Tuesday, June 20, 2017

Happy little projects

Hi everyone, and welcome to another scorcher.  I know some of you are in far worse straits than I am--Phoenix, I'm looking at you with deep sympathy!--but, gosh, it's a sauna out there.  Thank goodness that I've been spending a lot of time in an air-conditioned library.  And drinking lots of cold beverages.  But not at the same time, because that's not allowed.

Because I have to finish this paper I'm working on, I've just been plugging away at the current projects, little by little.  They're pretty happy projects, though, so it's fun to work on them, especially after spending most of the day with books and papers.  The first one is the I Spy quilt:

Bernie and I traded some of our I Spy pieces, so now I've got a lot more variety.  See that cute bird on the left? I'm almost done with the blocks for this size (some blocks aren't on the wall), but I think I'm going to add one more vertical row to make this a bit bigger.  According to my figuring, that will make it about 45 inches wide, which is a good size for a toddler.  I'm auditioning the black polka dots for setting triangles, but I'm not too sure.  I might want something brighter. With any luck, I can finish this top up this week.

I also worked some more on the June quilt from Amanda at crazymomquilts.  I've got all the pieces cut now, and just a few of the string sections left to do:

I think it's going to look lovely, don't you?  I'll be really, really happy to finish off those string sections, though, because they're getting just a tiny bit tedious.

Finally, I couldn't resist taking a picture of the latest block for the Sewcial Bee Sampler outside among the wild daylilies:

These lilies are such a happy surprise.  They grow along the creek on the edge of our property, and they look pretty good there.  I wan't sure they were going to flower, but all of a sudden they're covered in buds.

So that's what I'm up to, besides trying not to get burned on the car door handles every time I go to get in it.  I really am hoping to have that I Spy top finished this week.  If it's a choice between finishing the top or the paper, which one should I go for?  Tough choice!

Everyone stay cool!  Sharing at Let's Bee Social.


  1. That I Spy quilt is coming along nicely! I love the strippy quilt; the colors are so fresh and happy! Cute little block too. Hope you continue to find ways to stay cool; we are having lovely weather here in MN. Yesterday was one of those perfect days, just the right temp, no humidity and a cool breeze. I'd choose quilting over a paper, any day :-)

  2. Hopefully, things cool down just a bit. It seems like this year it's went from bitter cold to unbearably hot over night. Just keep plugging along and before you know it your blocks and paper will be finished. What's that saying? Slow and steady wins the race, finishes the quilt and slam dunks a paper.

  3. I adore your I Spy quilt. It's fun and whimsical, and yet the colors all go along so nicely it doesn't necessarily feel like a scrappy quilt. Your block among your Day Lilies looks adorable. It seems you've been very busy lately. --Andrea

  4. The gray and white for setting triangles is brilliant! Makes all the square in a square blocks jump right out. Love it. Your grand baby will love it, too.

  5. Don't hate me for sunny and 75!!!:D Your projects seem perfect for your schedule...and so cute! Love your SBS block!(I am doing that too!!)


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