Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Next quilt in line

Hi everyone! It was 67 degrees today.  I think I have whiplash! Not to worry, though, because I understand it's going to be plenty cold again soon enough.

Since I finished off one of my piecing UFOs this past week (pictures to come Friday), I pulled another one out of the closet to finish it off.  If I keep doing this, eventually I'll get to the end of the UFOs, right? Here are the blocks I've pulled out:

These are the patchwork scrap stars that I made as part of last year's rainbow scrap challenge.  Somehow I always love making the blocks but then have a hard time putting these into tops. This is probably because the RSC ends just before the holidays, so the blocks are done but there's no time for stitching them together.  In this case, I have this quilt earmarked for a friend, so now I feel bad about not getting it together sooner.

Anyway, I like these blocks but I'm not sure how to set them.  I also know that I need to make two more blocks, but I'm not sure which colors to use.  Right now I'm thinking orange and maybe red, but I could change my mind.  I also think I'm going to take out the one block that I made from the novelty fabrics.  It's just too busy and distracting.

Here is the fabric I have for the sashing:

I like the dots, but I'm probably going to have to put some kind of a frame or border on the blocks to separate them from the sashing.  What color do you think?  I was thinking a plain solid white, but I don't want to tone it down too much.  The friend who gets this quilt definitely likes wild.

Here's an old book that I've been looking through for some setting options:

So many of these older books are great because they're about techniques and not just about patterns. Not that there's anything wrong with patterns! But you know what I mean.

So I guess I'll be playing with setting options and the like for a little while, at least once it starts to rain again.  The weather right now is way too nice for February, so I need to go walk a couple miles while it lasts.  And hey--I noticed yesterday that the days are definitely getting longer! It wasn't dark at 4:30! Yay! Spring is definitely on the way.

Sharing at Let's Bee Social and soscrappy for RSC19.


  1. I would make a darker blue and darker gree block. This setting of Cynthia's looks good.
    Use the spots as backing and binding

  2. I agree with Jo...a darker blue, and perhaps a dark green and another yellow? I also think the spots are the block that you want to remove.

    Overall, I really like these blocks! :)

  3. yes it is so nice seeing that it is still light outside for awhile although it is lighter here than where you are - in Arkansas it is light still at about 5:40

  4. Hi Mari! Really nice quilt - your friend is going to love it. I'm wondering if you could add too darker blue to navy blocks? Have you taken a photo of the blocks as far as their values go - like a b/w photo? That may help you make up your mind as well, and help lead you in block placement. What about a yellow frame before the dots? We wee supposed to have an icy rain this morning but thankfully it was too warm! Woot woot. I'll take it as long as we don't have to go back to the polar vortex. ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. I adore the penguin playing peek-a-boo! If this were my quilt, I'd be tempted to put his block in the center of an Ohio star block, use a black or navy fabric for the star points, and then fill in around the points with the rainbow blocks. That would require either piecing some partial blocks or slicing up some existing ones, but I think it might make a really fun quilt. However you proceed, it'll be fabulous because those are great-looking blocks.

  6. What are you talking? That little penguin baby stole my heart :-)
    Setting solutions - sounds like something you'd use for souffle or jello :-D
    RSC and me - well I am definitely flirting with it. Too new to share with the blogland but soon, I promise.

  7. I think that aqua might make a nice border between the blocks and the dot border

  8. Sharyn Craig was one of my early quilting heroes. I loved her column in "Traditional Quilting" magazine. I have this book and took a class with her at Asilomar. The good old days!

  9. I also like aqua for sashing. Oh the UFOs, After spending 2018 quilting many, there are a few more to go yet. Well there are worse things, right? We are also having unusually warm weather. The winter cold is coming here soon as well.

  10. Oh, don't take that cute penguin out! I love the snap of "different" that block adds overall.
    Since your friend likes color (as do I), and probably contrast, how about a black and white print for the sashing? Tiny print, mostly black; it might really set off each block. Even a small B & W stripe, or crosshatch maybe.

  11. I have the book, "Setting Solutions," too and also find myself thumbing through it at least once a year. Looking forward to seeing how you work through to the final design.

  12. I have the same problem with settings- The rainbow blocks are really a great block

  13. I love those star blocks! Glad you're working on them next, so we can see what happens with it. That looks like a very helpful book!

  14. I really like your blocks too! If you want a warmer and more vibrant looking quilt then do more orange and red. If you want to cool things down then I think green and blue.

  15. Love all the blocks. Have you considered sashing and cornerstones? But at end of the sashing doing a flying geese to turn the cornerstone into a star?

  16. Love your star blocks... makes me think I need to make some of these this year....

  17. I like wild and would probably put them together without sashing unless it was a size consideration.

    Otherwise I'd make bright blue and/or bright green blocks and maybe frame blocks with red and sash with that polka dot. Yeah, I like wild!!!

  18. I immediately thought orange and another red but you would need to jiggle the blocks around a bit to spread the colours through the quilt.
    If you're not happy with the block containing novelty fabrics I should change it, otherwise you'll probably always have a niggle at the back of your mind about it? The blocks are great, I love this design and have used it myself. A great RSC project, enjoy putting it together.

  19. I rememebr those blocks!!! I love them too!
    can't wait to see the finish!!


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