Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Stitching slowly

Hello all! It feels like fall around here at last, and I am ready for sweaters, hot tea, and some lovely fall flowers.  As it gets a bit cooler, I'm reminded that one of my big plans for this year was to make a quilt for our bed. With everything that's happened this year, I got no further than picking out a pattern and some colors. I would get on it right away but I'm so behind on everything else. Oh, well! I guess it will wait, won't it? No chance I'll freeze with all the rest of the quilts around here.

I'm still feeling a little discombobulated from all the changes in our lives the last few months, and the stitching is going slowly still. The sewing room is still a mess, but it's getting better. And I came across a panel for another baby book that I've stitched up:

These are the cutest things, ans so easy to make.  I haven't put all the pages together yet, because this time I'm hand stitching the turning openings closed and I haven't had much time to do that yet this week. It will be done before Friday, though, so a tiny girl can chew on it this weekend.

I did use two layers of thin batting again, and I like how that turns out. It's nice and soft but substantial enough for a little one to grab on to easily.  If you ever make one of these, be sure to wash the panel first, because they really do shrink.

The other thing I've been working on is finishing up my nephew's quilt. I'm further along than this picture looks, because I've also been putting the sides together as I go. When I finally finish the center, it should go together really quickly.

Other than that, I've just been trying to organize the sewing room. I've been following my own Spring Cleaning advice as I go and once again I've gotten rid of lots of old stuff. Not fabric, though!

This picture just cheers me, and there's so much room for expansion! It's like a license to shop or something. That bottom shelf is mostly empty, after all, and we wouldn't want that fabric to be lonely.

That's where I am this week! I'm hoping to have a nice finish this weekend, and I'm also greatly anticipating the arrival of the plumber tomorrow.  You almost never look forward to something like that, but I really need some clean clothes, so I can't wait until they get here and replace that valve.

Happy stitching, folks!


  1. Love your shelves. I wish my room looked liked that

  2. Oh, more fabric acquisition -- one of my favorite things! Enjoy!

  3. This week I switched from dresses to trousers/top/cardigan. I hereby declare that fall is here. If you run out of clean clothes, there is plenty of fabric to drape yourself in - like a saree :-D I agree that seeing so much empty space is tempting to fill it all up. That baby book is too cute for words :-)
    Hope the plumber fixes that valve for good.

  4. Hi Mari! Bears see colors?!! I wonder how anyone knows? I mean seriously - how does one tell? Anyhoo - cute, cute, CUTE project. LOVE all that glorious orange. I hope the plumber arrives nice and early - we take things like our washing machine for granted, don't we? Until we don't have it handy or working, that is. {{Hugs}} . ~smile~ Roseanne


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