Friday, August 3, 2018

A new summer project

Hi everyone!  It has been a busy week around here, with our customary heat and rain, and lots and lots of library time.  We were supposed to get the house power washed this week, but it didn't work out, so next week it is.  We did get rid of the wasps, though, so that's a good thing.  And I tried a couple of new recipes, plus made several loaves of lemon zucchini bread, which I sliced and froze so that I can have a piece every day for a while.

On the quilty front, first, some exciting news for me.  My quilt made of orphans and strings, called Misfit Toys, was accepted for the AQS quilt show in Virginia Beach!

I am so excited!  The very first thing my husband said was "we have to go,"  so I guess I'll even get to see it hanging.  I've never done anything like this before, so I'm a little freaked out. The closest I've ever some to having a quilt in a show is the "show and tell" portion of the quilt group I used to belong to.  Did I mention that I'm excited? 

The show isn't until October, so until then, it's back to the present. Now that it's August, I think I might want to start my "summer projects."  Yes, I thought I would get a lot more done this summer, but some things have not gone as planned.  Oh, well!  I've made a bunch of progress on some things, not so much on others, but have definitely not wasted my time.

My new "summer" project is a t-shirt quilt, a type of quilt I've never made before.  When my older daughter was in college and just after she finished, she worked for several political campaigns, all of which came with t-shirts and various other memorabilia.  When we moved, I asked her what she wanted done with them (because of course they were left behind at our house), and she said she wanted a quilt made from them.

Now that it's almost three years later, and I made her sister a Harry Potter quilt, I'm finally getting started on the project.  About time, right?  Yeah, she thinks so, too. First I cut up the t-shirts and rough cut around the motifs.  Mostly I just cut all the seams off and separated the shirts into what's essentially piles of fabric:

Now I have piles of what used to be sleeves, motifs, and then backs and fronts.  The next step is to fuse stabilizer to the backs of the motifs, then clean them up into more standard sizes.   It looks like most of them will be about 9 by 14 or so (these were big shirts.) Then I'll figure out the sashing and whatnot.  And just what I'll use for backing, too.  If anybody has any good suggestions, I'm open!

Cutting up the shirts was all I had time for this week, but it's a start! Hope everyone has a great weekend.  We are expecting heat and heavy rain.  Why try something different, right?

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Finished or Not Friday.


  1. Congrats on being accepted into the show! I had a quilt hang in an AQS show in Nashville once; it was part of a guild challenge. We didn't win, but I felt like a winner just getting to see my quilt hanging there! It's behind me in my picture.

  2. Congratulations on your quilt getting into the AQS show! How exciting! I'm working (slowly) on a t-shirt quilt for my daughter too. I'm not as far along as you are yet. I just started to cut them apart. Other projects are calling!

  3. How exciting for you.
    My friend here got her quilt accepted into the UK Birmingham Festival. She is travelling to the UK to see it hanging.

  4. Congrats on the quilt being accepted into the show and I am SO glad that you're going to go see it hanging there - it is worth the effort!!

  5. Congratulations!! How exciting for you to be in such a big show :)

  6. Congrats! on your show entry acceptance and good luck on the T-Quilt. I typically leave a bit more shirt around the designs to allow for shrinkage of the (lightest weight, fusible, NON-woven) interfacing. The time I cut first, fused, and THEN tried to sew didn't go well. I had to RE-cut EVERYTHING!! :o((

  7. Congratulations on having your quilt accepted! That's very fun. T-shirt quilts are really fun. I'm only made one, but it was a great make good use of some awesome T-shirts that didn't fit anymore.


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