Tuesday, January 9, 2018

A new old project

Hey, long time no see!  We have had an eventful three weeks around here.  Of course, we had the holidays, we traveled a lot, and we hugged babies! It was so much fun. I already miss them so much! Oh, and we experienced some winter while we were gone, in the form of very low temperatures (-10!) and snow, so I think we can be done with all that now.

So now we're home and getting back to the routine. (And the laundry.) I'm happy to get back to the sewing room and see what kind of trouble I can get into this year.  I meant to do a "planning" post at the end of last year, but the truth is that I have no plans.  I have many, many ideas, but this isn't my job, so if I don't want to have a trajectory, implementation plan, or assessment, I don't have to!  Not to worry, though, I'm sure there will be a lot of quilty fun even without a quilty syllabus.

One general thing that I want to accomplish this year is to get some of the UFOs I have in the closet finished or repurposed or something to get them out and used. I've gone through them and it's amazing how many of them need very little work.  Maybe I just got tired of them? I pulled out this beauty to finish up first:

All stitched and ready for a border!

I'm so embarrassed. This is an RSC 2016 project that only needs a border!  What's wrong with me?  If you recall, I made these blocks as a tribute to my grandmother and great-grandmother. This 80-something-year-old block made by one of them is one of my prized possessions:

I started a Drunkard's Path border for this quilt but never finished it, which I suspect is why it ended up in the closet.  I need 76 Drunkard's Path blocks and twice that many "fill-in" squares.  I have fewer than 20 completed, so I think we all know that a Drunkard's Path border is not going to happen.

I asked for suggestions on Instagram and got a few that I really like, but if anyone has a good suggestion for a border, I'm open to it.  Tell me what you think!

Until I figure out what to do with a border, I'm working on using up some of my scrap squares and small pieces in a couple of projects.  I got this little Bonnie Hunter ruler with something else for Christmas, and I can't believe how handy it is:

No affiliation or financial stake in it, but gosh it's useful!

Hope you're all having a good week and are well into your 2018 projects. Some more laundry is calling to me, so I guess that's what's up for the rest of today for me!

Sharing at Let's Bee Social.


  1. I love this, Mari, especially after seeing your inspiration block. I really don't think a DP border would add much, anyway.

  2. So glad to hear you had a wonderful holiday time and were able to snuggle with babies. Sounds delightful! Your quilt top is scrumptious and I can't wait to see what you decide on for the borders.

  3. Good idea to pull up this beautiful quilt! I love this pattern, and it's history. Maybe a border with flying geese? or plain fabric? I will come back for sure to see your final choice!

  4. Oh I do hope you come up with a border soon as that quilt deserves a finish, it's so darn pretty!

  5. I guess the Drunkards path was not to be. Maybe a plain border? Visiting from Let's bee social.

  6. Like you quilt! Nice - a border would be great! Nice ruler, but if I buy another ruler I will check have to have my mind examined! LOL

  7. I like the modern vibe it has with no border at all. Is it big enough to just finish as is?

  8. I am like you and sincerely trying to work on my UFOs this year.

    For a border, I would first put a white border around it and then just a colored border and then another white one.

    Kind of like this:


  9. Why don’t you use a plain border with the DP’s pieced in every now and then st random— plain with a splash of DP color? I think that would be great. Beth

  10. It's so bold and vibrant ! However you finish it, it is going to look awesome. I'd maybe put a thin frame then some white then your binding to add the final frame if you wanted something simple?

  11. I actually like it without a border! Super colors and a great block. It's neat that you made the negative of your 80-yr block. That ruler is THE BEST. I've got three of them, all from different shops (I'm guessing Creative Grids gives a good advertising deal on them to retailers). And honestly, three is not too many.

  12. I'm with you on not having a big plan for the year. If it's fun and quilty, do it! If not, then don't! :) That top is so fresh and pretty. Amazing how modern a classic block like that can look. Does it need borders at all? How big is it?

  13. Love these blocks! I don't think skipping the drunkard's path blocks is a bad idea -- it might make it too busy. What about a solid border? Or a 2-3 thinner borders?

  14. Your quilt is so bright and lovely, and I love how one old block inspired the whole quilt, you must finish it!


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