Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Block updates

Hi everyone!  First, thanks so much to everyone who had kind words about my brother's house fire.  They are all fine and we are all grateful that things have gone as well as they can in the aftermath.  I really appreciate your thoughts, your kind words, and your prayers. And yes, I did make my own video, and I also put a smoke alarm in my attic.  Can't be too careful!

This week is spring break, and I have three quilts basted and ready to quilt up! Yay me! But you know I couldn't leave the piecing aside, right?  So I've also been making some random blocks to add to projects that are already in progress, just whatever I feel like making at the moment.  The first ones to show today are these:

These are all the blocks I currently have for the old and new sampler I'm making. I just love sampler quilts, don't you?  Making copy after copy of the same block can get dull, but samplers give you something different to make every time.  Since I have no schedule for this, I only have nine blocks so far:

These are 6-inch blocks, and most of the ones I've made so far are the Tula Pink blocks. These ones have been really fast, but some of the others I've chosen have more pieces and will take more time.

I also made the first green block for the Tiny Tuesday sampler at soscrappy:

This block is called Multiply and was designed by Jo.  You can find the block instructions HERE.

I also did a few more of the Sunny Lanes blocks:

I've cut a bunch of green and white squares to make the hsts when I feel like it, and I've got a small tub full of hsts now, so whenever I finish enough 4 patches I can make up a block.  I'm thinking of putting them all together into a top as I go, too.  Is there a downside to this? It's all scrappy, so it's not like the colors would have to be balanced or anything.

I've also caught up on my temperature quilt:

As you can see, it's been pretty chilly! The blues are 20s and 30s, and the purples and grays are below that.  I'm really looking forward to adding in some more yellows and greens very soon!

Finally, I pulled out this panel this week and hung it up to think hard about it.

I know it's not really blocks, but if I cut it apart and added in some alternate blocks, I bet it would make a nice comfort quilt for Hands to Help.  What would you do with it?  Here's a closeup of the design:

I'll look at it and think about it while I'm quilting up these quilts.  Maybe I'll get to open the windows while I'm quilting? I can dream!

Hope you're all having a good week.  As of today, spring is officially only seven days away!

Sharing at Let's Bee Social.


  1. That's a lot of little projects! And you managed to make your TT block look so BIG. I think that panel will make a beautiful comfort quilt, even with something as simple as sashing.

  2. that is a great idea about a video on your house for what you have in it.

  3. So many pretty projects going on Mari. The temperature project is so pretty right now with those colors and I love the tiny pieced blocks tucked in there. All of the piecing you are doing!! Love the colors with the Tula Pink blocks - some of the fabrics look very familiar to me! ;-)

    As for the panel - I like the idea of cutting it apart. Maybe a very basic block in between. Just a four patch? It could be scrappy with tans, lots of the burgundy or red and a few pops of the dark green. It will be very pretty.

    Enjoy your break - it is well deserved!! Hope you have a sunny afternoon. I love opening the windows as soon as I can. Even if it is still a little chilly out. I want that fresh air in the house.

  4. Happy Spring Break! Looks like you're going to get a lot done. I enjoyed the peek at all of your projects - I especially like the Sunny Lanes blocks!

  5. I do love sampler quilts... love making them and enjoy seeing them!

  6. Love those sampler blocks, such pretty fabrics. Your other scrappy projects are really fun too. Hope you've been able to stitch through your spring break and did get a chance to open the windows.

  7. I don't recall seeing your Temperature Quilt before now. Yours appears to be SEW different than the others I've seen. I really like it!!


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