Friday, December 21, 2018

Two of a kind

Hi all! So, has everyone out there finished shopping, baking, and mailing?  Ha, ha-- I'm making myself laugh!  Is it ever finished?  At least this year I'm having a little more fun with it than I usually do and trying hard not to get stressed.  Hard to maintain that attitude in the grocery store, but I'm trying!

Today I'm showing off my last finishes for 2018.  After this, I'm closing the door to the sewing room so I don't see the mess in there and just enjoying the next couple of weeks.  I wasn't going to post this until after the holiday, but then I remembered that babies don't read blogs, so:

Ta-da!  These are the two quilts I made for my twin grandchildren for Christmas.  They didn't get quilts when they were born, so they are getting them for Christmas.  Don't worry, their older brother has plenty of quilts!  He's not being left out at all.

Both of these quilts are made of leftover pieced blocks alternated with large blocks of happy fabrics.  Let's look at the pink one first:

I love this quilt so much that if it weren't for my granddaughter I'd be tempted to keep it myself!  The pieced blocks were in the closet, and six of them were in a small top, with two other blocks pieced and parts that looked like they were just shy of another block.  I was confused, but I was able to look back to 2014 (!!!) when I made the top and discover that I'd need to piece together the remaining fabrics to make the remaining pieces for the last block.  Do that, or take the eight finished blocks and make them into a quilt for a tiny girl?  Hand me the seam ripper, because we're repurposing!  Easy choice!

I love the blue quilt, too! This quilt uses the remaining 15-inch blocks from the Squared Away project.  I had eight, which was just enough, and alternated them with a fun animal print.  I think they look great together and will be just right for a small boy. And I'm really fond of that turquoise binding, too.  The pink quilt is quilted with wavy lines, and this one is quilted in a cross-hatch that turned out smaller than expected, but is still cozy.

Much like the twins themselves, the backings for these quilts coordinate, but do not "match:"

Aren't those fun?  These are from the Modern Tykes line in two different colorways.  I think they're perfect!  The quilts finished in pretty good sizes-- the blue quilt is about 60 by 75, and the pink quilt is slightly bigger at 64 by 79.  This is just because the pink blocks were 16 inches and the blue ones were 15 inches.  They're equal in cuteness, though!

This Christmas my daughter in law asked for personalized gifts, especially for the twins, so these quilts include their names.  That's why I can't hang and show the whole thing-- I have to keep the tops folded over.  I can show you one or two letters, though:

Their names are in 6-inch letters and are appliqued on with a small zigzag.  I wanted to be sure that they wouldn't come off, so the zigzag goes through all layers, and I quilted over the letters, too. That should stand up to toddlers, don't you think?

These are wrapped and under my son's Christmas tree, and I can't wait to see them again on Christmas morning with some tiny humans chewing on them and dragging them around. 

And with that, the sewing room is closed for the year!  There will be a year in review post next week, but otherwise I will see everyone in 2019. I hope everyone has a very merry Christmas, or a happy holiday if you celebrate something else, and a chance for some rest and relaxation.  Have some cookies and some wine and just be with the people you love.  May your days be merry and bright!  See you next year!

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Let's Bee Social.


  1. Lovely use of the repurposed blocks, but I especially love the whimsical fabric you used in between. Great idea with the letters!

  2. Great quilts for the twin...they will be loved to pieces!! Great way to re-purpose those extra blocks. Have a blessed Christmas with those you hold dear!

  3. I recognized some of the blocks in the blue quilt. What fun gifts for the twins. They are sure to be dragged all over and well loved after that. The Scientist in Training discovered wine and cookies last Friday after she finished finals (not much better than Grandma's sugar cookies). I've promised we'll have a bit more of each for the holiday. Have a very happy holiday!

  4. The quilts are wonderful!

    Have a very Merry Christmas holiday!

  5. Two very cute quilts that I'm sure will be used and loved! My mother made each grandchild a quilt when they turned two. Someday maybe I'll have the privilege of carrying on that tradition! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours!

  6. Hi Mari! Oh gosh, that Christmas morning gig sounds just fabulous to me!! Two tiny humans chewing on those cute and adorable quilts?!! Does it get any better?? And so much love sewn into these quilts - they look they are nice and squishy soft. I hope you enjoy the holidays and I wish a Merry Christmas to you and your family! ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. Delightful finishes and a good way to use leftover blocks. I have a couple of projects with blocks finished but not constructed. I should think about ways to use them up and get them out of here. Enjoy your holiday celebrations with the kiddos. Merry Christmas.

  8. They are magnificent, Mari, and will be truly loved for many years! Just the right sizes to last and last and last. I found this post to be very inspirational. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and all your family. XO

  9. Good job recycling those old blocks! I like how you made each of the twins' quilts coordinating but unique. Merry Christmas!

  10. These are just PERFECT! Practically already finished blocks used to make fun, happy quilts for brand new babies? Just the best Christmas gift ever. Love the appliqued names, too :)

  11. Beautiful last finishes of the year! I love the bird backing, so cute!

  12. Wonderful quilts Mari. It was funny, I was browsing the link up at Can I Get a Whoop Whoop and even tho your name was not posted under the picture, I knew you made these!! They are you! I love the larger size for the toddlers - they will last longer that way. Love that they have their names on them too. Perfect finishes for the end of 2018. Have a joyous holiday season!!

  13. These are both wonderful quilts, Mari! So perfect for your twin grandbabies! I like the happy fabric you used for the alternate blocks, and the backing fabrics are adorable. I'm sure your family will love these quilts and get lots of use out of them!

  14. Two wonderful quilts for two lucky little ones. And I'm impressed that you can close the door on the sewing room for that long - I get cranky if I don't get at least a few minutes to fondle fabrics or tidy or stitch every day or so. Enjoy your time off and have a wonderful holiday.

  15. The twin quilts were a PERFECT way to use up some leftover blocks!! Personalizing them made your gifts even more special. Enjoy the holidays (and your sewing break, too!)

  16. Mari they are perfect! and how sweet to personalize them!! Perfect gifts - but you better be careful - babies are so much smarter these days.... they may read your blog already - ha ha ha ha!! Love it!

  17. Sweet, sweet quilts! They are going to love having their own personalized quilts--and they'll learn those letters faster than you can believe to point them out to you. In the meantime, I'm sure they'll have fun chewing on them and dragging them around. Have a wonderful Christmas and a Quilty New Year, Mari!

  18. Merry Christmas! Two great finishes to round out the year. I'm guessing that they will be well loved.

  19. I sure love your quilts! What lucky kiddos. I also love the way you used your orphan blocks. They look like they were made especially for the quilts. Have a fun two weeks off!


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