Saturday, February 2, 2019

Tiny little blocks

Hi everyone, and happy Saturday! Well folks, it's February already.  I just don't know how that happens.  It feels to me like we just started 2019 and here we're already 8% done with it.  Pretty sure I would feel a lot better about it if it was warm and sunny, though!  Although I can't complain-- as you are reading this, I am snuggling with my new granddaughter, so it would be difficult to be happier!

For the RSC this year, I already have several projects, and I've decided to add one more and jump in on the Tiny Tuesday sampler.  The blocks are just so cute who could resist?  Most of them make up pretty quickly, too.  So here is the start of my tiny sampler:

The weather has been disgusting, like everywhere else right now, but I took the blocks out on the deck and took pictures while it was snowing.  I had no choice because I tried to get pictures inside and they just did not turn out.  Indoor pictures look okay if I take them when the sun is out, but it's been gray and gross, so there was no way they were going to look good.   I did manage to shield the camera so you can't see the snowflakes falling, though.

I don't have a ton of red fabric or leftovers, so I substituted some grays and a couple of coral pieces.  I just love that little gray cat, and I don't really like gray. The block farthest to the left was not on Angela's sampler patterns, but I didn't want a plain string block.  This is just a square in a square block which was super easy.  I did get some strings in a different one of the blocks, though:

I made the red heart in strings, all of which came from friends, and I think it turned out great.  See what I mean about the icky indoor pictures?

The only other RSC thing I've gotten the chance to do is add the yellow round to the Boston Common quilt:

I'm so glad that I added a round of white between the red and the yellow.  Those two would really have vibrated next to each other, wouldn't they?  This round went really fast because I've got all those squares already cut and in the bin.  Plenty of yellow ones left, too, because I love yellow. I do like all the different squares.  They're going to give this quilt a lot of character.

That's pretty much it! I haven't had a lot of time to play with the yellow, but there's a bunch of month left.  Hope you're enjoying the weekend and warming up.  The weather people say that it's going to be in the 50s again this week.  I'm skeptical, but hopeful!

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC19.


  1. Congratulations on the new grand baby. That must be so exciting! Love your Tiny Tuesday additions. It is a beautiful collection so far. Looking forward to adding some yellow to the group this month.

  2. I love your yellows in Boston Commons. Yellows are going to be difficult for me, I used lots in En Provence 3 years ago, and have not bought any new yellow! We will see what I can "scrounge"!

  3. adding color to a dreary winter is great! I didn't get a jump on yellow as fast as you did nor join in Tiny Tuesday but I will get busy on my yellow blocks this month

  4. I can't think of a better way to spend a winter day than to hold a tiny lovable furnace. Have fun snuggling! Love your tiny blocks--you should recommend the first one to Angela for a Tiny Tuesday post.

  5. Congratulations on your new grandbaby! I love your Tiny Tuesday blocks - I am finding them so quick and fun to sew up. The yellow round on Boston Common is lovely!

  6. Baby cuddles!! Yay for you. Enjoy.
    We were in the high 50's all week and Monday we are supposed to get snow. What?? I will believe it when I see it. ;-)

  7. Congrats on a sweet new grandbaby. Cuddling an infant is one of the most heartwarming experiences I can imagine. Your Boston Commons quilt is coming along beautifully. Are those 3-or 4-inch squares? I love that you’re doing a straight set and following along with the RSC colors.

  8. Enjoy the baby time! Great tiny blocks--I love the grey with the reds.

  9. congrats on a new grandbaby- aren't they just the best!? i really like your boston commons, too. i'm looking forward to seeing that progress!


  10. Congratulations on new Grand 🎉🎉🎉

    Where can I find more info on tiny Tuesday??

  11. Welcome to the new edition! Your Boston Commons quilt is such a good idea. Seems like a really manageable way to have a completed top at the end of the year. May have to give it a try, too!

  12. Oh, I'm jealous you have a new grand to cuddle! Congrats to you and yours. I think I'll have to wait now for great grands because I think the grand round is finished.

    No outside photos for me. We had a record setting -33 plus record setting amount of snow for January. Good thing I have a few quilts!

  13. All pretty blocks. Actually, coral is the 2019 Color of the Year at Pantone. 'Seeing it in many stores and fabrics already. I love the Boston Common quilt. Yes, our weather has also not been photo-friendly at all lately. My indoors photos are not very good quality.

  14. I love that you made your heart block with strings. So clever!


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