Saturday, March 16, 2019

Spring greens

Hi everyone, and happy Saturday! Well, I had big plans for this week, but it didn't quite work out like I expected.  We had a turn in the weather and I was lured outside for a bit, and then I actually did some yard work! Mostly it was picking up sticks (where do they all come from?) and raking some leaves, but it felt *great.*  Then when I came inside I looked around and realized that the house needed some serious cleaning, so I opened the windows and scrubbed some baseboards and touched up some paint.  Do you ever get that feeling in the spring? It definitely feels much cleaner and nicer now.

All of this meant that I did not finish quilting a quilt this week, and in fact I only finished the green Cut Glass Dish blocks:

If you recall, these blocks are one of my projects for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge this year.  I love how they look, especially the zippy green one on the left.  Next month I promise to take a picture of all the blocks I've made so far because all of the colors look great together.

And that was it!  I did one other thing using green fabric, though it isn't as much a scrap project as a "using things up" project.  I made some test blocks to use as alternate blocks for a panel I cut apart:

These are actually simple hourglass blocks, using a dark green print and a beige print.  I'm going back and forth on whether the green is too dark or not, and also whether the green print is too busy.  I have just enough of the green to make the alternate blocks, and then I thought about using a small beige border and maybe a red binding.  I actually might have another little bit of dark green for a binding if I like that better.  This would use up the panel, the dark green, the beige, and maybe another bit of dark green or red.  Plus it makes a nice comfort quilt to donate, too!

That's all for my green projects this week, but there is one more green thing to share:

Daffodil shoots!  This makes me so happy.  Spring will really be coming soon!

Hope everyone has a great weekend! The temperatures will be falling again, but I plan to enjoy it while it lasts!

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC19.


  1. I agree on the green+ beige that a touch,just a touch of red is needed somewhere, maybe even a very thin boarder strip prior to the larger border?

  2. I really have to get out in the yard this week and pick up branches and sticks we had so many fall out of the trees this winter that had been dead I was walking in the yard yesterday and kept coming across more of them I have a feeling I could fill the wheelbarrow 5 times or more (large yard)

  3. Your daffodils are a welcome sight. I really like your blocks in green

  4. Daffodil sprouts are the very best kind of green to see in March! Mine are only about an inch tall, but they're coming up. Your green blocks are beautiful, too - I like that block design!

  5. how exciting to see daffodil shoots!! I'm envious, all I see is ice, snow and rocks. You got outside so you must have had a small break in the rain! Yea! The sticks blow in from Colorado, I was surprised to see actual tumbleweeds roll by in our neighborhood! We got the scariest storm I've been in, but poor the East coast and all the rain you've had. My MD friends are flooded so much they're worried about foundations. Hope you're well and happy my friend.

  6. Those blocks are lovely, and I can imagine how much work they are with all those HSTs. You did a beautiful job! We’ve got daffodil sprouts, too, so I completely relate to your joy!

  7. Love those blocks and can just imagine how pretty they will be with the other rainbow colors. No daffodils around here yet, but we are optimistic that some of our snow pack will melt this week.

  8. Daffs!!! You're absolutely right - they are the very best green!
    I'm looking forward to seeing all your cut glass dishes together. It's a fabulous block!

  9. Enjoy that Spring GREEN sewing AND those sprouting greens, too!!

  10. I really like your dark green fabric, and your other blocks are lovely. Your triangles look so precise.

  11. I get what you are saying! This afternoon I was raking and sweeping junk off of the deck. It felt good to be out there. And, yes - where did all the sticks come from. Piles of them!! Tomorrow I will likely do more of the same. It is so pretty out right now.

    I like the dark green hourglass blocks. I think they look great with the panel you cut apart.

    Enjoy the daffodils. First flowers of the season!

  12. Those Cut Glass Dishes are gorgeous. What size are they? I made a six inch one long ago for a Farmer's Wife Sampler but that was before I knew how to make nice HSTs. Now I love blocks with lots of HSTs.

    We have lots of sticks in the yard too from last high winds. And we woke to snow on the ground this a.m. after 60 degrees a few days ago. But I took a walkabout when it was 60 and see about an inch of daffodils sticking out of the ground. I'm thankful that's one thing the deer don't bother.

    And I like what you've done with that panel. I think I have one similar to it that someone gave me a while back. I think I threw it in the Christmas box. I'm keeping your idea in mind.

  13. ST Patricks weekend, a good week to be green! It is great to see the green shoots coming up in the gardens

  14. I like the darker green, it makes a very nice frame for the blocks. Hope you've been able to get some good stitching time in now that the house is all fresh and clean.

  15. So many triangles and so many points. You are amazing :-)
    Love the greens in fabric and outside temperatures are just getting to perfect.


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