Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Dreaming for next year

Hi everyone!  I don't know about you, but I am having a heck of a month!  It has just been one thing after another for weeks.  I'm happy to say, though, that I did get my grades done and turned in a whole hour before the deadline, so that's behind me for now.  I've done some Christmas shopping, but I haven't touched Christmas cards or Christmas baking yet, so I'm still behind on plenty of things.  Story of my life!  Really looking forward to taking some down time and recharging over the next few weeks.

Since 2018 is very close to wrapping up, it's time to do a little planning for 2019.  2019! Can you even believe it? It sounds like someone has been making up the calendar all wrong.  I already know it's going to be a good year because we are having at least one new grandchild, which will undoubtedly be the highlight of the year, and I know for sure there are a few other happy developments coming.

Last year at this time, I was feeling really stressed and made up my mind to have no goals for the year because this is not my job, but something I do only because I enjoy it.  I still feel like rigid goals are not for me, but I do have a few "fuzzy" goals and one big concrete one for the sewing room next year.

First up are the fuzzy goals.  These are things I want to make sometime next year, but I don't have a schedule or anything for them, or a pattern or anything much more than an idea:

An Easter dress worn by both my daughters.  Can I take scissors to it?  We'll see!

First, I want to make a memory quilt for myself from the baby clothes I saved from my kids.  I've saved a couple boxes of clothes for literally 30 years, and I've never known what to do with them, except that I knew I didn't want to get rid of them.  Now that I've made a T-shirt quilt, I'm ready to tackle those boxes and see what I can get from them.  The real test will be whether I can bring myself to cut them up, so I guess we'll see what happens.  If you've done this with your own baby things, I'm open to any suggestions!

Red and white

Another fuzzy goal is that I want to make either a blue and white or red and white quilt.  I always admire these and I haven't ever made one.  I only recently discovered that there are some reds that I really do like, so the shopping for this project might be the fun part-- or the frustrating part, depending on how it goes.

This big pile of neutrals is another goal for next year.  I really am over using beige as a background, so I need to use these up.  I'm thinking of an all-neutral quilt which is all about value, but I don't have a pattern or anything.  Just an idea that I think a quilt could be striking if I do it right.  That's the trick with all neutral quilts, though, isn't it?

My last fuzzy goal, which I might be able to combine with one of the other goals, is to make a real quilt for our bed.  What?  Yes, I do not have a pieced quilt on my bed.  It's all because we moved from a queen size to a king size bed and all of the quilts were queen sized.  There's a mishmash on the bed now, and while I like all the quilts, I really need to make one just for that bed.  Maybe the neutral quilt would be a good choice for that? 

Patterns coming for quilts like these!

So, those are my fuzzy goals, but I do have one pretty firm one, too.  Next year I'm planning to start a quilt pattern company and start selling patterns! I know, I left the biggest news for last!  I'll be officially introducing Academic Quilts sometime early next year, but for now I'll just tell you that I've got three patterns in progress and I'll be asking for pattern testers in January.  I'm very excited about this and really looking forward to it, and I hope you are too. 

So those are my plans for 2019, as general as they may be.  I didn't have goals for this year and it turned out pretty well, so I think 2019 will be a great year, too.  If nothing else, it will be messy and fun, with pretty and warm and colorful things.  And the fabric, lots and lots of luscious fabric!  May all of the cutting and stitching make 2019 our best year yet!

Sharing at Let's Bee Social and Yvonne's 2019 Planning Party.


  1. You will be a mess of emotions when you make that memory quilt - some good, some funny and some sad, maybe, as you handle each piece of clothing. Can you take scissors to all those cute baby clothes? That is the hardest part really. I am looking forward to Academic Quilts, a la Hermione and Harry Potter!!! I love messy and fun :-)
    I'd be happy to help you with the neutrals :-p
    Sending lots of love and best wishes for a Merry Christmas and a happy new year.
    P.S. My guild is doing a workshop in January. Take a look at the email I sent. It should address the red/white or blue/white thing on your mind.

  2. Definitely worthy goals. My mother used my clothing remnants in a Cathedral Window quilt. I am making Gypsy Wife in neutrals and am enjoying the challenge of making the many different block designs "obvious." Like you, a king quilt for my bed is in my plans.

  3. I love pattern testing and would be happy to test for you.

  4. Ooh - great goals. I bet the memory quilt will be lovely. It will be neat to see what you create with the pile of neutrals.

  5. This time of the year isn't known for calmness! It can be overwhelming and chaotic, but then in a blink of an eye it's over! Good luck with your backing and wrapping! I'm pretty sure you'll get that done with time to breath! Goals! I try not to have too many. Isn't it funny how as quilters we rarely make for ourself? Good luck with your bed quilt! This is the year it will happen!

  6. Awesome goals. The memory quilt will be so fun and meaningful. All of your goals sound wonderful. Piles of scraps do tend to multiply, don't they?

  7. Hi Mari! How exciting about your own patterns! From the picture you shared, they are lovely and colorful. That's what struck me about you making a quilt for your bed. You don't strike me as a neutral quilt person. I love neutrals - all shades of beige are fabulous, but I'm not sure a king size quilt would make you sing. Think about it! I never thought about goals being equated with a job, but they certainly are. Those red and white blocks you shared look fab - ooh, I would like that quilt. And I don't know how you could cut up that sweet dress, even if it is 30 years old. I seems like you need a friend to help you out with the actual cutting, but it will be so meaningful when it is complete. Merry Christmas to you and your family! Happy Happy Wednesday to you. ~smile~ Roseanne

  8. So many great ideas. I LOVE both red & white and blue & white quilts - maybe red is the favorite? Also love a pretty neutral quilt. I made a neutral patchwork with a red heart in the corner for my sister when she was dealing with breast cancer. The neutrals are really soothing to me - perfect for a bed quilt. I also don't have a quilt on our king size bed. I think I am going to make a whole cloth comforter using a wide back tho. I just need the batting.

    It wouldn't be difficult for me to cut into the baby clothes - I think it would be a fun project. Problem is I didn't save the baby clothes. The boys were hard on their clothes and the outfits were passed along between all three of them so really, quite worn out. Julia's clothes have always been passed along to my niece who had a baby a year after Julia was born. I guess I am not a 'saver'. Yours will be adorable of course.

    I wish you huge success with your pattern shop. It is going to be a great venture for you!!!

  9. Firm goals are not for everyone, and I'm glad you know yourself well enough to not over constrain your creativity. That being said, I'm thrilled you had a great 2018 and excited for what you have planned in 2019. Thank you so much for linking up with the Planning Party and I hope you have a wonderful year!

  10. Oh my dear - if you are "over" using beige as background neutrals, please don't torture yourself into using up what you have. Squash them into a big mailing envelope and send them my way. I have multiple projects for next year that require neutrals and I am not yet "over" using creams/beiges. Happy to help you resolve that goal so you can add something more pleasant to your list!

  11. It took me a few years to make a quilt for my bed. I am working on my second one now.
    I've got a redwork quilt queued up for 2019 too.

  12. Congratulations and best wishes on launching you new pattern company! How exciting!!

  13. Sounds like a great year ahead. Can't wait to see what you do.

  14. I don't have a quilt on my bed either. I bought a temporary comforter until I get one made (maybe this year?) and I've found the comforter works really well as a photo backdrop -LOL. Years ago, Thimbleberries had a pattern for a neutral bed quilt; the idea was to use neutrals for the quilt and then accent the bed with a bed runner or another quilt laid over the foot of the bed (hope that makes sense). Anyway, I think you could go with a neutral and have some fun with accent colors by way of pillows or whatnot. Congratulations on the launch of the pattern company! That's pretty exciting! I'd love to test for you, if you'd like me to. I hope you and your family enjoy a happy and peaceful Christmas and New Year's!

  15. I'll be looking forward to those nice mathematically accurate patterns. =) Best of luck with your fuzzy goals.

  16. Wow, you saved the best for last. Good luck with the pattern company! That will make for an exciting year. I like you idea of fuzzy goals, as you say, quilting isn't our jobs. Are you worried that by starting the pattern company, the quilting will start to feel like one? Have a wonderful holiday season. Sounds like you've already got lots to celebrate.

  17. Messy, fun, warm, colorful, pretty? That sounds like a wonderful set of goals to me! :)

  18. Oh, my, I'm holding my breath. Will she cut into that clothing or won't she? I'm sure that first cut will give you pause. But the older I get, the more I think about what the next generation will do with my stuff. So I'm thinking your kids would love quilts made from their clothing rather than sorting through a box someday wondering what to do with it. Does that make sense? Anyway, I'm looking forward to seeing what you will do. I'm also to eager to see how your fuzzy goals work out. Oh wow, a pattern company. It makes perfect sense with all the designing you have been doing for quilters the last few years. Congrats on your new venture. Mari!

  19. I’m glad 2018 has been a successful year for you. I certainly enjoyed being a part of your stitch along this year. Good luck with your “fuzzy goals” and I’m sure your pattern company will be a great success.


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