Saturday, January 27, 2018

Patchwork scrap stars

Hello scrappy friends! Today I am showing my latest RSC project, but I wanted to alert you that there is a small giveaway at the end of this post! 

A few weeks ago, which by total coincidence was the beginning of the new year, I decided that this is the year that I finally move out some of the scraps that have been hanging on here forever.  Some of them I have had for years and years and they haven't been used.  Many of them I can't believe I moved across the country, and some of them I just don't like any more.  So, to use up as many of those scrap bits as possible, this year I have three-- yes, three-- projects for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  There's the Squared Away quilt, of course, and the little 9-patches, and here is the third project:

Light blue is hard to photograph!

Patchwork scrap stars!  I"m sticking with that name, though I've seen these called a lot of different things.  I chose to make mine using 3-inch squares that I cut from the leftover hunks and chunks in the light blue scrap bin.  Some of the ones I've seen are 25-patches, but I've stuck with the 16-patch because those finish at 12 inches square, which is a really nice, easy size to fit into lots of different layouts.

Check out those happy yellow stars! I know most people use white for the stars, but I decided to go ahead and just use any contrasting scraps for the stars.  So at the end of the year I'll have a bunch of multicolored stars on the solid-ish 16-patches.  This quilt definitely won't look like any of the others!

I also managed to eke out a few more of the blue and the light neutral 4-1/2 inch 9-patches.

These go really fast and are super easy to make, which is probably why I managed to make about 25 of them in light blue, white neutral prints, and light beige neutrals.  And two grays, which still surprises me.

And now for the giveaway! Since I really want to clean out those scrap bins, at the end of each month this year I'll be giving away whatever is left in the bin.  That way I get an empty bin and someone else gets a new infusion of scraps! Here is what is in this month's giveaway:

Since I didn't have a lot of light blue to begin with, the pile was pathetically small, so I added in some of the whites and light neutrals, and also the grays.  Also included is a generous handful of both 2-inch squares and 1-1/2 inch squares (In those little bags).  I have no hope of fully cleaning out the bins full of those squares, but this will help spread the wealth around.

I feel that I have to warn you that these are generally hunks and chunks of fabric, mostly leftover from other projects.  There are no fat quarters here, but no tiny pieces either.  All told there is almost 2 pounds of fabric to be had.  I'd really like this to go to someone who will use it.  Some of it is several years old, but it deserves to be in a quilt and not stuck in a box.

To enter, just leave a comment letting me know that you'd like this fabric.  Really, that's all! (You can also leave a comment if you don't want it, just tell me to leave you out!) I would be thrilled to stuff this all into a flat-rate envelope and send it off to you.  I'll do a random number thing on Sunday night (January 28) and get the fabric sent right away.

Thanks everyone!  This giveaway is now closed!

That's it for today!  Hope you are having a lovely, relaxing Saturday and getting to the end of those light blue scraps!

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC18.


  1. Once again you are so generous, Mari... You know I'd love to use these up for you... Love your projects..

  2. Three projects, and using nearly all your scraps, that's a huge new year resolution ;) I love this star project by the way, and thank you for the giveaway!! I'm in of course! ;)

  3. Giving away your extra scraps is a fabulous idea. Love your stars! Definitely different from any others that I have seen. You are making great progress on taming your scraps this year.

  4. It would be fun to find a use for your scraps with mine. And I never have enough neutrals since I never think to buy them.

    Your projects look great. I am looking forward to watching them grow.

    Have a lovely day.

  5. I've your scrappy star blocks, what a fun way to use up some of those scraps. This year is the year of the UFO, next year will definitely be the year of the scraps. Since my pile is quite high as well, I'll pass on the give away. Those will definitely make some scrappy quilter very happy.

  6. I'm the one in our small group that everyone gives their scraps to. Just about the time I think about telling them no more, I find a donated scrap that makes a project pop. I'm a big fan of the RSChallenge. Love your Grandma quilt. Thanks for sharing!

  7. I know how generous you are, having received that fun box of solids, so you can leave me out of this giveaway. Sure hope others jump in, though. They are in for a treat. At some point, I need to purge my scraps too, but this year is my year for UFOs. Maybe next year will be scraps. (I'm loving the solids, using them very slowly and enjoying them immensely!)

  8. I love those star squares, I may make some. Thank you for your great give away.

  9. I love those yellow stars - really will make this quilt pop!

  10. I love the quilt block with the stars. I think I might make one of those myself. I don't want the scraps, but think it's a great way for you to get rid of them. Now the month you do red, those I can use! I have two scrappy red quilts going right now.

  11. I should be giving some of my scraps away, but you have some delightful ones there that I could use. Thanks for the giveaway.

  12. What a sweet giveaway!! I would love to win it! I am a total scrap addict. Your blocks are awesome. I may have to make some stars????????

  13. I have been using lots of scraps this last year but I am still working on scraps this year. Love the star blocks using your blue scraps.

  14. I'd love to have the scraps.

    Your yellow stars just glow--great work!

  15. I love scrap quilts! Can't pass them up at hard sales, so please put my name in the pot. Love the yellow and blue.

  16. We use scraps in our Quilts of Valor all the time!!

  17. I'm running out of light BLUE scraps for my current basket project. Would LOVE a scrap infusion!!

  18. Love the star blocks and cute little nine patches.

  19. I've always loved the blue, yellow and white combination. My stash of scraps need to be plumped up and I would really enjoy using your scraps.

  20. Leave me out:
    I LOVE that star block - what a fun idea!!! Its going on my bucket list!

  21. I just made a few plain old 16 patches from scraps. Hmmmm...I see I might have to add some stars to some of them to spice them up a bit.

    I think it would be fun to play with someone else's scraps...but I really don't know because I've only played in mine.

  22. I'd love to adopt your scraps and put them to use. This is such a nice giveaway and you are very generous to do this. I love scrap quilts. It always makes a quilt sparkle when you have lots of different fabrics in it.

  23. Well, my goodness, please put my name in the hat! Scraps are my life!
    I love your scrappy stars!

  24. Your projects are great. I would love your scraps. Grays and neutrals are just perfect forbthe project I am doing st this time.

  25. Mari, I love the blue and yellow combination and your scrap star blocks look great, this is an easy and beautiful block to make as RSC.
    Well, for sure I will love your scraps, if you don't mind sending them for an oversea country, please put my name in. Thank you!

  26. Love those scrappy stars! I'm tempted by the scraps, but since I'm about to leave the country at any moment, it doesn't make sense to have any more mail sent to me. I know someone else will make good use of them!

  27. Your star blocks are awesome. Your scraps would be very welcome in Oregon and thanks for your generosity. (I know it's cleaning out too, but still nice of you to make them available).

  28. Great scraps--would love to win some! Thanks for sharing!

  29. I just barely started quilting, so I haven't accumulated many scraps. Just what's left over from making clothing, and what other people have given me. This would be cool!

  30. I would love to use your scraps! I've been using so many scraps over the past few months my collection is getting very sparse. The yellow stars look really good on the pale blue backgrounds. It's a great block pattern, one I've used but I love your idea of contrasting the backgrounds with the star colour and creating a different pair of colours each month.

  31. Love your projects! Count me in for the scraps, they look amazing!

  32. I am glad that you are finding ways to turn your scraps into quilts. I am sure the person that won your scraps will be thrilled and hopefully you will be seeing them in some of their future quilts. :)

  33. Love those stars! I wanted to join in this month but the month disappeared on me...oh well! I might still catch up :) xx


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