Wednesday, April 24, 2019

A fresh start in coral

Hi everyone!  I hope you're having a good week!  I am super-duper busy because I don't know if you've noticed, but it's about to be May.  May! We are racing toward the end of the semester and it's just getting away from me.  So many things to finish, so little time!

The only logical response to all of this is to start a new quilt, right? Over the last few days I started making the blocks for my quilt inspired by the Pantone Quilt Challenge.  Here is the first of my blocks:

It's a little more yellow than anticipated, but otherwise I like it! And look-- I planted some geraniums and petunias out on the deck.  This is very exciting!  The weather has been fairly decent so far this week and I've been enjoying some time out there.

I made a couple of changes in the fabrics for this quilt.  First, I switched out the Kona Butter that I had originally chosen as a background for one that has a very subtle crosshatched print.  Butter is a beautiful color, but I think pairing solids with prints just makes the solids look really flat, which was certainly the case here.  I also added in that really pretty apple green in the center.  It really needed a little zip to add something to the aqua and yellow. 

I've made this block before (you can find it HERE) and so of course now I'm second-guessing myself.  In that previous block, I used a red center which coordinated with the red hsts and geese, so that it looked more like a star.  Here I used the background for the center, which gives it a more open, lacy look.  I like it, but I'm wondering if I wouldn't like a bit more of the coral in the quilt.  Any opinions?

I went a little crazy and cut out enough pieces for 20 blocks, so those are ready to stitch up, though so far I've only made up these four so far.  I think these blocks are just screaming for a pieced sashing and maybe even a pieced border, too.  I don't have any fancy software, so I'll be pulling out the graph paper.  I'm thinking a square in a square has to be in there somewhere, with plenty of the aqua. 

So there's a start to a new project! New projects are so much fun, aren't they?  So much better than those ones hibernating in the closet.  I'm pretty sure I hear one of those calling me, though, so I'd better go see what that's about.  Hope the rest of your week goes well!

Sharing at Let's Bee Social.


  1. Just go with it. Sew up your blocks, lay them out and then work out the border. Don't stress have fun. This project will turn into one or more projects...

  2. I like the blocks just as they are. So pretty and bright and fresh! Maybe the square in a square could be cornerstones? Like you, I'd have to draw it out on graph paper. I'm itching to get some flowers on our deck, but it's just a bit too early yet. Soon though!

  3. I LOVE the colours you picked!! If you want to add a bit more coral then maybe try thin strips between the blocks to fram them out? I would cut them about the size of the spacing in your photo...maybe a 1 1/2 inch wide, lay them out and see if it adds anything.

    Really love the pattern and colours, such a pretty quilt

  4. I do like the colors better than the red and blue! You will have a pretty quilt that will read Soft and Easy!

  5. sashing would be nice I bet with those blocks - love the colors you are working with

  6. Your block has just the perfect balance of the coral and the green. It’s such a nice soft, spring-like combination and will make a great quilt. Keep up the good work!

  7. Very pretty! I like Wendy's idea with the square in square blocks being set as cornerstones.
    Nice to see flowers, isn't it? Achoo!

  8. you know what they say, give a busy person a job to do. What is it about us that when we are at our busiest, we start another project? A very nice project it is too. Love your cherry blossom photo. This year we timed our visit just right for the cherry blossom

  9. Your blocks are lovely! How big are they? I can’t wait to see them all sewn up with pieced washing’s and border.

  10. Lovely! I like it as is, very light and springy feeling!

  11. Love these blocks and the colors you have chosen. If you want a little color in the center, you could do an applique of a spring flower. Cherry or dogwood blossoms, scilla is blue, tulips, lots of options.

  12. How on Earth did you find JUST the right photo to represent your color choices?!?! I think the blocks are looking great. Have fun with your NEW project and good luck with grading season!!


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