Friday, January 12, 2018

Sixteen times two

How is 2018 starting out for you?  It has hit me with a bang, that's for sure.  It seems like I've picked up all the stress that I finished 2017 with!  That's always the way, isn't it? So, to ease into 2018 sewing, this week I started by playing around with some blocks and block pieces that weren't a part of any current project and were just going to end up in a box.  Always better to do something with them right away, isn't it?  So here's what I did:

Hey, two little mini quilts!  You have to be happy with that.  As it happens, both of them are made from 16 blocks or pieces and both are colorful as all get out.  I really like them both.

The first little mini measures about 25 inches square and was made from the string blocks I made at the end of last year to use up my narrowest strings.  The string blocks are 4 inches square each, so you can tell how narrow some of those strings really are.  I promise that I have stopped saving strings that skinny.  Really! 

Since there were so many seams that would never match, I added a half-inch sashing to these blocks, with the result that it ended up looking like a window.  I really like the effect.  The border is just a multicolored piece that I had, mainly to insure that there were no odd edges to fray or stretch.  This turned out looking good, but those string blocks were super stretchy. I'm planning to quilt this up with a liberated cross hatch but I might actually block it before I layer and baste it.

The second little top is the made from the Drunkard's Path blocks that I had planned to use for a border on an unfinished quilt.  That ship has sailed, but the pieces didn't go to waste.  This one is 16 inches square, and I plan to practice making circles on it when I quilt it, then bind it and use it just as it is. It's pretty modern for me, but I love the colors.

This (and the quilt the pieces were meant for) is made from hand-dyed fabrics from Vicki Welsh.  Her fabric is fantastic and so wonderful to work with and I've never had it run.  Some of the pieces look a little misaligned in these pictures, but they're just right in person.  I'm sure it needs a good press and that should take care of any problems.

While I was outside taking these pictures, I heard a lot of honking in the air, and I looked up and saw a massive gaggle of geese flying over.  I wasn't fast enough to get the point of the V, but I did get this:

It's real flying geese!  And guess what-- they were flying north east! Can spring be far behind?

Hope everyone has a good weekend.  We're adding insulation to the attic, how about you?

Sharing at Finished or Not Friday, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, crazymomquilts, and Oh, Scrap!


  1. I really like the drunkard path one, great idea to put in more solid blocks to make it bigger. The strings-wow tiny blocks-I certainly couldn't tell just by looking at it that they were that small. I like the sashing to tone it down a bit.

  2. I like both of the mini quilts. I haven't ordered fabric from Vicki, but I really enjoy her blog and seeing what she is creating (and drooling over her fabric). I'm hoping to shut myself in my quilt room and sew this weekend. The house cleaning can wait, right??

  3. Oh my goodness, if this is the beauty you create when you are stressed, I cannot begin to imagine what you will do after a week at the beach followed by a day at the spa? Spending time with quilty buddies may help with stress - just saying :-)

  4. It is so fun to wake up to this eye candy this morning. What a perfect pairing of string colors and that wonderful print. I know you said you don’t want to do skinny strings anymore, but they’re so CUTE!! The drunkard’s path block is really neat, too-it reminds me of a jazzy version of Card Trick. I can just imagine how it will look with circular quilting. Spring? Maybe? Woo! Wishful thinking. It was 55 here yesterday and every bit of our snow melted. We woke up this morning to blizzardy snow and all schools closed. Looks like a quilting day. : )

  5. Those are both great! the Circley one is really neat - geometric!!

  6. oh aren't they both just so sweet - I love the way you used the drunkards' path blocks, it's like they're a quilty origami!

  7. Love the border fabric on the string really ties all those colors together. Both pieces are candy sweet! :)

  8. We are snowed in - even though there is only 2" on the ground. Here that is enough to shut down the city. Lots of stitching in my studio, woodworking in DH's studio, and good cooking in between.

  9. Both are very beautiful! I love the string quilt because of all the color and tiny strips. And the Drunkards path always makes my heart skip a beat! Well done!

  10. Cute quilts! I love how you arrange the drunkard blocks, it's much prettier as a quilt than as a border ;)

  11. I always love seeing what quilters can do with leftover unused blocks! Those are both so pretty, Mari!

  12. I love mini quilts! Those are wonderful!
    We had a similar flight of geese overhead the other day, heading the same direction. As it was starting to snow at the time (and we received a full foot of snow!), I could just hear the geese cussing out the leader: "See? We told you it was too early!!"

  13. Both of your minis are so colorful. You know I love the string one. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  14. The Drunkards Path is so simple and sweet. In spite of the movement it seem to have a peaceful quality. The string quilt has a nice old fashioned look with the floral border. Enjoy them both.


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