Friday, June 16, 2017

Small update

Hi all!  Another week is in the books, can you believe it?  Where did it go?  Well, I kind of know where mine went.  I spent a lot of time in the library this week, which was nice because it was all air conditioned, but since it was an academic library, there were very few people around.  I got a lot of work done, but not a lot of sewing done.  It's a trade-off, but it worked out for me this time around.

Here's pretty much all the stitching I got finished:

These are some of the sections for the June quilt quilt along at crazymomquilts.  I got about half the sections finished and cut up a bunch more fabric into strings so that I can finish the rest of them.  I'm hoping to get all 48 sections done by the next step.

I think these are going to look good with the polka dot background fabric:

I'm thinking of using the lavender squares as cornerstones, but I also thought about an apple green.  Any opinions?

I initially started with just the pink and green and a few yellows, but I had to add in some florals with a white background to temper a little bit of the sweetness of the quilt.  Plus it uses up those florals, which I am happy to get rid of. 

Strings make a mess, but they turn out great.  My one tip for making these sections is to put wide strings at the top and the bottom because that will give some "wiggle room" to trim up the section to the correct length.  It worked well for me and too some of the pressure off getting the sections exactly right.

The only other fabric-related thing I did this week was to make some fabric stacks for the 30 days of fabric stacks challenge from Stitched in Color, being run on Instagram.  Here's my latest, for the color orange:

Carrot and mango smoothies, the breakfast of champions!  The next prompt is "new fabric," though, so I may have to go shopping.  Come on over to Instagram and play along, or just look at all the great pictures.

So that was it, if you don't count the research notes!  I hope you got in a bit more stitching than I did, and I hope you have a great weekend!

And for those of you keeping track, I now have 7 tomatoes growing.  I am ecstatic!

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finished or Not Friday, and Oh Scrap!


  1. I love home grown tomatoes. The flavour is so much better. I plan on planting some this year. Not sure how they will go in this climate... Have to find a great spot.

  2. Your June sections look so good! I like the purple cornerstones myself just because your strip sets already have quite a bit of green in them. :)

  3. Love the lavender! I'm usually a green girl though :-)

  4. I think it will look great with the polka dot background!

  5. Loving your choice of strip colors especially the lavender corners. mary in Az

  6. I think it looks fantastic with the lavender corners. Your colors go beautifully together. --Andrea

  7. Your June quilt is fully of really pretty colors! It's going to be a really fun, pretty quilt! Those orange fabrics are yummy . . .

  8. The strip quilt is looking great! I think I like the lavender best.
    Good for you for progressing on the paper. I can be such a procrastinator which usually does not bode well. ;-)

  9. Hmm...I'd have to see the green cornerstones before deciding. I do like the lavender, but greens are almost always my favorite. The lavender does keep the sweet vibe going. Love your orange stack picture!

  10. Such pretty colors! Have to say I am biased since all things purple are my favorite, so lavender is my choice! I have lost count of how many tomatoes I have, but I am growing impatient for yellow and redness!!

  11. Mari, your strip sets are so pretty! They will be great with the background you chose. Looks like either the lavender or green would be oretty for the cornerstones.

  12. I'm loving your June QAL strip sets!! Placing my vote with the chosen cornerstones. That fabric seems to work perfectly with all you've got going.

  13. Your strip sets are so bright and happy! Perfect for summer. I like the lavender or you can try those florals you want to get rid of. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  14. The strips are really colorful, perfect for summer. The lavender looks nice and does not compete with the strips. In this case, pale seems to be a nice breather. Good luck with the tomatoes.

  15. Hi Mari, Visiting you from "Oh Scrap". I love your summery June strip sets and, although I'm a lavender girl through and through, I like Cynthia's idea of flower cornerstones. I think they could be quite striking and would set the strips off nicely!
    (I'm almost tempted to join in with Amanda's SAL now! Although previously I had been considering making something a little smaller.)
    Thanks for the pretty inspiration!
    Oh wow, good luck with the tomatoes!
    Barbara x

  16. Oh, my goodness! Everything I see here is delicious!

  17. This post should be retitled - All things Summery and Juicy!!! Too many sew-alongs. Sandra just finished hers. Bernie's is ongoing and now Crazy Mom's. I'll pass. I will live vicariously through you. That includes growing tomatoes. Where do you find the time after working, quilting, blogging...

  18. Your strings are very pretty, I've been so tempted to join that quilt along

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.


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