Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Tiny Tuesday Spinner block

Hi everyone! Today it's my turn for another Tiny Tuesday block, a part of the RSC sampler hosted by Angela at soscrappy. You can find all the instructions for this fun sampler and links to the previous blocks HERE. There are also setting instructions and everything you need to jump in to this project.

Here is our Spinner block, a pinwheel variation that is so appropriate for this very windy week:

A couple of notes before we start-- this block ends up best if the seams are pressed open. It's a little fussy to do, but it makes the center turn out a lot better.  Also, none of the pieces are oversized unless indicated.  Use your own judgment if you want to oversize anything. And be sure your 1/4 inch seam is good before you start, of course!


For this block you'll need a small bit of background and two aquas, one lighter and one darker.  You could use just one aqua, but it does change the effect of the block a bit.

From the lighter aqua, cut:

1 3-1/2 inch square

From the darker aqua, cut:

2 2-1/2 inch squares

From the background, cut:

1 3-1/2 inch square
4  1-1/4 by 3-1/4 inch rectangles*
(*these pieces are oversized)


Cut the 3-1/2 inch lighter aqua and background squares from corner to corner twice to make 4 triangles. Position the triangles as shown and stitch:

Make 4 of these units. Half the block is done!

Next, cut the darker squares in half from corner to corner once.  Position these and the 1-1/4 by 3-1/4 inch rectangles as shown:

The background rectangle will be quite a bit longer than the triangle, but don't trim it.  Stitch the triangle to the rectangle, then open out and press as best you can. Don't worry about turning under the seam allowance on the part of the rectangle that extends past the triangle.

Take the triangle/rectangle units you just made and trim them by placing a ruler so that it follows the angle of the triangle and continues over the rectangle, as shown:

Carefully trim the rectangle to the angle of the triangle.  Make 4.

Now take these units and trim the background piece to 7/8 inch wide. You'll be cutting off just 1/8 inch, so be extra careful.


Join one of each of the triangle/rectangle units and the unit made with two triangles along the long edges, as shown:

If you're a little nervous about the bias edges, give your pieces a shot of Magic Sizing or starch, or whatever you use, before stitching. Make 4 and press well.

These units should be 2-3/4 inches each. 

All that's left to do is arrange the four squares as shown and stitch!

Join into rows and then into a finished block.  Press well, stand back, and admire!

Your block should measure 5 inches to finish at 4-1/2 inches in the quilt.  Be careful to keep 1/4 inch beyond the triangle points if you trim the block at all.

Now that you've made this block, be sure to visit Angela's on Saturday to link up and to see the blocks that others have made. Happy tiny stitching!

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC19.


  1. That looks like fun to make! Thanks, Mari!

  2. This is adorable. It looks exactly like a pinwheel - I bet if you blew on it, it would spin. :-)

  3. Looks like fun to make. Thanks for stepping up with a pinwheel block. It's been super windy here lately and this will serve a bit of remembrance every time I look at it!

    (I bet this block would make a super cute baby quilt. I go with primary colors!)

  4. Thanks for another great tutorial, Mari!!

  5. How cute! I will have to make some of these blocks for sure.

  6. Windy indeed!!! Strange objects ended up in our yard :-O
    Your tiny block packs a punch. Such lovely colors. Please tell me that you pressed the seams open. Won't there be too much bulk in the center?
    I want to try it but not so tiny. I am trying to take a break from 4" and 5" blocks for now, after the TrinketSAL blocks are done.

  7. Thank yo Mari for this great block. I haven't really had good internet for 2 months and got connected yesterday.
    I have just caught up on my Tiny Tuesday blocks. I am using my new acquired machine and this block worked perfectly. Exactly 5".
    Yes, it does look lovely. Thank you again.

  8. it is a cute block - sometimes I leave my seams open too - it just lays flatter!

  9. SEW pretty in AQUA!! Thanks for offering another great Tiny Tuesday tutorial.

  10. Pretty block! I could see making a whole rainbow collection of these next year.

  11. You did such a beautiful job with this pinwheel-type block. I shy away from pinwheels because of the center bulk. I just don't know how to handle the bulk. Do you have any suggestions?


Thanks for your kind comments! I appreciate every one and will answer if I can. No-reply commenters, you are appreciated also!