Friday, December 16, 2016

Bouncing along

Hi everyone!  How are you today?  We are barrelling towards Christmas and the start of 2017 (!!!), aren't we?  Have you finished shopping yet?  I had a good time on Amazon a couple of days ago, so I'm almost finished.  Yay me!

Of course, there are always a couple of things that just have to be made by hand.  Since this is my grandson's first Christmas, I made him these:

Pentagon patchwork balls!  Is there a little boy who wouldn't love throwing these around the house?  I used a tutorial from While She Naps, found HERE.  It's free, and there's even a free template for the pentagons. I used the pentagons at 100% for the smaller patchwork ball, and I printed them at 140% for the larger ball.  (150% wouldn't fit on the paper on my printer.)

I had a hard time with these little balls, but not because they're difficult.  Look what happened that really messed up my week:

Yikes!  We have a garage door with no garage door opener, and I was putting the door down when I pinched three of my fingers between the panels.  I said some very bad words and cried, too.  My finger isn't broken, but I dislocated it and the knuckle is still pretty swollen.  This made it impossible to put these little balls together using English paper piecing by hand, like they're supposed to be made.  Instead I used a really narrow zigzag and just butted the pieces up and stitched them together on the machine.  Never underestimate the determination of a grandma! It worked okay, but now I wish I had used red thread or something to give it a little zip.

One thing I learned with these is that it takes a *lot* of filling to make them really firm. I used a whole bag of fiberfill to stuff these two play balls, and I need to go get another bag because they're not really firm enough. You can see that they're just a little bit baggy.  I couldn't hand-stitch the last seam yet, but I really hope to have healed up enough to do that this coming week, so that's still open for me to add more fiberfill.  I also put a rattle in each of them:

For the record, the larger one makes a much more satisfying rattle.  I got these from While She Naps as well, and they work great.

Since I can't really cut anything right now, I also worked on these, which I had cut before I had the run-in with the door:

Purple 4-patches! Yeah, I might have to make Bonnie Hunter's mystery quilt so that I can use all of these up.  I'm using the magenta for that project as well, but I haven't cut any of those pieces yet.

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend.  I think we're going to go buy a garage door opener!  And then maybe I'll give the hubs some instructions on wrapping presents.  It should be amusing!

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, crazymomquilts, Finished or Not Friday, and Oh Scrap!


  1. Your balls look great... that sounds funny.... hope your finger gets better quickly... your clue 2 magenta can be done at the same time as clue 4 dark purples... love your purples... I am loving that I am able to keep up....

  2. Wow! I guessed right - I knew this was your plan when I saw the picture on IG. I love them. I bet the zig zag stitch will be sturdier than hand stitching them for little guy to play with.
    Good to know about the stuffing - I printed that template out over a month ago and there it sits. I also selected some fabrics to fussy cut for the piecing. Of course I have time since sweet baby girl isn't even born yet!
    These are so cute Mari. I bet they will be tossed all over the house. :-)

  3. PS - Hope the fingers are healing well.

  4. Your balls are too much fun! He'll love them! Take care of that finger! There's work to be done!

  5. Ouch! Sorry to hear about your accident, I'm just glad it wasn't any worse, I hope you recover quickly. I love your little balls bright and fun, perfect for your little Grandson, I'm sure they will be well played with.

  6. OUCH! I would have said some bad words, too! Heal quickly . . .

  7. ouch!!! But I love the Hexi Balls!!! My boys ( at older than young) would love them too!!!

    Heal up quick!!

  8. omgosh
    poor your fingers.
    Bet you saw stars. That's the third injury I've heard about recently.
    Be careful out there. My husband slipped on our walkway today. LeeAnna

  9. So cute! And yay you for making those while braced up! Yup, grammas and quilters will do anything no matter what. I do hope you'll heal soon, though. Bonnie's mystery quilt looks intriguing.


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