Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Triangle stars progress

Hello all!  First, a *huge* thanks to all of you who sent kind words and thoughts for my brother in law, who had his kidney transplant on Friday.  He is doing great!  If you can believe it, he went home late on Monday, because apparently getting an organ replaced is no big deal now.  The donor actually stayed in the hospital less than 24 hours, too.  But everyone is doing great, and I appreciated all your kindnesses.

And now back to the quilting!  I am working on writing some things and doing some research-related work that is taking far more time than I thought it would.  The only quilty project I've been making any progress on is the triangle stars quilt:

You can see that I decided to put the blocks on point, which I think makes them really shine.  I'm not sure that the blocks will all stay where they are now, but I put them up on the design wall to measure my progress.  And don't they look all bright and happy up there?  I did already cut the setting triangles, too, which kind of gives me a look at the whole quilt.

Since I chose an on-point quilt, I need fewer blocks, only 32 for this size, about 57 by 71 without a border.  This means I get to leave out the darkest colors from the jelly roll and I have to make many fewer half-square triangles, which is good because these triangles are pretty much taking over my life.  There are so many! I cut the triangles for four blocks at a time, because the cutting can be pretty dull, and then just feed the triangles through the machine.  It's a good thing this method means very little trimming!

I haven't decided about a border yet, but I don't think I'll have one.  Since there is a lot of the strip left after cutting the hsts and other pieces, I was thinking of using the leftovers for a binding, but I'm afraid it will be too choppy.  Also, the leftovers are about 14 inches long, so that would be a lot of piecing.  I'll have to think on that for a bit more.

So there we are!  Write a little bit, sew a little bit--eventually they will all be done, right?  It is going to rain here for the rest of the week, and be really warm, so I'll be inside doing one or the other.  The weather may be crummy, but the hot, wet summer has given us these beauties, which I am having for supper:

Ah, the taste of summer!  Hope you're having a good week!

Sharing at Let's Bee Social, Confessions of a Fabric Addict, and Finished or Not Friday.


  1. Those blocks are so pretty and I like them on point! Will be fun to see what you decide on a border. Oh yum, those tomatoes are looking really delicious!

  2. Your blocks are beautiful and I love them on point!

  3. your tomato plant looks so great - mine did not turn out good this year :( I can't believe how fast people are released from the hospital now for organ transplants both the donor and the one receiving it. It almost seems too fast. Glad he is doing so well. I love the quilt it is so bright and colorful

  4. I have tomato envy along with loving your quilt in progress. I meant to plant tomatoes this year but just never got around to it. Funny how when my 5 boys were little, we usually had a garden. Now that they're all over 18, we have become lazy!

  5. So glad to hear that your BIL is doing well! A friend of mine had a kidney transplant, and it changed his life. So much energy and vitality now! I hope all the best for your family :)

    Meanwhile, those stars are looking great! The on point setting is really lovely.

  6. Can you separate the pretty color strips with longer neutral strips for you binding? It would add cohesion and make it seem less "choppy". A78mandel at yahoo dot com

  7. Good to hear your brother-in-law and his donor are doing well. The miracles of modern medicine! The triangle quilt is looking good. I like how the simple shapes end up looking lacy. I’m drooling over your tomatoes. Ours are slow, but we finally have a pink cheek on one.

  8. Bright and Happy, yes. They are almost dancing with joy!!! It must be the on-point setting that brings out their wild side :-p
    I recognize that white fabric with flowers - from Mook Fabrics. I almost starting dancing with joy when I saw the tomatoes. Then realized - oh not this time.

  9. I love the fabric you're using to make your triangle stars, Mari - almost a solid but not quite. Does that jelly roll have a name? The stars are going to make a wonderful design! So glad to hear the good news about your BIL!

  10. I do really think setting those blocks on pojnt was a brilliant choice. And those tomatoes look so luscious I want to reach into my computer screen and grab one to eat!

  11. The quilt progress is awesome. I love the idea of putting them on point. That has made me think about doing an on point layout for a BOM that I’m working on.


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