Friday, January 26, 2018

Frozen waves

Wow, that weather thing changes fast!  Earlier in the week it was quite nice, and now it's suddenly quite cold again.  It has been really up and down--50s one day and 20s the next.  Just enough to make people a little crazy and a little sick. This weekend will be cold and so will also be the first real test of our attic insulation project, so I really hope we did it right.  (We did. It's really hard to mess up!)  I always associate the cold with the color blue for some reason, so this week's finish fits right in with the temperatures.

Today I'm showing off another quilt that finally got finished after being in time-out in the closet two separate times:

That's a lot of blue!  I started this Ocean Waves variation a few years ago, and then got a little bored with all the repetition.  It was in the closet for a while, then finally made it to the finished top stage last year.  And now it's quilted! This is made from a pattern by Joan Ford in her book Scraps Plus One.  Mine is substantially smaller than the pattern, which is a bed size in the book.  My version finished up at just about 48 by 66.

I'm pretty happy that I finally pulled this one out of the closet and got it quilted!  It certainly wasn't doing anyone any good on the shelf.  This was expertly quilted by my friend Diane Minkley, who does amazing work and would be thrilled to help you out with your project.  This is quilted in an edge to edge pattern with light blue thread, which I was afraid would be a problem on the dark blue, but it isn't at all.

I'm pretty sure this little quilt has every blue I've ever had in it in some form or another.  Blue is not my favorite color and I don't really use it very much, but I'm trying to expand my horizons.  I do admit that the blue and white is quite striking, though.  I'm also glad that I decided to use the same fabric as the border for the binding.  I think it looks great that way.

The backing for this quilt is this odd blue and white print that I found on a clearance table somewhere.  It's mostly squiggles that sometimes look like letters or numbers, but not quite.  There's something interesting about it and I don't think it would look good cut up, plus I'm a real sucker for a good bargain.  It's a strange print, but it makes a great backing for this little quilt. 

So there's another one in the finished column!  The shelf of unfinished tops is getting smaller and smaller, which feels pretty good.  It's nice to see my work actually done and being used instead of folded up on a closet shelf.  I really envy the people who have the wherewithal to completely finish one quilt before they move on to another.  I get bored with a project and usually have to let it rest for a while before it gets finished. 

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!  I don't know what I'm doing yet, beyond cleaning the bathroom and shivering (two separate things!)  I also have a bunch of reading-type research I'm hoping to get to, so we'll see how it goes!

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finished or Not Friday, and crazymomquilts.


  1. Love the movement in this beauty. And what a nice job you did on so many points! Blue isn't my favorite, either, but I have a great-niece, 8 years old, who has to wear something blue every single day. I'm building my blue stash just for her. It's growing on me 🙂. This is a great example, so thanks for the inspiration!

  2. I have to say, that is a pretty quilt. I also have to say that blue is not really my favorite color either. I'm fussy about what type of blue, some are better than others. At any rate, it's a good finish and one more off the UFO stack! Yay!

  3. This is a beautiful quilt finish! I find that there is really no one color that I dislike if I can mix it with another color... or two... or six...! I admire blue and white quilts, or red and white quilts, that other quilters make, but in my own quilts I always need to combine colors. I've been working on a huge pineapple log cabin off and on for a couple of years now that is predominantly blues and greens, and I keep sneaking in bits of purple or red here and there in the scrappy prints, just to keep myself entertained. Congratulations on a beautiful finish, and here's to those quilt tops that are waiting in the wings!

  4. I love the blue quilt and the backing fabric and also your photos. My son is currently in North America (we live in the uk) and I made him a blue quilt. Sez he, why did you make a blue quilt when blue is a cold colour and it's so cold here? Sez I, what colour would you prefer your quilt to be? Sez he, Blue, it's my favourite colour! Case proven

  5. That's a great quilt and it deserved to get let out of time out, LOL Yes weather here is crazy too, 10" snow last Monday and today supposed to be 42 deg.

  6. That is a lot of blue, but it's very striking! I know what you mean about repetition, I get bored with that very easily. Your quilt was well worth finishing and I'm sure your glad it's finished and out of hiding!

  7. COngrats on the finish! It is beautfiul!!

  8. I have never made a quilt with two colors - I want to though. Some day.... I really like this and it is striking against the freezing snow. Really very pretty Mari. I am so glad you finished it up. just so gorgeous.

  9. Blue and white is such a classic combination, and this quilt is gorgeous in those colors! Very fresh and clean. Sounds like it marinated in your to-be-quilted pile for exactly the right amount of time :)

  10. Fabulous finish with a very interesting backing fabric!
    My quilts like to be aged in the time out closet also.... we don't like to rush into a finish :)

  11. I like this quilt. Lots of great blues in it. We are supposed to 'finish' a quilt project???? Oh no!!!!!

  12. Wow this looks terrific against the browns and greens of your yard! That backing is the coolest, and oh yeah I'm a sucker for a bargain too.

  13. Hi, Mari. Nice finish! Very pretty scrappy blues quilt. Love that backing print for it. You are so completely not alone in having to rest from given quilt projects. I've noticed that the majority of people who make only one at a time from start to finish almost exclusively make mini quilts.

  14. I'm really a blue fan. This quilt looks so fresh. It is the size I do for the Aussie Heroes. Very manageable.

  15. Congrats on another beautiful finish! Blue is my favorite color and I have lots of it in the stash. But I've found blues are hard to use with each other, you did a great job of selecting the fabrics for this quilt. It has to feel good to see the unfinished project pile shrink a bit.

  16. I'm not real big on blue myself, but this is stunning! And that backing is fascinating, and perfect with the front. Now remember, if you want to stay warm this weekend, that's what quilts are for. Really! Have a good one!

  17. Hooray! for clearance fabric in just the right color for your quilt.

  18. I am a blue bird and I LOVE your quilt! A great way of mixing the variety of a modern quilt with the pattern that is more traditional! Thank you for sharing!

  19. This is so beautiful, Mari. I am almost speechless :-) I like blue and all shades of it, except the dull grayish navy blue. But all your blues are bright and cheerful. All the points are sharp, the swirls are neat and the quilt is just perfect. The backing reminds me of an ancient script, like you were trying to send a secret message. Are we part of a secret society now, ahem? I recommend hot spicy curry to beat the weather blues...but shshhsh... don't tell anyone.

  20. This is really gorgeous! I love a blue and white quilt with lots of subtle shades of blue.


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