Friday, July 14, 2017

Bag full of blues

Hi everyone!  Man, am I tired of remodeling.  Really, really tired.  The end is in sight, but that means that they'll be doing the floors, and that means that there is now furniture in my sewing room.  Big furniture, things that don't belong in a sewing room.  I know it's temporary, but it's it's in the way!

I know Fridays are for finishes, but I have no finishes right now.  I haven't had a lot of time to sew this week because of the work on the house, (they built my pantry this week!)  but I did do a few things.  I got to move the old cabinet from the kitchen to the sewing room for a cutting table and I loooove it.  I also dug out this bag full of blue pieces and such:

This is a 1-gallon zip bag and it held a *ton* of stuff:

Yes, that's my new cutting table!  Isn't it great?

Triangles, hsts, some big chunks, and some large triangles made from blue 9-patches and white squares.  Some of the hsts are not pressed, but there are plenty of others that are.  There are also plenty of single blue and white triangles, though a lot more blue ones than white ones.

For a clue as to what all these pieces are for, there was this all scrunched up in the bottom of the bag:

I pressed it before I hung this on the wall because it had a *lot* of wrinkles.  This is the beginning of an Ocean Waves quilt that I started back in 2014.  2014!  This is from a pattern by Joan Ford from her book Scraps Plus One.  It's so very pretty, but I put it away a long time ago without ever finishing it.  It looks like I made a dozen blocks and had all the parts ready for at least 30 more.  That's almost enough for the remainder of the quilt, which turns out to be a good size.  I think I may have decided to make fewer blocks to make a smaller quilt.

All the pieces are there--even if they need some more pressing-- so why not jump in and make the rest of the blocks?  Okay, here we go:

And that's when I remembered why this is a UFO.  It's so pretty, but there are a lot of bias edges and I think the blocks are meant to be oversized and trimmed down because they don't come out to be the right size.  It would help if I looked it up in the book, but there is a sofa and a dining table in front of my shelving unit right now.  (I know!)  I think what I'll do is make up enough blocks to make a small child-size quilt, and then do something else with the other pieces.  Maybe they'll make a nice border or something.  Or another small quilt all together.

So that's what I did with my limited stitching time this week!  It's not much, but it's something, and it kept me sane, what with all the hammering and pounding and whatnot going on around here.  But soon I'll have a pantry, and a fun small quilt on top of that!

Hope you all had a great week, and a wonderful weekend.  We are expecting some "get all the animals to the ark" rain, but that's okay because I have plans to stock some shelves! 

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finished or Not Friday, soscrappy, and Oh Scrap!


  1. I think you achieved a great deal. It's always hard and time consuming working out where you left off. I love those colours. It is exciting to see it coming together and will be a beautifully quilt soon.

  2. These blocks look lovely! I had a similar frustration with the ocean waves quilt I made years ago and ended up making a mini instead of a full quilt.

  3. These will make a lovely small wallhanging or quilt-let. So fresh and clean looking.

  4. Ohhh It is so pretty!! Finish it! ( okay only if you want ha ha)

  5. I thought after finishing your paper, you would have some peaceful sewing, but a remodeling project and no access to your sewing room now, I hope your sewing time comes soon. I'm glad you had a project you could work on with all of this happening, the colors are very calming.

  6. Those blocks are so pretty - I am sure it will turn out to be a fabulous quilt. Definitely worth the effort.

  7. Very pretty blocks! Glad you got in some sanity sewing. Even better you tackled one of your UFOs. Hope you get in a bit more stitching this weekend.

  8. Oh, remodel projects are such a good/bad thing! Nothing more frustrating than having your sewing space invaded, even if it is for a good thing in the end! I remember our kitchen redo -- the refrigerator and cupboard contents were all in the living room (we gutted the kitchen down to the studs). It was a mess of weirdness. However, I love my kitchen now, so hopefully you'll have the same experience. Those blocks are so pretty! Might as well tackle bias edges when everything else is topsy-turvy, right?

  9. I remember the year we had our old hardwood floors refinished. All the furniture was moved to the dining (no hardwood there for some reason) and the front porch. I still have a Rubbermaid tub of bric a brac that never got unpacked. I know that means I'm supposed to toss it all.
    Have you tried starching the blocks? I'll heard that helps with the bias, but I've never done it.

  10. Isn't it amazing exactly how much will fit in one of those gallon baggies? It's ridiculous!! LOVE those blocks that you pulled out of the bag, so I hope you find a way to make it work. In spite of those bias edges!!

  11. That's quite a find, Mari! I really like those blocks, and all the pretty blues, but it sounds frustrating to remember that they weren't going together as easily you wish they would. Hopefully, you'll be able to get something out of them!

  12. Well, you got a wonderful cutting table for your troubles, including being taller, I assume, and with storage. That and a pretty blue Scrap pile already in progress is great for no new work on your part. Hang in there a little longer.

  13. That's an interesting variation on Ocean Waves. And it looks gorgeous in your pure blues!

  14. This one is going to be so pretty Mari. I hope you are able to get it sewn up. Thanks so much for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  15. Ocean Waves Quilt - I learned something new today. It is so beautiful, Mari. I am sure it will make a lovely quilt.


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