Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Catching up

Hi all! How have you been? I've been having quite a life.  So much to do, so little time. You know what I mean?

I must have something like 70 or 80 projects in progress (I exaggerate. . .but only a little), but I've really been wanting to catch up on some of my rainbow scrap challenge projects. I put away the Boston Common quilt in progress before we moved, and I've pulled it out to add the last rounds to it. Now that we have all the colors, I thought I could finish it right up. Here's how far I got:

I love the aquas, and the next color is orange. I have a whole bunch of oranges left over, but I can't decide if I want the orange next to the aqua--which is a pretty combination-- or if I want a round of white between them.  What do you think?

Right now I'm leaning towards the white. Dark blue follows the orange, but I know I can't do that, so I'm not sure what will happen there. I know I have a lot of pink and purple, though, so those should be easy enough.

I also started finishing up the string sections for the rainbow scrap happy rails quilt:

I've since finished off the aquas, which look really happy, and started on the oranges. I think it's going to look great once I find a fabric for the centers. And you can see that I still do like skinny strings. I just can't throw those little bits away! It's an illness, really. Making the string sections is very calming because they require almost no thought, just feeding through the machine.  Heaven knows I could use some calming right now, so I'm having a good time with them.

That's pretty much all the stitching I've done! Sometimes I wish I was one of those people who had written all her posts six weeks in advance, but we work in real time around here.  Hope you have had some time to get some stitches in!


  1. I'm sure if I was honest I would actually have that many. Wether it be add a button, sew a label, add a border, baste, quilt, pieces, finish an appliqué...... etc.
    I'm sure you will have many to finish too.

  2. I love those scrappy rails! I definitely have a few of those blues in my stash before! The only time that I have blog posts done ahead of time is when I am doing a quilt along -- and even then sometimes I am cutting it close!

  3. Oh, I'm definitely a real time person here, so I'm glad to know I'm not alone. I seem to work best (??) under pressure; always have. Those blocks are pretty. I'm all for color, so I'd put the orange next to the aqua, but either way would work. Helpful, huh? :-)

  4. I'm so glad you pulled Boston Common out again - I love how that one goes together! I like the idea of an additional white round every now and then, in between the turquoise and orange might be a good time to do that.

  5. Really Like reading your blog. It help keep me working, be it quilting or sewing other items. Recently decided to make several valances for my one kitchen window so I can change them for the seasons or holidays. Kitchen is very neutral colors in this house so the addition of color will be nice.

  6. organized color, yes! I have wanted a boston commons quilt for a while now, and one in many colors is a great idea.

  7. Oh ,I admire your little bit of rebellion. I would “have “ to put the orange next and the the dark blue. I’m such a nerd! Thanks for reminding me, “it’s my quilt and can do as I please!” A Boston Commons may be on my horizon!

  8. I'm so much in real time and time gets away that I haven't posted since August. Love the Boston Common quilt progress. I have so many UFOs that I roll the dice every Thursday to see which one I will be working on this weekend. If/when I complete one I have many more to put in it's place. During the week I have an hour and a half every evening I spend FMQing.

  9. Glad to see that you are spending time in your new studio!! My vote is the white between the aqua and orange.

  10. Calming is always good!

    Your fabrics are so bright and cheerful. Well done choosing such lovely fabrics,

  11. Six weeks in advance? ha ha - I never know what I am doing until I wake up!! Glad you got some stitching time in - and I really like how the boston commons is coming!


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