Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Piecing a sashing

Hi all!  Well, it's still hot and sticky and rainy, our house still hasn't sold, and I'm still stressed.  We have a moving date, though, so maybe things are looking up!  I'm meeting with my new colleagues this week and making good progress on getting ready for this fall, plus I've packed up most of the kitchen, so it's takeout city around here-- my favorite thing!

Over the last few days I was trying to figure out the sashing and cornerstones for my coral quilt.  If you recall, I am making these blocks for a quilt, and I got the idea from the Pantone quilt challenge from Bryan House Quilts and no hats in the house. I know, I missed the challenge deadline, but that was not my motivation anyway, especially once I made a few blocks.  After several tries, here's what I came up with for the sashing:

What do you think?  It took a little while but I think I finally hit on the right thing for this quilt.  I love these blocks and I really wanted a pieced sashing that would complement the blocks without taking away from them.  The cornerstones will be the coral square in a square pieces. 

To make these sashing pieces, I started out by drawing them out, intending to paper piece them.  That worked okay, but I did eventually just cut the pattern up and use it as a template instead.  It worked out better for me that way.

When I drew out the sashing, I forgot that I would need to put the pieces under the paper before stitching to make it work.  The way it was drawn wouldn't allow for that,  which is why I'm not a paper piecing designer.  But it worked great as a template!

I'm thinking of putting some of the green in a pieced border, though I haven't sketched any of that out yet.  I definitely think it's going to need a pieced border, though.  Maybe with some flying geese?  Or maybe the green should be the binding?  Hmmm. . .

Anyway, that was a kind of a nice exercise for me, and now the quilt is all designed, so it's time to finish making those blocks.  I'm still having to do this in short bursts, so maybe one or two at a time will work out.  I'll definitely finish this quilt this fall (she said!  We know that's a long shot, right?)

Hope everyone is having a good week!  People keep trooping through the house, and one of them is bound to buy it, right?

Sharing at Let's Bee Social.


  1. I think the sashing looks great!! It's so unique!
    I envy you and other designers for coming up with and sharing great ideas!

  2. That is a great sashing for those blocks.

  3. Love that sashing!!! Of course it needs to be paper-pieced or templates will be required. Figuring out stuff is such an accomplishment. I am sure it will be a fabulous finish. So when are you moving??? So excited to have you move one state closer to me :-)

  4. Love how the sashing sets off the blocks....I wanna see how you work the green into the border.

  5. That sashing adds some extra pizzazz!! Love it.

  6. Nice idea for the sashing!! Try not to worry about the sale of your house. Our last house sold the day after we moved out and maybe yours will, too!

  7. PERFECT! That sashing idea is genius! Keep a positive attitude! It will all work out with your house!

  8. Hopefully your house will sell soon! In the meantime, your project is looking great! Love the way you have worked out the sashing! That extra effort really shows off the blocks well and makes the quilt that much more special!

  9. What a pretty little quilt; the colors are so fresh and lively. Hope your house sells soon, but glad you have a moving date. Good thing you can sew to relieve some of the stress!

  10. Love these blocks and the sashing. I think the green binding is a great idea. Still sending positive thoughts your way for the sale of the house.

  11. Hi Mari! I just want to reach through the computer screen and give you a big 'ole {{{hug}}}. This will all work out perfectly. You buyer is getting the message soon to come see the perfect house for them - I just know it. So glad you have a move date, and that the new coworkers are being met. Things are moving forward, and that's so much better than backward. Love the sashing idea!! It looks fabulous - and who cares when it gets done?!! If it keeps you sane . . . you just take as long as you need. ~smile~ Roseanne

  12. Great sashing! I love how all the blue geese "point" at the diamonds :)

  13. Very cool block! Fingers crossed that your house sells quick!


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