Friday, April 12, 2019

A forest of comfort

Hi all, and welcome to another spring weekend.  We have reached the point in the season where I wake up every morning with my eyes glued shut because there is pollen covering literally every surface in the whole world.  Okay, maybe that's an exaggeration of how much pollen there is currently floating around, but definitely not an exaggeration of my reaction to it.  I think all the rain we had last year has kicked all the plants into overdrive on the pollen front.

So, I kind of have an allergy fog right now, so much so that I forgot today was Friday.  Sigh.  Thankfully, I do have a completed project to show, and I even braved the outdoors to get some fun pictures of it:

Oh, yay! This happy forest is the last top I'm making this year for the Hands to Help challenge at Confessions of a Fabric Addict. I did not make the blocks in this top. Those were adopted from Jennifer and I got them through Cynthia's quilty adoption event.  I received a bunch of blocks and chose 20 for this top.

The trees are made of colorful, happy fabrics, and I tied them all together with a gray-green sashing.  The dark green stop border is a piece I've had for a while, and the outer border is a green print that has a 2012 date on the selvage.  Time to use it! It does pretty well tie the colors of the trees together, while the sashing gives it just enough calmness.

This little top went together really quickly. Since I didn't have to make blocks, I had a serious head start! The top finished at just about 48 by 65, which will be a decent lap quilt size.  I'm thinking that this one should go to Happy Chemo, but I'm going to wait until everything is quilted to decide for sure.

Since this is all about trees, I want to show a happy tree picture from our property:

This is a little cherry tree that we planted last fall.  We got it on clearance for $5! This spring it is blooming beautifully and is about 5 feet tall.  That's a pretty great return on our $5, I think!

I hope everyone has a good weekend.  I'm going to try to stay inside and out of the allergens, and maybe--maybe-- start work on those quilts I have basted.  I have to wait for my head to clear a bit, though, because right now I don't think I can be trusted near a sewing machine. I did forget that it's Friday, after all!

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict, Finished or Not Friday, and Oh, Scrap!


  1. wow! your quilt top looks great- and so fun to see it in the way you've interpreted it, which is so different than how i would have finished it. it's happy and cheery, and just a great size to be a comfort to someone! thanks for adopting (and loving!) my little forest, and getting it done so it can be loved and used, rather than sitting in a dark drawer all lonely...

  2. Allergies really get you each year. I get a sniffy nose but that is about it. No fun for you I am sure. The quilt top is adorable. I have so many to baste and quilt - I need to force myself to get on it!! Have a great weekend Mari. :-)

  3. Pollen season here, too -- miserable!!! keep the faith - it will eventually leave.

  4. allergies are horrible here too - sinus headaches daily - green pollen all over the place! I need to wipe off the outside chair before I sit or I will have a green seat of the pants on the jeans!

  5. Your top of little trees turned out so, so fun! Don't you love working with pre-made blocks? Zoom! So fast! Just like how that little cherry tree is growing, too :)

  6. Hi Mari! What great photos and wow are the trees gorgeous. I hear you on the pollen and that does explain why my eyes have been stuck closed each morning. I thought it was way too early for that but apparently not. What a fun finish. This quilt turned out great! ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. Oh, you poor thing! I’m happy to see your forsythia and the lovely pink blossoms because I haven’t seen any flowers here yet. The soft colors are really a very nice choice for the quilt top. It will be a lovely charity finish.

  8. Hoping your allergies are better soon. The trees quilt top is really cute. We have a cherry tree also. They are really decorative in the yard.

  9. What a lovely quilt! I'm so glad you adopted those blocks and made a quilt for such a great cause!! I hear you on the pollen! There is a layer of pollen every where and it seems this year it has hit me harder than before with allergies!

  10. Those tree blocks are so much fun! I love how you pulled all the different trees together with the pretty sashing and borders! Hope allergy season moves on quickly for you - that's no fun...

  11. Love your little forest!
    You have my sympathy for the allergies - I'm not affected much by spring pollen, but the fall stuff leaves me in absolute misery! Hang in there!

  12. What a great adoption of lovely blocks! You made a lovely quilt for a wonderful event. Thanks for sharing with Oh Scrap!

  13. Mari, I just reread your last post about the kind of gives me hope to hear that an accomplished quilter can make mistakes too. I see so many perfect looking quilts on so many blogs, I sometimes lose heart with what I'm doing myself.
    That Tree quilt turned out beautifully and how great it will be donated too.
    I also love your cherry tree!

  14. The woods are lovely dark and deep. Love the forest but I need that cherry tree in my yard.

  15. Isn't it fun to play with someone else's orphan blocks?


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