Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Getting warmer

Hi everyone, and happy May! I can't believe it's already one of the best months of the year.  I'm still here, still stressed, and still keeping on, just in case you were wondering why I kind of disappeared.  If you know any college students, make sure to tell them to study for their finals, because I've gotten a look at a few and whoo boy!-- they'll need that study time for sure.

I've been fighting to get some stitching time in this week and I've actually managed to put together a few things.  It calms my soul, you know? Here's one thing I've been catching up on:

Look at that sunshine!  Doesn't that make you happy in itself? It makes my heart sing, even though it bleaches out my colors somewhat. This work in progress is my temperature quilt, which is made up of blocks that record the high and low for each day of the year.  In another week I'll have enough to add another row, but for now these are the completed rows through April 18th.  As you can see, it was quite cold at the beginning of the year, but it has made the turn into some warmer weather in April. Good thing, too-- I was running out of that darker blue.  Completely ready for some greens and yellows now.

My blocks for this project are 3-1/2 inch squares, made using two 2 inch by 3-1/2 inch strips, one for the high and one for the low.  It's pretty simple, but it works, and I like the graphic quality of all the blocks running together. If I have to make a block every day, it better be simple! The special blocks, like the spinner and the heart, mark special days for our family, like our grandson's birthday.

Another project I've been working on are some Bridal Bouquet blocks: 

I love having outdoor pictures on the grass again! I've been working on these blocks for a while and they have been going very slowly because they've all been done by hand, but I'm at a point where I'm putting together a few of the blocks for the center.  I figure that I'll need 16 blocks, so I have a way to go. That's okay, though. I'm in no hurry.

I've left most of the papers in and I'm not sure at what point to take them out.  The ones that I've taken out so far have been so that I could add in other parts of the block.  Folding things easily, you know.  I think I'll leave them in and just get some more papers so I can finish the blocks.  That way I can be reasonably sure that nothing will fall apart before I get done.

Anyway, that's the short update from here! Hope everyone is having a good week. I'm hoping to have a finish later this week, so keep your fingers crossed!

Sharing at Let's Bee Social.


  1. I really love your idea to use the rectangles for the high and low to make one square per day! It looks great to have the blocks turned 90 degrees and the accent blocks are super fun too. :D

  2. I was telling a coworker about the temperature quilts yesterday so I was glad you posted yours for me to show. I hope to do one next year. I love the extra little icons for special occasions.

  3. Sew glad that you are finding some stitching time. It gets so busy right about now that having a little quiet time is so beneficial to the soul. Hope the finals get better!

  4. Two project temptations in one post! A temperature quilt is in my future, but probably not until 2021. But that Bridal Bouquet! Are you doing English Paper Piecing on that one? I haven't been that enamored of EPP, but if that block is an option, sign me up! It would be a good take along project. Where did you get the papers?

  5. I was a college prof also and retired after 38 years last May. The last weeks of spring semester are exhausting. Hang in there. Summer is coming.

    I love your temperature quilt! I've seen the crocheted/knitted afghans, and while I knit and crochet, I am primarily a quilter.

    Do you have a blog post where you discussed choosing colors for various temps? Too late for this year, but I can plan for next!

  6. Don’t miss that end of the year/semester push. Still avail@ble for pattern testing should you want it.

  7. Just as I started reading this, the sun poked out for a minute after a very rainy morning. Love it! I had forgotten all about your temperature quilt. It looks wonderful, especially with that transition to warmer. And those blocks (what I think of as Nosegays)—perfect project for this time of year, especially if you’re going to do any travel. I don’t do the same kind of handstirching, but when I do paper piecing, I like to leave papers on as long as possible. It gets a bit messy as some fall out, and I have a big mess taking them all out in the end, but I like to think they keep things from stretching out while the work is in process.

  8. Both of your projects are looking really good. Love the bridal bouquets; I'm sure the paper piecing helps with the precision on those blocks! Hope your year finishes out soon, and you survive the finals week.

  9. Love those Bridal Bouquet blocks! So pretty!

  10. When I make English Paper Piecing and am joining parts together, once a part is enclosed with other outside parts then I feel safe to remove the inside parts. The outside edges still need the support of the paper until they are sewn to the next part. I know, sounds confusing, hope you understand. Loving your progress!

  11. I love how the blues in your quilt top merge almost effortlessly into the grassy green background of the outdoors. The bouquets seem like a lot of work but totally worth it.

  12. Your bridal bouquet blocks are just lovely! The finished quilt will be stunning.
    I really like your little pop of pieced blocks like the spinner among the rectangles of your temperature quilt. Gives it lots of personality.


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