Friday, July 21, 2017

Like a wave out on the ocean

Hi everyone!  Hot enough for you?  I know, it's not funny, but it was 100 degrees today with about 95 percent humidity, so my brain may be a bit foggy. These are the days when all there is to do is stay inside and have a bunch of nice cool drinks, and maybe do something non-stressful. So you don't get all sweaty, you know?

Seems like a good time for some cool blues!  This week I finished off the Ocean Waves quilt top, which I am super-happy about:

It did kind of go all limp and wrinkly when I took it out in the humidity!  I started this quilt top back in 2014, and pulled it out again recently.  To be honest, it was in a ziplock bag and I forgot all about it.  All the parts and pieces were already made,  and I already had 8 of the blocks assembled and put together into quilt sections.  I had enough pieces for a much larger quilt, but I didn't use all of them and made this smaller one instead. 

This turned out to be 46 by 66 inches, which is a nice cuddle size.  Unless the hubs falls in love with it (or one of my kids claims it) this little quilt is destined for charity after it gets quilted.  I'm amassing quite a pile of things to be quilted, so there may be a bit of a quilting marathon coming on sometime soon.

I like the way this quilt looks, but I wouldn't say that making it was fun.  There's definitely a reason why it became a UFO! There has to be a good way to make an Ocean Waves quilt, but this is not it.  Don't look too closely because there are a *lot* of missing points.  The central parts, which are made of the smaller triangles, kept stretching out and becoming distorted, especially when I pressed them, so I used a ton of Magic Sizing on them.  I used so much that I think I may want to gently hand wash this top before I quilt it because some parts of it are as stiff as paper.

Even though it wasn't especially fun, I'm glad I finished off this quilt top! One more thing out of the closet and turned into something useful.  And it is pretty, isn't it?  I have a lot of pieces left over, but I don't know what I'm going to do with all those yet.  It's possible that I'll get another small quilt out of the leftover pieces, but it won't be another one like this.

Hope everyone is staying cool!  It's a little odd to be making quilts when it's 100 degrees, isn't it?  Must be all that air conditioning going to our heads.  And where better to be when it's so hot than in a cool, happy sewing room?

Sharing at Finished or Not Friday, crazymomquilts, and Oh Scrap!


  1. Just remember the 1 metre rule. Look at it from a distance and all is good. It is not perfection we are looking for it is practicality. It needs to be used and loved...

  2. It is hot out there and worth staying indoors! I agree with Jo!! It's a great finish and worth getting it done!

  3. This looks awesome! Love all of the different shades of blue.

  4. Ugh, your weather sounds horrendous. I hope the humidity eases up soon - Yuk!
    Great quilt though. I am sorry it wasn't a whole lot of fun to make - I can see why you put it aside. But doesn't it feel good to finish it up? Some simple quilting and you are good to go. It will make someone very happy, family member or not. :-)

  5. Congrats on a (top) finish! It's a big deal to get out something you forgot all about and settle back into making it. I love white and blue combo in general, and yours is such a wonderful example of it, hope the colour helps keep you cool!

  6. Hi Mari,
    I think it is a lovely finish, and the colors all go together so nicely. It does look like ocean waves. ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. Lovely finish, I love the colors. Whoever receives this quilt it is going to appreciate it.

  8. I love how this turned out, Mari! All the pretty blues are so calm and soothing. Congratulations on getting one more UFO taken care of!

  9. The weather can be so weird. Here in western NY, we had 27 days over 90° last year and severe drought while this year there have only been 2 days of 90 and lots of rain. The lack of heat is fine with me as we don't have air conditioning, so when it's hot about the only thing I do is read.
    The finish looks great, but I sympathize about working with all those triangles.

  10. It's a lovely quilt, and it will make someone very happy! Good job on the finish!

  11. I always like blue and white and your quilt is lovely and fresh looking. Just how you feel when an ocean breeze blows around you. It will make someone very happy. Well done for finishing!

  12. Your quilt is definitely a beauty! It looks so cool and crisp in blues and white. With all those HSTs and bias edges, it's probably a good one to get off your plate in this hot (and humid) summer. Congrats on a great finish!

  13. I could never tell by looking that it was so hard. The variety of blues makes it very distinctive. But thanks for the tip. I will not undertake one at this time, even though it is so beautiful.

  14. It turned out beautifully! I really like this variation on Ocean Waves. Worth the wait!

  15. Great looking finish! And having leftover triangles is never a bad thing!

  16. I'm SEW glad that you decided to put this (formerly abandoned) BLUE quilt together. I can't begin to tell you how much I LOVE it!! Scrappy goodness at its finest.

  17. I like it a lot. And it is a good cuddle size, so it is all good. Finished is always better than perfect!

  18. Beautiful quilt! Staying in the AC and quilting is the perfect thing to do when it is so hot. Enjoy.

  19. That's a little different Ocean Waves than I've seen before but I sure do like it in all the cool blues. Good for you for getting those old things out and finished. I think we all have far too many of those!

    No a/c here so I'm always limp and wrinkly too in this humidity!!! (I'm wrinkly even without humidity)

  20. I think it is beautiful Mari! I enjoy quilts for their imperfections and stories. I am glad you got this one out of the cupboard and finished. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  21. Done is good! There is something so classic and refreshing about blues with whites. I think it's gorgeous.

  22. Beautiful finished flimsy! Congrats on getting it to this stage. Done is better than perfect.

  23. Lovely finish! I sure like all the blues and white! Thanks for sharing!


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