Saturday, July 28, 2018

Strawberries and tomatoes

(Anyone who is interested, there is a scrap giveaway at the end of this post!)

I have a confession to make about the color red-- I've long thought that I don't like red.  But I was wrong!  Turns out that I don't like most shades of red, but I do like the brighter, happier reds.  Think tomatoes and strawberries, not bricks and barns.  This realization has changed my entire approach to red.  And it only took more than 25 years of quilting!

With that in mind, I finished the blocks for my various RSC projects in happier reds this month.  Some of the darker shades did sneak in, but not too many. Let's start with the hollow 9-patches, because that's the prettiest picture I managed to take:

I only managed to get five 9-patches this time, since I had pathetically little red that I wanted to use.  This puts me a little behind, but I'm sure I'll make it up on the other colors.

I also made the patchwork scrap stars in red:

This time I used a pretty turquoise for one of the stars and a novelty print of crayons for the other.  I'm trying to use scraps of 15 different prints in each star, and to accomplish that I had to add in a few darker pieces, but I think they're pretty well hidden.  And yep, those are a couple squares of Christmas fabric.  Hey, they have red backgrounds!

The final RSC project I have is the galaxy stars.  These were really hard to photograph, probably because of the contrast between the red and the blue, and also because it was pretty overcast when I took these photos, so the light balance in this picture is a little weird:

I'm looking forward to this quilt!  I decided that I'll stop making blocks when I run out of the dark blue fabrics, so I really don't have very far to go.  My only real goal is to use those up.

I feel like I'm making decent progress, all things considered.  And it's the end of the month, so it's time for the monthly giveaway of what remains in my scrap bin, except this month there is a little extra:

I decided to get rid of all the reds that I don't like, so what you see here is about two pounds of fabric, much of it in fairly large pieces.  The large piece that the others are lying on is a full half-yard, and two of the pieces on the right are almost half yards.  On the left are some smaller pieces, including the leftover pieces from the Harry Potter quilt.  And, of course, a nice handful of precut 2-inch and 1-1/2 inch squares as well.

The giveaway is now closed!   Thanks to all!

Would you like to have this fabric to make whatever you please?  Yay, because I would like it gone!  I can only send it to the US or Canada, sadly, but if you would like to have it, all you have to do is leave a comment on this post.  Really!  As you know, the Squared Away quilt is rushing to the end, so just for fun, leave a comment with what you might like to see for next year's BOM quilt.  I'm starting to think about it, and I have a lot of ideas, but I'd like to hear yours!  I'll pick a winner randomly, using the random number generator thingy, on Monday evening, July 30th.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend, and that your red scraps are under control!

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC18.


  1. I know I can't be in the draw for this giveaway. Although I would love to win. I have spent today tracing a lot of Xmas stitcheries that will one day be put into a few quilts... preparation always takes a while. Anyway, I need to catch up on Squared Away and always love different ideas to SAL. I'll be watching the suggestions put forward. Keep up the great work.

  2. I would love to be entered! I have very mixed feelings about red, but I have been warming up to it and learning how to use it properly - in m6 humble opinion, with red moderation is key (unless you are making a “red” quilt.....

  3. I love red and am currently working on two red quilts! Totally up for more scraps! My best email is SarahsGiftNShip at gmail dot com

  4. I would love to win the red scraps can never have too many scraps in my opinion!...I have really enjoyed the squared away blocks. I like that they are are easy to get done while introducing new blocks.

  5. It would be pretty expensive I think to mail to Canada, but so kind of you to include us :)
    I am LOVING the sampler this year and appreciate that I can make it in mini size to use up the smallest scraps.
    It would be great if I could combine this year's blocks with next years!

  6. I do love reds because you can use it as a pop of color in quilts but I understand that the spectrum of reds is wide.
    I do love your patchwork star blocks. The turquoise star is great!

  7. Ha, funny. I've never been a big fan of bright red (I have to qualify that and say "in my quilting." I am writing this from a bright read dining area chair, and there are five bright red chairs on my front porch. Go figure.) I do like dark red. I tried to stay away from it as much as I could for RSC, though. I love your creative top photo. And that turquoise/red combo. You are going to have some fantastic quilts when you are done with this year's RSC.

  8. Love the red blocks Mari - Like you, I am not a huge fan of red but added to the rainbow of other colors it is pretty. Great blocks this month!! (No red fabric for me, thank you tho! My red scrap bin over flows.)

  9. Your red blocks are wonderful and your photography puts the rest of us to shame. I struggle with red a bit, too, but mostly because It’s hard for me to find good, useable reds (so, yes, please enter me in the drawing). Really, I only find them when I’m not specifically looking for them. As for the next BOM, I’m always game for classic blocks or twists on classics. I like blocks that can be completed in the 8-12” range (unless I’m using small scraps for a multi-year project). Really, anything except paper piecing is OK - it’s fun just to follow along, learning and discovering things along the way. And you’ve done an amazing job this year - thank you!

  10. On my bucket list is a red and white quilt - have been collecting as many reds as I can get - don't know what the pattern will be - am leaning towards an Irish chain type quilt - as that is also on my bucket list (two buckets in one quilt!). The reds that I do not use will more than likely end up in my friends stash - red it her all time go to color!

  11. Just the other day when I was perusing my stash to make a Christmas project, I was disappointed to find very little to choose from in the red pile. So, your red scraps would help me out and be put to great use! As far as a BOM idea, I've always loved pinwheel blocks and there are so many variations. I'd be interested in following that one!

  12. Although my scraps are overwhelming me, I find it hard to turn down the offer of red, my favorite color, scraps. Thanks for the chance.

  13. I have been saving red scraps for a quilt for myself .I made both kids one and they love them. We are moving and all my fabric and hobbies are packed up and in a locker. I am having serious withdrawal symptoms. Ha. The scraps would certainly make this move easier. My email Even if I don't get picked, I really enjoy your blog and all your work. Keep it up

  14. I liked that you did traditional 5 x 5 blocks. Maybe next year 7 x 7?

  15. SEW many wonderful blocks and a giveaway, too?! I'm not much of a "red person" myself, so an infusion would be appreciated.

  16. I love both all reds and your blog!

  17. I LOVE red of any shade and those Patchwork Stars are on my list!

  18. I love red!! All shades! But then I love most all colors, so color me anything! I have no clue on the future BOM, it's all been pretty so far.

  19. I would love to win your red scraps. It is my favorite cover and I use it in every quilt I make. I've been wanting to make a red and white quilt and your scraps would be really helpful.

  20. That should have been color not cover.

  21. I have really enjoyed doing the BOM this year - my very first one! I'd suggest stars, but I know you've done that before, so I'm tempted to just do it on my own later. Perhaps ... flowers? Stripes? Simple animals?

  22. I am in the process of moving. Once we are settled, I have to catch up on the squared away quilt. I have enjoyed doing it.

    1. we just settled on a house Trudy, it's all chaos over here! Good luck with your move

  23. I am having fun with the BOM this year. Love all your red blocks and the wonderful photos you show them off in. I used a bunch of my reds a couple of years ago making my apple quilt.... and found the dark/light and bright all worked really well together. My reds need some building up again..... I seem to gravitate to blue and green when I shop!

  24. Love things made out of half square triangles, there is so much you can do with them.

  25. Red would work in the riddle quilt I'd like to do: What's black and white and re(a)d all over?

  26. okay, my reply was dumped!
    I like all your cheerful happy red blocks. I'd love your red scraps, I like red so much I like all shades. I'm a greedy little scrap aholic. If my name is chosen, I'll paint my lips and fingernails with bright red to celebrate! LeeAnna

  27. I love red. It is always the first color that I run out of when I am scrap quilting. I would love some more. For a future BOM I would love a medallion style plan using a variety of blocks.

  28. I love any kind of star block, it's fun watching yours come together each month.

  29. Your red blocks are lovely (especially love the navy and red ones) Funny isn't it I love red, even the dull brick colour! Im in the UK which is a shame (not a shame I live in the UK of course lol) but a shame I can't be entered into your give away!

  30. I'm always thinking I should make a red and white quilt, and then I never do. Not sure why. I should've joined in on this year's BOM, and I'm regretting that. No suggestions for next year though. I'll just wait to see what you come up with!

  31. The brighter reds do make for a happier block. Nice to move out the bricks too though.

  32. I, too, seem to have an overabundance of darker, brickish reds and I'm not sure why. It may be that I use so many brighter, primary reds in my kids quilts that they get used up faster. No idea for future BOM, but you have such good tutorials, I look forward to whatever you choose. I do like the idea of a medallion quilt that someone else suggested, but making it fit the rainbow theme might be challenging.

  33. I am the opposite of you I like the blue reds and not the tomato reds. years ago I did not like orange but now I think my scrappy quilts needs some orange in it.

  34. Love your stars. I have found that red has grown on me. As a matter of fact, my girlfriend convinced me to start a Dear Jane with her and I'm making mine in scrappy red and white.

  35. Hiya, Mari!!! What lovely blocks. I always enjoy seeing a new post from you in my email. I kinda like all reds but don't have a lot in my stash or scraps (yet, lol). I'm not sure about the next year's BOM. I seem to be hung up on Rail Fence and Churn Dash blocks lately. I have a couple of WIPs with each of those going right now. Hope you're having a great weekend. Take care, hugs!!! Pam

  36. I know what you mean about only liking certain shades! I just discovered that about myself and pink. Baby pink? Hate it. Hot pink? Love it! Your blocks are looking fine in your carefully curated reds. I'm getting low on reds, so your scraps would be quite useful to me. Thanks for the chance to maybe win them :)

  37. I agree that red is a tricky color. It looks like you did a great job with it!

  38. Other peoples scraps are so much more fun than my own. I'm using scraps to make quilts for our County Attorney to give to crime victims. I love red almost as much as I love orange! Thanks for the chance to win!

  39. Your stars are fun to see. Red has never set too well with me until the last year when I've seen several red quilts that taught me a bit about putting the 'reds" together in the same quilt. I don't own many reds and the few I do are mostly primary color red.

  40. Please enter me in your drawing for red scraps. I do love your Hollow 9-Patch blocks and the Galaxy Stars. I’ve enjoyed Squared Away so much because it isn’t hard- it’s fun. ( unlike another BOM I’m plodding through. ) I think either of your blocks would be great for RSC 2019 OR my favorite Hole in the Barn Door ( Monkey Wrench). Thanks

  41. Mari, I love all the quilts you have in process with your scraps! (A Kindred Spirit!) My quilting friends don't understand how I have so many quilts in process, around 30 or so. It's partly planning, using up the fabric in various quilts (my Cut-Down Plan), partly long term bucket list quilts and partly !Squirrel! My non-quilting friends don't understand how I keep them all separate in my head. I explained, it's like a family reunion, you know Uncle Wonk from Aunt Carolina Chain. And that's how my wonky log cabin came to be named...

    I'd love your red scraps. Thanks for blogging!

  42. Love following along with what you're doing. I do like reds--I have a couple scrappy quilts in progress that use them and would love to add to my variety! I'm a star gal--would love to see another star quilt-a-long!

  43. I drive a red car and was wearing red sandals the last time we met. Remember the Ninja baby fabric that I recently acquired (ahem) was red too. I do love the darker shades of red, but I don't hate the muted ones. So here I go - throwing my hat in the ring :-)

  44. Beautiful red scrappy blocks. I'm not a fan of the brick and dirtier reds either, I like mine bright and clear.

  45. All three projects are lovely Mari! I love the first shot of them in the plant pot; think I did that with one of my City Sampler blocks for the 100days100blocks challenge about the same day! :-) I'm not a fan of red, not that I don't like it, it's just not a first-choice but wow I love it these days with turquoise!

  46. Red is my favorite color! Glad the giveaway is closed, since I don't really need any more fabric. Great blocks you made. Pink is the color I don't really like (and gray).


Thanks for your kind comments! I appreciate every one and will answer if I can. No-reply commenters, you are appreciated also!