Friday, July 12, 2019

Seeing Beothuk stars

Hi everyone! It's been yet another hot and rainy week here, and really, it's starting to get old.  I wish it would pick one-- hot or rainy, but not both.  I know that some of you are rolling your eyes right now, but this has been one wet summer so far.  If I had a north side, it would be growing moss. 

Anyway. . .I have had some trouble focusing lately (can't think why that would be) but I did manage to put together the rest of the Beothuk Star quilt top, and I really like it!  See what you think:

I think it turned out great! This was a free quiltalong from Sandra at mmmquilts, though I am way past the quiltalong finish date.  Big surprise there.  The quilt was designed by Sandra and is named after the Beothuk people, one of the indigenous peoples of Newfoundland.  The touching story of the last of the Beothuks is HERE.  Worth a read, really.

This was a fun little quilt to make, and it went together really quickly.  Once you get all the hsts made, it's really just an organization issue.  I put mine together in a little different order than Sandra recommends because it made a little more sense to me to make the yellow star first and then construct the rest around it. 

I really like the colors in this little quilt, but I bought the kit from Bernie's shop, I didn't choose them myself.  I was worried about the print background, and while I was working with it it was fine.  It's a really pretty fabric, but now that the top is finished it makes me feel a little twitchy.  I'm having a small problem with the fact that everything doesn't match up.  This is why I don't use patterned backgrounds very often.

When I was dodging the raindrops to take these pictures I realized that these might be the last photos I take of a finished quilt top on this property.  This makes me a little bit melancholy, but I promise that there are many great places to take quilty pictures at the new house, including not one but *two* decks that just scream to have quilts hanging from the rails.  I'll miss this property, though.

So, yay, another top done!  Since we're moving, it's going right into a box to go to the new house.  I'll have to have a quilting marathon once we get there, because there are a *lot* of things stacked up now. 

I have one last thing before I go.  I wrote a small guest column for the Craft Industry Alliance blog about the decline of one of my favorite places, Nancy's Notions.  If you're interested, you can check it out HERE.  While you're there, there are a lot of other great articles to read, so stay a bit and check those out, too.

Have a great weekend, everyone!  And to those of you out there in Louisiana, I'm thinking of you and hoping that you all come through the storms just fine.  Stay as dry as you can!

Sharing at the fun places listed over to the right>>>


  1. Really pretty quilt top. Hope you get move and settled in the new house soon.

  2. The Beothuk quilts are so fun to see. How fun it will be for you to have new places to explore to photograph your quilts, and a new space to stitch them in as well! I'm excited for you!

  3. Very pretty Mari! I am sooo glad you are not growing moss on your north side. Hahaha! That was really funny. Hoping the move goes smoothly. I know you are needing to be done with all of this and settled in before classes start. Now I am off to read your article about Nancy's Notions. :-)

  4. Beautiful fabric choices, Mari!! Your star top glitters or should I say matches your flowers :-) Hope you can replace the melancholy with the excitement of moving closer to your grandbaby and quilty buddies :-) I'd be happy to come and help set up (play in) your new quilt studio.

  5. Wonderful fabric choices! I makes a stunning top.

  6. Hi Mari! A great finish and I'm so glad you followed through and did finish it up. Since the background is bothering you, it could have very easily been packed and become a UFO. Never to see the day of light. I think after the stress of recent weeks is good and behind you, you'll take another look. Step away and back - you may not even notice the background. Because it is just that - in the background. Focus on the stars and highlight them when you quilt it, and then you'll love it and the story behind it. I'm going to read your NN article right now. ~smile~ Roseanne

  7. Mari, your Beothuk Star is so pretty! I loved that bundle when I saw it, almost couldn't resist getting it myself! I like the background, but I can see what you mean about parts not matching up. I agree with Roseanne - eventually, especially after it's quilted, you probably won't notice that anymore.

  8. I love that background fabric! I was surprised when you started to say that it makes you a little twitchy!
    And quilting it in a pink or teal thread would be lovely!

  9. I really like the background...well I really like the whole quilt! It’s just lovely!

  10. It’s just delightful. From a distance, the background looks great, and I’m sure once you add your magic touch with the quilting, you’ll be more pleased with it. I didn’t participate this year. I just don’t need any more small quilts. I’d have had to make four of them and sewn them together. Hmmm, there’s a thought! Bet that would be pretty! Have a great day!

  11. I love how your quilt looks with the printed background. Funny that you weren't sure about it because I remember being inspired by your little kitchen quilt with the string blocks and print border, which I think is very like that. In fact you still have me using prints as background. Congrats on being published. It sounds like Nancy's Notions was a wonderful place.


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