Friday, August 30, 2019

Fabrics and boxes

Hi everyone! I'm so happy to see you all again! I bet you thought I fell off the planet, didn't you? Nope, things just got very, very busy around here.  We moved 2-1/2 weeks ago, I started my new job 2 weeks ago, and students started classes 4 days ago. Which all means that we are still surrounded by paper and boxes, but at least I get to leave it behind for a while every day. Why does unpacking take longer and make more mess than packing up does? And if I labeled all the boxes, why can't I find anything?

So, I haven't done any actual sewing, but I really missed blogging and I just wanted to say hi again. There are a few fabric-related things, though! I've been unpacking and putting my fabric away, so at least I've gotten to touch fabric.  Plus, check this out:

This small niche is in the wall of my sewing room, and the fabric bolts fit perfectly in it! It's like this area was built just for them.  And just so you know, those are only about 3 or 4 yards apiece, mostly for backings.  No full bolts here!

Other than that, I've bought these fun pieces to add to the fabrics on the shelves, mostly because they are bright and happy:

These yards are from Good Day by Me and My Sister and I got them from Fat Quarter Shop.  You know, sometimes I just can't resist those emails, especially when it's raining and gross outside.  And these are really pretty ones, so I couldn't think of a good reason to hold back.

And one other bit of new fabric:

Cute aqua fat quarters from Shabby Fabrics.  I know I shouldn't buy fat quarters, but they look so good together.  And can't you just see them in a lovely aqua and white quilt? Maybe baby-sized?  Okay, just me then!

So there we are-- some fabrics put away and some new fabrics soon to join them. We're loving our new home here in Baltimore and getting settled.  I actually hope to do some sewing this weekend, just as soon as I find the power cord for my machine.  They got separated somehow, but I'm sure the cord is down there in the sewing room, probably stuck in a random box.

Everybody have a good weekend! It's the end of August, so you know that cool weather can't be far behind, and then comes the season that shall not be named, so we need to enjoy the bright sunshine while we can!


KaHolly said...

Funny how that happens! I’m really good about keeping like things together in general, and still can never find anything. Happy new home, new school year, and new sewing space. Sometimes I miss not starting another school year....just a little.

Libby in TN said...

Nice hearing from you! Moving is never easy, especially when it involves a new job, too, so take your time and enjoy some of this beautiful weather before Dorian heads up the coast (if it does).

Jo said...

That's a lovely spot for your bolts. Hope you get the unpacking done soon.
I'm looking forward to our warmer weather.

MissPat said...

You'll get there, one step (or box) at a time. And at least you have an extra day this weekend to sort things out. Hope the power cord shows up soon. My 30-year old mechanical Bernina has a retractable power cord, so that's one thing that doesn't go missing.

Laura said...

And just why shouldn't you buy fat quarters? Buy them, pet them, enjoy them, and sew with them! Lovely choices! :)

Ramona said...

Beautiful fabric purchases! Hopefully you will be back at your sewing machine soon. :)

Karen - Quilts...etc. said...

so much to do and so little time right - eventually those boxes will get unpacked and it will be but a memory!

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

That shelf is definitely perfect for your bolts of fabric, Mari - I think that house knew you were coming! Hope you find your power cord soon, and have a bit of time to play with that pretty fabric over this long weekend!

Jayne said...

That niche was made for bolts! It would make me want to buy more bolts for sure! Love the aqua fabric bundle and it will make a beautiful quilt one day! It sounds like you are happy and survived the move. Unpacking does take a long time and it's so true that even though we label our boxes we still can't find what we are looking for! I hope you get a bit of sewing in over the weekend!

piecefulwendy said...

Oh, I'm so glad to hear from you. I was thinking of you yesterday as I was stitching away on my mystery quilt, wondering how the move-in was going. That little shelf for your fabric is definitely a delightful thing! Why not buy fat quarters? And those are so pretty. Hope you find that power cord, so you can do some fun sewing inbetween settling in. So glad you are liking your new place!

Alycia~Quiltygirl said...

Ohhh HI!!! Moving is a stress - so I am gld you found some really pretty fabrics to pet! Hope you get moved in soon - or at least enough where you can stitch a little bit

grammajudyb said...

Oh my, the thought of moving gives me the "creeps". We have been in our house for 31 years and you can just imagine!!

And I for one, can see the aqua and white baby quilt. Precious! Fat quarters are so fun! I have too many also, but I am slowly using them.

Good luck on a productive weekend. Hope you get to do a bit of sewing!

Rose said...

I am glad to here that progress is being made unpacking. And students for 4 days then a 3 day weekend. Yeah!! Can't wait to see the sewing room all set up.

Angela said...

So glad to hear that you are settled in and have started the new school year. Finding everything again is a bit of a challenge for sure. Hopefully it will all turn up in the end. Until then, at least you have pretty fabrics to look at.

Sara said...

Unpacking after a move - a surprise in every box!! Have a great new school year and enjoy the long weekend.

JanineMarie said...

Well, Mari, that was just meant to be with your cute cubbyhole for your fabric! Good deal on the Good Day fabric, and yes, an aqua and white baby quilt would be adorable.

PaulaB quilts said...

New fabric for a new house, the perfect start to a new time in your life.

Home Sewn By Us said...

Hi Mari! I'm so glad to see a post from you and a very happy one at that! I'm glad the move is all behind you, and that school has started. It started for us as well on Thursday. I was so tired last Monday, I wasn't sure I had enough strength to drive home. But I made it somehow - thankfully, driving just involves sitting. HAHA! That niche is just PERFECT for your bolts of fabric . . . like it was made for them. I hope you enjoy the long holiday weekend. It's refreshingly cooler here in Wisconsin. {{Hugs}} ~smile~ Roseanne

Shelina said...

Good to hear from you. That niche is perfect for that fabric. I love buying fat quarters - gives a nice variety to quilts.

Jollygirl said...

I promised myself that I wasn't going to buy any more fabric for awhile. Then I saw your fabrics from Me and My Sister. I couldn't resist these pretty fabrics, perfect for a baby quilt for a girl. Thank you for the inspiration.

Preeti said...

Having seen your new house I can guarantee that if I were you, I'd be spending hours in the sewing area. It is not really a room - it is a whole basement with shelves and closets and more. I have a feeling you may need to buy more fabric otherwise it will look kinda sparse :-) Jokes apart, Congratulations on the new house and the new very large sewing space. I am rightfully jealous but then since you are closer to me, I am happy too :-)

Bernie Kringel said...

Hey there - sounds like it has been a bit on the crazy side for you lately. Moving is just a ton of work - Can't wait to see your sewing space all set up - a machine WITH a cord, maybe your cutting mat and rotary cutter setting there waiting for you. It will be wonderful. Hope you are getting into a good rhythm and settling in nicely. :-)

Kate said...

Glad you are getting settled in and finding your sewing stuff. We had movers pack us when we moved from Texas many years ago. I lost one of my rulers. I finally found it 10 years later in a box from a completely different room. Hopefully that's not the fate of your machine cord. Enjoy your stitching time this weekend.

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said...

I got a new desk and we pulled everything out of our office space and re-arraigned it. It only took a whole evening to pack it all up, but several days later, I'm still unpacking everything and finding new homes for everything. It takes longer to unpack since that is when you figure out that you didn't need all that stuff after all. Have fun finding new things as you unpack.