Friday, March 22, 2019

Finished paneling

Hi everyone, and welcome to another weekend! I don't know about you, but I sure could use it.  It's been a very busy week around here.  Lots and lots going on behind the scenes!  Nothing quilt-related, just family and work stuff, and some of it not fun, but it certainly kept me running. Thankfully, I did have a major distraction that turned into this week's finished quilt top.  It's nice when that happens, isn't it?

Do you ever get a project in your head and for some reason it just captures your imagination and you just have to work on it, even when you have much more pressing things to do?  That's what happened to me with this project.  Sandra over at mmmquilts calls these projects "squirrels" that cause Dreami moments-- when you just have to drop everything and make it.  (You can find out more at Sandra's blog HERE.) Here is my squirrel:

Yay, a finished quilt top! This top started out as a panel that I pulled out to make into a donation quilt.  I had some yardage from the same line of fabric and now I've used up the panel, the coordinating yardage, a small brown piece, and some beige that's in the hourglass blocks.  Let's hear it for moving out old fabrics and making room for some new stuff!

This quilt looks so simple, and it is, but I'll tell you-- I could not stop thinking about it all week.  I even doodled some block layouts and alternate blocks when I should not have been doodling.  Then I went into the sewing room and tried a bunch of things.  Given the way it turned out, I think that was okay, but it was a little weird that it was taking up so much mental space. In the end it went together pretty easily.  You save a lot of time if you're not piecing blocks!

I cut the panel into 9-1/2 inch blocks, then added 1-inch red frames that finished at just a half inch around each of those.  The alternate blocks are simple hourglass blocks that are turned every row to make faux frames for the panel blocks.  Each of the blocks finishes at 10 inches, and the top is about 58 by 68. I had just enough of the green in the hourglass blocks to squeak those out, and I also used up all but about an 8 inch strip of the red border.  I divided the length of red I had to determine the width of the final border, so it ended up at about 3 inches wide, which feels a little narrow to me, but it did use up that red fabric.

In case you haven't noticed, we are stuck with indoor pictures.  This week was mostly sunny and warmish, and then I went to take pictures. Yeah, it rained and rained. I was going to brave it when it was only drizzling, but the ground was really saturated.  It's very wet out there! The indoor pictures didn't turn out toooo badly, but maybe I can get some outside on Friday and replace these. UPDATED TO ADD-- I did get some new pictures and have replaced some of them. Still very squishy outside!

Now that it's out of my head, this quilt is destined for donation to Mercy Hospital through Hands to Help. I was hoping that this would be fairly gender neutral, and looking at it now I'm not so sure.  It's feels pretty woodsy, but there are a lot of flowers in it. Perhaps I'll have to try again with another quilt. I don't have one in my head yet, but I'm pretty sure if I look around I'll find a few doodled ideas!

Finally, here's a picture that I took on campus on one of our sunny days this week:

Tulips blooming! Doesn't that just make your heart sing?

Hope everyone has a good weekend filled with signs of spring! I have lots on the agenda, including a date with some lemon bars and maybe a bit of painting.  If it rains, I guess I'm stuck with just the lemon bars, so I'm not sure whether I'm hoping for rain or not!

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finished or Not Friday, Brag about Your Beauties, and probably Sandra's Dreami link party.


  1. What a great finish, even if you had to give it some thought. I have a set of paneled pieces that I haven't done anything with yet. Now you've given me ideas. Sorry about all the rain. We have so much snow melt here, our river is just about to overflow, so there's sandbagging going on, etc. Our house isn't in the flood area, but we do have a creek that has well overflown its banks. Enjoy your weekend and those lemon bars!

  2. Someone is going to love this quilt! Great way to use the panel!

  3. Nicely done! I have a Christmas panel that might just be perfect for your design. But first I'll need to find it in the stash. So the squirrel will be kept at bay for the time being.

  4. Hi again Mari! Ohhhhh, that tulip blooming. Yes, Spring has sprung. We're not even to the April showers part for May flowers, so we have that to look forward to. Your quilt does look like it would be okay for a man as far as the colors go. I am trying to decide which pattern to make for a Mercyful quilt ourselves. Enjoy your weekend. ~smile~ Roseanne

  5. Yay for tulips! I'm ready to see some, too! I love how your top turned out, Mari. I especially like how you framed the birds in the red - it seems like that helps the bird blocks stand out. Someone is going to love this quilt!

  6. The 1 inch red border around your panel blocks made them pop! Excellent design. It is awful when the squirrels get into the attic. You were luck to have time to get that "squirrel" out of there. Hoping for some sunshine for you!

  7. First of all, thanks for the photo of the quilt of the tulips. It really brightened my day. The top turned out really nicely. The addition of the hour glass blocks was just what it needed, along with the little red frames. It will make a very nice donation quilt.

  8. SEW glad that you found time for a bit of stitching!

  9. I think your quilt turned out great! I love how you alternated the panel squares with hourglass blocks. I have some panel quilt squares to use up, and now I know just how to proceed! You definitely deserve sunshine and tulips after this inspiring post!

  10. Ha ha, I was expecting a home improvement project. The quilt is wonderful—I really like looking at the blocks from the panel, but also seeing the pattern created by the colors. I think it will work for anyone. Who can resist a nature theme? And the colors are very calming. The tulips make me smile. Our bulb plants are way behind this year, so I will need to enjoy yours for awhile. I hope you enjoyed your lemon bars!

  11. Good morning Mari! The quilt top is lovely - Using the hourglass blocks to create the framed effect was perfect!! Also those tiny red frames. It is a wonderful finish and I can't wait to see it in person.

    Tulips - that seems fast! Our daffodils and magnolia trees are blooming now. Also the camellias. Spring is here! But squishy grounds too. We have, thankfully, had lots of rain so that means lots of mud. Enjoy your day.

  12. What a gorgeous quilt Mari. The photos are great too. Tulips are soon to bloom, I hope. They are a favorite flower of mine.

  13. great quilt! my MIL loves cardinals; i always think of her when i see one. and guess what?! you won the "drawing" for my holiday patchwork trees! i'm thrilled that they'll be going into a Hands2Help quilt, too! send me your mailing address, and i'll get them mailed right away!

    djcap8 at frontiernetnet dot net

  14. Congrats on a very pretty finished flimsy. It has to feel good to get some of that older stash off the shelves and into a project. Hope you have some good weather this week. It does seem like spring finally decided to arrive, not many flowers yet, but the warmer temps should fix that this week.

  15. Love your blocks layout. It is the perfect setting for an otherwise simple quilt. It gives me ideas for some of my old fabrics. Out with the old, I say since I have already bought plenty of new stuff - te he. Your tulips are so regal and yes Spring is here. May be a trip to the Cherry Blossoms in DC is in order both for inspiration and relaxation.

  16. sometimes when you have a lot going on, it can be good to get a bit of sewing under your belt. A panel makes that easier too. This made a great quilt

  17. Oh yes! I totally get the quilt stuck in your head thing, as well as the should NOT be doodling or sewing, and oh yes! on such a lovely quilt top! We had a ton of rain that ended up with one HUGE thunderclap, turning into snow (YUCK) on the weekend. Lovely tulips, wow!! Thank you for linking up with DrEAMi!


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