Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Work progresses

Hi everyone!  How's it going with you? Is it super hot and really humid where you are, so hot and humid that it's delaying important contracting work on your house?  Because that's how we are here.  When I was a kid and it was hot and steamy like this we used to try to go to the movies because that was the only place that had air conditioning, which is why I saw so many movies.  Now we all have AC and we just stay inside and stream movies to the sofa.  It's not even close to the same.

Anyway, here's one thing that loves the weather--

The tomatoes!  I think I'll be having a very tasty salad by the end of the week, don't you?

Speaking of red things, this week I'm working on updating my temperature quilt.  It's been a few weeks since I did this, so I'm a bit behind.  The rows in the quilt are 18 days each, and there are no breaks between the months.  Look at which colors I'm using almost exclusively for this row:

Yep, all the reds that are for the 85 to 100 degree range.  And so far I've used one of the browns for 100 plus degrees, too.  I was hoping to avoid that one, but there isn't a cool blue in sight right now.

That's because all of the cool blues are in a different quilt.  I have only 8 blocks to go for the Ocean Waves quilt. This will give me a quilt about 40 by 60, plus the borders.  Since I'll have a bunch of hsts left over, I was thinking of a border something like this:

Yeah, I don't know if I like it either.  It's a little small for the size of the quilt.  So maybe I'll just use some of the chunks of blue fabrics that were also in the bag with the other pieces.  I guess I'll have to see how it goes.

So that's a small update from here!  I'm hoping to get a small finish this week, one of the many, many that are in progress.  I guess we'll see which one makes it to the finish line first!

Sharing at Let's Bee Social.


  1. My tomatoes only have blossoms! I have high hopes ;)

  2. I am loving those blues. Great pattern!

  3. If you have too many tomatoes, I will happily take them off your hands :-) Love the blues!

  4. I don't mind that border, but I wonder if it would feel better with a narrow border of blue inbetween? Just a thought. I need to find your temperature quilt; I don't think I've seen it yet!

  5. Ocean Waves is looking fabulous! You would have to dig out more browns to cover the temps in SD this week. Miserably hot and humid. I never left the house yesterday and since I work from home no one noticed. :-)

  6. Hot and humid pretty much sums it up for the weather here. We get a cold front tomorrow that will take us back to the low 90s. Love your Ocean Wave blocks. Stay cool, stitch alot!


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