Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Fresh new oranges

Hi everyone! When I went out walking this morning at 6:30, it was already 74 degrees.  I know it's July, but holy cow, that was unusual.  And icky, too!

I just wanted to drop in with a short post today because I've started something new.  I can hear you now--what? Don't you have enough stress?  Yes, but this is not stressful.  This is making me feel really good and giving me a small challenge and something to do.  Because I don't have enough to do, you know?  We're kind of in a holding pattern, waiting to close on the new house and still showing the old house.  I've packed most of the kitchen, most of the towels, most of my clothes, and all of the decorative stuff in our house, so it's weird here.  Also, most of the fabric is packed, so why not do something that isn't a regular project? That's my rationalization and I'm sticking to it.

Before we go any further, here's the beginning of the new project:

This is the start of a summer scrap quilt designed by Kevin the Quilter, and you can find the intro post HERE.  It doesn't have a name yet, but my version does have a decent story behind it.

You might remember that a couple of years ago I made two string quilts for my nieces, who loved them.  I didn't make one for their brother, my nephew, because I didn't really think he'd enjoy a floral quilt.  But now he's 20 and no longer living with the folks, so I told him I'd make him a couch-size quilt for this winter.  Then I asked him what color he would like, thinking he'd say "blue" or "green," which is what I'd expect from a 20 year old guy.  He said "orange," which I completely did not expect.  Orange! 

My nephew happens to be about 6'4'' and about 300, so a couch size quilt for him needs to be a bit bigger than his sisters' quilts.  Enter Kevin's scrap quilt, which should finish around 70 by 80.  This should be a good size for my nephew, don't you think?  And it uses just two colors, plus Kevin swears it's very easy, with only three clues. Sold!

I don't have a lot of orange, and the yardage is packed, so these first 4-patches are just from the scraps I had in the bin.  I did go ahead and order some fat quarters from The Old Country Store, and I might have added a couple other things to the order, too.  So that will be very exciting to get delivered, won't it? I don't know yet what color to put with the orange, but I know it won't be white.  What color would you put with orange for a 20-year-old nephew who's studying to be a gunsmith? 

That's all I have for now.  This morning I was out walking and got a full face of pollen from the tree shown above.  It has weird flowers, and I've since learned that it's a silk tree, which can be an invasive species.  There are a couple of these in the park and just as I was coming past it a stray breeze picked up and blew a whole bunch of crud right at me.  I really hope it was pollen.  It may have been that or maybe the heat, but I've had a headache all day.  So now I think it's nap time for me. 

Hope you're all having a good week and staying plenty cool.  Stay away from the weird trees and be sure to have lots of cool drinks!  We're going to be over 100 for the next few days here, so I'll be doing the same. Right after my nap.


  1. Interesting! Popped over to Kevin’s blog to check this out. Not sure I have enough of the required scraps to participate, but I’m certainly going to take stock. An invasive species isn’t always invasive in every region. Most invasive species are introduced and don’t belong.

  2. The bright and juicy oranges are bound to lift up all spirits. Wishing you a speedy sale and a smooth transition. Your fabric is all packed so you ordered some more??? Perfectly logical approach :-) I will be watching how this one progresses :-) Your nephew is not only tall but lucky too.

  3. The tree looks like Mimosa and it is invasive. You might consider blue; it is a complement to orange. but I don't know how it would work in Kevin's plan ...

  4. Oh -- I love the orange fabrics you're working with! Orange is my favorite color. I'm joining in on Kevin's QAL too, using my red scraps (some that I got from you, I think). How about using soft grays (like Kona Silver or one just a tad darker) as your second color. Kinda goes with the gunsmith idea, and it would add a nice contrast. It's going to be hot here today as well, and we've had so much rain every thing is moldery. I'm sure allergies are running high here too. Yuck. Maybe I'll walk on the treadmill today and stare at the wall rather than dealing with the heat.

  5. Love those oranges! I think blue (how about aqua), or gray, would be a nice compliment to the orange.

    I also saw Kevin's mystery, but I have been able to hold back. So far. There are not enough hours in a day!

  6. I have nothing of joining with Kevin's sea along. Blue and gray both sound good! How about teal? It would also compliment those orange - reds.

  7. I have actually joined in with Kevin's sew along. I am making it half size. I am using browns and have been planning on adding yellow but now thinking maybe orange or pink.

  8. we call the tree a Mimosa Tree here it is pretty but seems to get disease easily around here. Good luck on selling your house. I do not need to start one more quilt around here!! It is already 80 this morning and moving towards mid 90's today - I think I will mostly be home other than going to exercise this afternoon - in A/C!

  9. This quilt is going to be gorgeous with those oranges! And I think a gunmetal gray and some blacks would look great, even if it's kinda Halloweenish.

  10. Because the quilt is for a guy and it is going to be a large quilt, i would use shades of gray to tone down the orange a bit.
    Good luck with your house.

  11. Ooooh, love the orange bits here. I say gunmetal gray! The perfect second color. What a fun quilt. I would have been taken by surprise with the color request as well. Much more fun than boring blues..... Those trees are so messy - we have them out here as well. Love how you are packing and shopping all at the same time. Hahaha - you crack me up!

  12. A slate blue would be a wonderful foil for those bright 4-patches! Take some to your stash, or a store and see how it looks.

  13. My first thought was gray and then blue (unless that’s too bold—I haven’t looked at the pattern yet) but maybe ask your nephew what he thinks?

  14. Those oranges are a fun beginning for a new project, Mari! You'll enjoy playing with them while you're waiting for everything else to work out. We are hot here in Colorado, too - wishing us all some cool breezes!

  15. I love your orange blocks. If you haven't seen the quilts by Stacy of Slo studio you should take a look. She has made several quilts with orange and navy, plus other shades of blue, they are really awesome. Whatever you choose I'm sure your nephew will love it. As for the color choice I had to laugh, I had a brother that would've picked orange, makes me smile.

  16. Hi Mari! Love all of these orange fabrics. It's no contest for me as I love orange - and it's closeness to red. Hmm, as far as what color to put with them. Peek at the color wheel - do you want one that's close by or directly across? I probably would use a dark gray or navy, but there are so many colors that would work! Can't wait to see where you go! ~smile~ Roseanne

  17. I agree with gun metal grey to black... It looked good with my Harley quilt so yours will be stunning.

  18. Orange is a surprise color isn't it?! You could add aqua or grey to break up the oranges maybe. One things for sure, it'll be a bright spot in the winter when its most needed!! I'm so happy you have a new home and I'm sure after some time down the road you will be settled and stress free!

  19. My first thought was grays. But i think any of the suggestions would be great.cant wait to see it.i am teeter tottering with playing along with Kevin.i have lots on my plate at the moment though with diaper cake and flowers for upcoming wedding
    Dont want to stress too


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