Friday, July 28, 2017

I spy something cuddly

Hi all! This has been a very busy week for me, how about you?  I did get a lot done, but somehow I still have more to do.  How does that happen?  It's like the scrap basket--the more you take out, the more there seems to be left.  Do you know what I mean?  On the upside, the heat broke for a bit, so I have been unable to fry eggs on the driveway for a few days. (Has anyone ever actually tried this?)  It's been lovely and pleasant, which is a nice change.

This week I did finish up this little lovely:

I quilted up the I Spy quilt!  When I went to take pictures of this little quilt, I planned to go to a very pretty park a little ways away from us.  Lots of shade and it's well watered so it's still really green.  On the way there it started to sprinkle, so I stopped at a different park that was closer to take pictures before the rain showed up in force.  I took some pictures on the playground equipment, and they turned out pretty well.  There were no children there because of the rain, and if there had been I probably wouldn't have done it, but it was great for a children's quilt.

To keep this little quilt cuddly, all I did was stitch in the ditch (or near the ditch) of all the blocks, including the diagonals.  It was quick and easy and felt like I made a lot of progress really fast.

In the setting triangles, I free-motioned some words! I hope they show up okay in the pictures. These are a few of the things found in the quilt, like cows, frogs, cats, etc.

I chalked in the first three words just to get started, but then I just "wrote" the words in each triangle as I went.  It was pretty easy and I was actually kind of sad when it was over.  But now my favorite tiny human will not only have a cuddly little quilt but also some of my "handwriting." I will definitely try this again on another quilt, too.  Maybe a stripe so I can keep the words straight.

I used a stripe for the binding and some cute owls on the backing.  The quilt was a little too wide for one width of fabric, so I added a strip of polka dots to fill it out.  The binding is Susie's Magic Binding, which is still awesome.  I messed up somewhere, though, in either the binding or the setting triangles, because I ended up losing most of the points on the edges.  I'm thinking that I trimmed the edges a little too closely on the sides.  Live and learn.

So that's my happy little finish, done just in time for taking to our tiny grandson.  I'm not sure he actually needs another quilt, especially at the height of summer, but what's a grandma to do?  I guess I could hang on to it for a while, but it's much too cute. I wouldn't want him to be deprived!

Hope everyone has a wonderful weekend!  I am seriously looking forward to packing up and getting away from the construction zone that is the house for a little while.  I'll also be looking for some ways to eat all of these:

These are my tomatoes and a small zucchini, which is what I've gotten so far from the two plants that I have. (Those are fingerprints on the rim, not dirt!)  I'm amazed by the tomatoes, which taste like fresh air and sunshine.  I've never grown this many this early.  Hope my neighbors like tomatoes!  I've been pinching back the zucchini, too, so I hope not to get too many of them, but the first one is always great!

Sharing at Finished or Not Friday, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, and crazymomquilts.


  1. I love this quilt! I need to make some I Spy Quilts for my grands.

  2. What a cute quilt! I've never made an I Spy, because I don't have enough novelty fabrics in my stash, but they are really fun!

  3. I'm with katyquilts....I need to make an I Spy quilt. I probably have enough novelty prints and if not, I may arrange a swap with a friend or two.

  4. The perfect setting for your adorable quilt! I need to go on location and shoot some table runners and quilts. Nice job on the writing of words! Haven't fired eggs on the sidewalk. But last year, while on a long camping vacation, we had leftover pizza and it was 110 deg. in Moab Utah, so we wrapped it in foil and set it on the sidewalk and it got hot enough to eat in a short amount of time!

  5. WHat a fantastic quilt! Love that striped binding and the word quilting is such a creative idea!

  6. Perfect photo shoot for a super cute I-spy quilt. I really love quilting words. Sometimes I freehand them in my own writing, and sometimes I find ways to mark them in particular fonts. Your quilt-writing looks great!

  7. How adorable - love the quilted words too!!! and pinch back zuccini? what does that mean - we get overrun with them every year ....

  8. A grandchild can never have enough quilts made by Grandma, at least that's my thinking. My granddaughter has at least five already and she's only four months old. I know I'll be making her an I Spy Quilt. Thanks for the inspiration, I love your quilt.

  9. Hi Mari,
    What a fun quilt! I just love the fabrics you chose, and it sure came together well. Those tomatoes and zucchini look delicious! I have a few grape tomatoes but am patiently awaiting the rest to ripen. ~smile~ Roseanne

  10. Wonderful quilt, and now you'll have to teach him how to read cursive writing. I was a third grade teacher and they couldn't wait to learn how to do that, and now some places don't teach it and some people don't know how to sign their names, only printing.

  11. You got some fun photos with your quilt. It is a lovely bright design too. I love the binding print and it looks great with the flange... Yum fresh tomatoes. I'm going to try to grow some this year..

  12. That's a beautiful quilt - what fun. And your vegetables are impressive too.

  13. very sweet quilt! having your handwriting on your grandson's quilt is THE BEST!! good thinking. it's a keeper and he enjoy it for many years. (and treasure it FOREVER!)

  14. The baby won't care that the points are cut off, but Jean is right. You will have to teach him cursive, since they no longer teach it in school.

  15. Very cute! Adding in the words to the quilting is a fun idea.

  16. So many snowballed corners, such adorable fabrics but it is your handwriting that makes it precious.
    Ok, I am going to be completely honest and absolutely blunt. Since you make a gorgeous quilt, using some of the cutest 5" charms squares (received from me), I deserve those tomatoes :-p
    Hope you are having a fabulous weekend!

  17. This is such a great I-Spy quilt. Love the setting and the bright colors and the striped binding. And quilting in the words -- genius! Your photo shoot in the playground was a great idea, too. Well done!

  18. You thought of everything and put so much of yourself into this quilt, and I love the binding. Best of all was the handwriting in the quilting, I can see this quilt as a family heirloom, it's wonderful.

  19. This is ADORABLE! I'm pretty sure he does need it right now :) Adding the words to the quilt was a sweet little touch that I am sure he will love even more when he is older.

  20. What a sweet finish Mari... Your little guy will have a lot of fun looking for things on this with you. I think the simple straight line quilting is all this quilt needed. The words you added are a lovely touch. Great job!


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