Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Our regularly-scheduled program

Hi everyone!  Does anybody besides me remember when TV announcers would break in to a show in progress with "this is a special report," which was always bad news, and when the report was over they would say something like "we now return to our regularly-scheduled program?"  No, just me?  Really?

Anyway, that's how I'm finally feeling right about now--back to something approaching normalcy.  Almost all of the boxes are unpacked, many rooms are painted, a couple of closets have been painted and converted to more useful configurations (the most thankless jobs in home ownership), and I'm finally having some time to sew or at least play with some fabrics.

As I unpacked boxes, I came across a bunch of projects that I had started more than a year ago, many of which I had forgotten about.  Remember these?

String blocks!  I think it's time to use these babies, so how about if I combine them with some new fabric I have?  Well, I tried it and got these:

I know, that fabric is gray.  Yikes!  But it looks really good with the strings, even with the dark blue ones, so I'm sticking with it.  I feel like there must be something wrong with me or something, because I'm also contemplating a completely different gray for another project.  What is happening?

One other thing I've been working on is for the blog hop I'm in with some friends, coming up at the end of this month.  I already showed off the fabric and I've started making 4-patches for the project:

I generally dislike 4-patches, but these are fun.  That curry yellow is the background color for the whole quilt.  Yes, really!  There is definitely something going on with me, because I don't know where these color combinations are coming from.  

Hope you're having a fun week!  I'm hoping to have more "regularly scheduled programming" now that we're a bit more settled.  Same Bat-time, same Bat-channel!  (That's for the nerdy people like me who were hooked pretty early!)

Sharing at Let's Bee Social, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finished or not Friday, and soscrappy for RSC16.


  1. I just did my first string blocks for Covered in Love this month. I liked doing them and really like using them as HSTs. Once I get enough scrap I may try these.

  2. I do remember when TV announcers use to do that and I would like to believe it really wasn't that long ago :) Gray is our friend and I do love it with those string blocks. They pop very nicely against the gray. I'm getting super excited to see what everyone does with the pretty fall fabrics!

  3. Of course I remember that. It was so irritating.... just bring back my show already. ;-)
    Love your string blocks HST'S they will be the cousins to my scrappy HST'S.
    the four patches are great. I think the colors are wonderful
    I'm glad life is settling down now. Moving is so stressful. At least you are able to enjoy the sewing room a bit now,

  4. What a beautiful collection of string blocks! They look fresh and neat. :-)

  5. Good to get some old things out and moving again

  6. Wouldn't those announcers break in at just the critical moment of the program too? I's be like...GAH! NO! Stop!!!
    I say back to our Reg-u-lar-ly scheduled program all the time to my kids. (I can see their eyes roll as I type this, I said it so much!)
    It usually meant...knock it off get your homework done!
    Isn't it fun finding those forgotten pieces? I love it. I moved into this house nearly two years ago and I am still finding things I had forgotten about...geez! I need to get organized. Unfortunately, when we moved here, my sewing room was the last to get worked on because my daughter and I had to put up some fences to keep our horses from going to meet the new neighbors on their own. I'm still working on the sewing room!

  7. Yes, I remember that announcement! Now that you mention it, have they stopped saying it? I haven't heard it in a long time!!
    Love the string blocks. I've been saving scraps to make some, just haven't gotten to it yet.

  8. Yes, I remember that announcement! Now that you mention it, have they stopped saying it? I haven't heard it in a long time!!
    Love the string blocks. I've been saving scraps to make some, just haven't gotten to it yet.

  9. I do remember those announcements - and I LOVE that grey ( gray) on the strings!! It will be stunning!

  10. Love the string blocks and the pretty flowers! So glad that you are settling in to your new home! I hope we can get together!

    Pugs and kisses,

  11. I LOVE string blocks. Love what you are doing with them.
    Beautiful mums : )

  12. Your string blocks are awesome, I think the gray tones them down and makes it all work well together. Love the pic of the flowers!! Yes I do remember those announcements too-you are not alone, LOL

  13. Don't worry, gray is a perfect colour, just play with it :)


  14. I love all your string blocks, but I also love what you're doing to turn them into HSTs! That will be fun!

  15. Very pretty string blocks. The gray background thing must be something going around. I've got 2 new quilts that used gray as the background fabric. Have fun playing in your sewing room.

  16. Oh, I remember those announcements! And the bat references, too! (And that Pepsodent jingle still bounces around in my head - "Oh, you'll wonder where the yellow went..." *argh*)
    Love those string blocks!

  17. brilliant mums! What a gorgeous shot!

  18. Nice fresh colors on the string blocks. The gray should set them off nicely. Have fun in your newly furnished sewing room.

  19. Yes, I remember those Special Reports! And your string blocks. And, I'm with you on the gray...I seem to have gravitated toward some of that as my neutral lately.

  20. Moving is wonderful but a terrible waste of quilting time! LOL It sounds like you are getting back in the swing of things. I love what you showed and those beautiful flowers were a nice ending. I will be doing the moving thing next month so I know what it is like.

  21. Never good when they interrupted the programming... and why was it always at the best part of the show? Glad you are getting settled back in. I find working with colors goes in stages and grey seems to popping up lots of places this year... I know I have purchased a few greys. Love how you decided to use them with the strings. Pretty mums.

  22. Yes! I remember those television interruptions! And yes, they were usually bad news! :( Loving your string blocks. My daughter and I made some for Covered In Love also! I'd forgotten how beautiful they were and how easy they are to make! Your four patches are an interesting combination of fabrics - and they play well together! Nice job! I have to admit, my favorite photo was the last ones - absolutely gorgeous flowers that made me gasp at the their beauty! Thank you so much for sharing! Lovely!


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