Friday, December 9, 2016

From fail to finish

Hi everyone!  Are you ready for the new and improved polar vortex?  I hear that it's coming and there is no escape.  The temps were dropping Thursday afternoon, and several people I saw were already shivery.  It would probably help if they wore coats, but hey, that's not my business.  I finally did pull out my winter coat, too.  I didn't think it had been cold enough for a "real" coat, but that wind will just go right through you.

This week I have an actual finish, one that I've salvaged from a failed attempt a few weeks ago:

This is the little quilt that I had almost given up on because of a wrinkle on the backing.  When I posted about it earlier, the general consensus in the comments was along the lines of "suck it up."  So I did, and you all were right.  I was upset over nothing, really.

One commenter, who is no-reply so I couldn't thank her personally, suggested that I make the circles gradually larger in order to finish it up and avoid more wrinkles on the back.  Genius!  That's exactly what I did.  I free-motioned the remaining circles instead of using the walking foot, and they came out a little wobbly but good enough. 

The border is quilted with a big meander that simply circles around some of the flowers in the print.  It adds just enough texture to finish it off nicely.  I also had just enough (literally one inch left over) of the blue binding in the pre-made scrap binding basket.  Sometimes those come in handy!  The binding was done on the machine in no time at all.

I was worried about this being too stiff, but after I took the photos, I tossed this in the wash and it softened up really well.  And the wrinkle that I was so worried about can barely be seen on the back!

Another little quilt in the archives!  Perhaps "suck it up" will be my motto for next year.

Hope everyone has a great weekend as we race towards Christmas.  We are going shopping for a new dining room table.  Somehow ours isn't big enough for the whole family any more.  Odd how that happens, isn't it?

Finally, an update on the Gratitude Sale--donations have raised nearly $400 for the three charities I listed!  Thanks to everyone!  There are still many nice things left, and Priority Mail means you could still have something for yourself before Christmas, so check out the tabs at the top of the page.

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finished or Not Friday, and crazymom quilts.


  1. I am so glad you got that quilt finished. It does look lovely.
    I just did an upcoming post about your mail and linked back to you. It will be up within the week.
    Take care and happy circle quilting. Love it....

  2. This turned out great. I love the circular quilting.

  3. Congrats on your finish! I'm really glad to see that you pushed forward because it looks great! Making the curves farther apart as you go is a really good idea, I will have to file that somewhere in the back of my head :)

  4. Great finish. It's amazing how something we see as such a big problem, ends up being a tiny little things. Your quilt is beautiful.

  5. This polar vortex warms my heart and makes me smile. That other one makes my teeth chatter. Hope I am under your polar vortex when the nasty one comes along :-D

  6. I love your circular quilting, your quilt was definitely worth salvaging, and wrinkle? what wrinkle?

  7. Congrats on jumping in and just finishing. Sometimes we just have to let go don't we-sometimes really hard to do!! I love the effect it gives with the farther apart circles on the outside.

  8. Oh, the quilting turned out just lovely! Great job! What a beautiful, cozy quilt!

  9. It's very cute and it was clever to enlarge the outer circles. Love those colors too.

  10. What a great idea to widen the circular quilting as you went along. Genius! It looks great. I am so glad that wrinkle turned out to be a non-issue. Sometimes we just get too darn picky about our work. It looks wonderful.
    Great to hear that you have had such success with your Gratitude Sale. Hurray!

  11. Beautiful finish, love your quilting.

  12. Ha ha - Suck it up.... well you did good , and it turned out great!

  13. Good Save!!! It's stunning! I would never even think it had a wrinkle! Beautiful finish. I'm putting you in my "I Like" thursday post this week. Love, LeeAnna

  14. It's perfect! Aren't you glad you persevered? XO


Thanks for your kind comments! I appreciate every one and will answer if I can. No-reply commenters, you are appreciated also!