Friday, October 18, 2019

Spring into fall

Hi everyone, and happy weekend! We made it through another week. Yay us! Plus, I'm happy to say that I can now do laundry at my house again. It's a small thing, but a really important one. You don't think you'll miss it, but then you run out of clean clothes and all becomes clear. Five hundred dollars later, I have clean socks again. 

And hey-- this week, I finally finished something. Yahoo!

This is the small topper that I made back at the Delaware house. It's small, and it's all scraps, and it's a little bit spring-like for the fall, but I really like it.

The center of this little piece is just a simple cross hatch done with a walking foot. I've really grown to like that look. It's a little old fashioned, but it always looks good.

For the leaves and the sashing, I decided to experiment and use some of the embroidery stitches on the machine.  It's hard to see on the sashing, but it looks pretty good. It seemed like a good piece to experiment on, and I'm happy with how it turned out.

I love the purple binding, which was also a scrap! I went looking for a leftover bit of dark green, but I had just enough of the purple for a single fold binding. Seems like a win to me!

Even though it's a bit spring-like, I'm going to use this on the table anyway. We haven't painted yet (short, sad story) and the colors are still extremely depressing, so I need something cheerful. I could maybe dress it up with a few pumpkins or something, don't you think?

Finally, this is a blurry picture, but it was quite windy when I was taking pictures, so the wind gave us a peek of the backing:

Not a great picture, but I like it anyway!

Hope you have a wonderful weekend! Now that the laundry is taken care of, we may take down a huge mirror in the bathroom. Huge as in covering the entire wall, so you can watch yourself shower, I guess. We have a plan and a hammer, so it must go!


  1. Everything in its time! Being able to do laundry does top the list, though! Your table topper came out just as sweet as can be!

  2. Laundry is a big part of our lives so it a comfort to be able to do it at home. Your table topper is adorable, not old fashion but retro.

  3. Cute, happy little quilt! You are settling in to your sewing spot! Yay!

  4. There are so many things that we take for granted in our comfortable homes, until we don’t have them. Good luck with finishing your remodeling around the house. That little table topper is such a sweet pretty thing and will bring a breath off spring all winter.

  5. This is so darling! I love the backing fabric and I like the embroidery stitch you used for the leaves! I am always in fear my dryer is going to go (I have no idea how old it is, but it is OLD) so I understand your appliance adventures!

  6. A cute table topper! The ability to do laundry at home is priceless!

  7. That is so cute! I love the happy flowers and the green leaves! Your hand stitching is a wonderful addition to the overall piece too! Yay to clean clothes!

  8. Hi Mari! I'll never take a washer and drier for granted again. Upon returning from vacay and putting all the clothes in the washer that had somehow become broken was no picnic. But thankfully there are people who can fix these things, right?! In my case, it wasn't fixable so now I have a new, "improved" washer. HAHA! Love your table topper. I don't see anything wrong with enjoying Spring-ish color now. They are pretty and cheerful and if you were on the other side of the equator you would be swinging right into Spring. Just as it's always 5 o'clock somewhere you can say it's Spring somewhere. {{Hugs}} What a nice finish. ~smile~ Roseanne

  9. I love the special stitches on the leaves! I'm a little envious that your machine can do that. Super cute finish :)

  10. Pretty Table topper. I really like making small quilts.

    Sorry about the painting. You just can't really feel right until you have the colors you want and the clean feel of a fresh start.

  11. "You never know what you've got 'til it's gone" Joni Mitchell and so true. I cannot wait to have all my kitchen cupboards back, and hopefully some new ones when we put in an island. Love this Mari, and I love the last pic on that cottonwood (I think). And I love that backing too!

  12. Very clever use of those decorative stitches.

  13. I love the decorative stitches on the leaves. It was a great idea to use the embroidery stitches on your machine.

  14. That's really pretty! I can always use a dose of spring no matter the time of year! I really like the embroidery you added to the leaves.

  15. Laundry is important! But I like your quilt project even more!!

  16. Decorative quilting can add so much more to simple blocks. It is a sweet and lovely finish. Isn't that green fabric (top right flower) from Bernie's shop?
    The one where she named a bundle after a different quilter every month?
    The wind had a role to play in this photo-shoot otherwise we'd never see the pretty pink backing.


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