-inch squares, stitched, and then trimmed them to the correct size.  What is happening to me? Combine that with the golden background fabric and there is definitely something going on!

Remember the 4-patches I made last week with these same fabrics? (I guess this is a good place to say that these fabrics are from the Into the Woods line from Paintbrush Studio, the sponsors of this blog hop.)

Well, I am combining those with the hsts to make blocks.  Here's a sneak peek:

Can you guess the pattern for this quilt? It's going to be lovely, and maybe by next week it will feel like the fabrics belong in our current weather.  Looking at the forecast, it's not looking good.  But at least the quilt will be pretty!  

(Why do those units look wonky?  I promise that they're not!)

Hope you're all having a lovely week with lots of temperate weather.  Is it weird that I kind of want it to be cold enough to wrap up in this quilt?  My day for the hop is next Tuesday, and there will be a bunch of giveaways, too, so I hope to see you back here then!

Sharing at Linky Tuesday and Let's Bee Social!


  1. Beautiful blocks and perfect fall colors! Here in Iowa we got to 85 degrees yesterday........crazy!

  2. I love working with fall colors so I 'had' to hop over from Connies to see what you were making! Gorgeous fabrics.

  3. These are looking great! I can't believe the hop is next week already.

  4. The colors are so rich. It's going to be gorgeous!!

    In SD we've had some beautiful warm weather the past few days too. But about a week ago we had a brief snow flurry one afternoon. Typical fall for us.

  5. Nice fabrics. I love doing the magic 8 way

  6. You must feel as though you sewed yourself to the moon and back while making those HSTs! Well done! Now, breathe. XO

  7. maybe they're going as wonky blocks for Halloween

  8. Lovely! Can hardly wait for the blog hop to see what you're making. These colors are great!


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