Thursday, November 21, 2019

A jump start

Hi all! Long time no see! I don't know what's wrong with me lately, but I seem to be in a bit of a creative slump. This doesn't happen to me all that often, and it is definitely no fun. Do you think it's related to moving and having all kinds of personal upheaval in my life right now? Hmmmm. . .

Whatever it is, I need to get out of this, so I decided to do the only thing that I know for sure will perk me up-- start a new project. Sure, I have a ton of projects in various stages of completion on the shelves in my sewing room closet, but none of those are exciting me at the moment.  Since this new project really should be something simple because I just want it to jump start some creativity, I decided to go with Alycia's Winter Quilt Along (which you can find HERE).  She promises just one hour per clue, and it's entirely possible that I can handle that.

I needed two darks and a light, so I decided to clean out the dark blue and dark green scrap bins, because you know I'll never use those anywhere else, and I paired them with some toned-down yellows:

That makes a pretty pile, doesn't it? Those blue pieces are literally all the darker blue pieces I could find without cutting into yardage. I think we can say that blue is not my favorite color. But yay for getting those babies used!

After a bit of cutting, and a little stitching, here's the end of clue one:

Notice that I said "clue one," not "hour one." Alycia definitely sews faster than me!

So now I've started another project that should go quickly, and it's already kick-started my mojo a bit. I already feel a little more energized about some older projects. I even worked on the En Provence quilt a bit! I'm feeling pretty good about that, and I hope to have the top for it finished soon.

Here's one more thing that's getting me more excited to sew things, though it's really difficult to get a good picture:

I told you it wasn't a good picture! But we've finally gotten most of my new design wall installed. I decided to go with the wall on this side of the room even though the design wall has to be a bit shorter because of the ledge.  The light from the window shines on this side, plus I can use the whole wall without a lot of obstructions. I have one more 4 by 8 panel to install, but I needed to get some more flannel to cover it with.  I used the panels from Lowe's found HERE, and wrapped them in THIS white flannel from (no sales affiliations here!) Caution-- the flannel shrinks quite a bit, but it does wash up nice and soft, and everything seems to stick to it pretty well. Also, get plenty of duct tape to tape it to the back of the panels.

I could just weep looking at this, and I think I had something in my eye a bit earlier when I started sticking things on the walls. I remember sewing on the dining room table for a very long time, then I was so thrilled to be able to have a piece of flannel on the wall for a design wall, and now I have 24 whole feet of design wall (plus the little bit under the TV there).  My heart is bursting with gratitude.

Anyway! I think I'm getting a little bit of excitement back, and I'll be stitching things up. If you need me, I'll be downstairs!

Sharing at Finished or not Friday with Alycia with more gratitude!


  1. You are so lucky to have that display wall. Think of all your projects you can have on the go.
    Looks like a great SAL too.

  2. How wonderful that you have made this happen! I’m excited for you.

  3. it is so neat having a design wall isn't it - I'm glad I have one short wall and to have one that is as long as yours is really something great

  4. I'm delighted for you and your new space and design wall (and a wee bit envious) -- how fun to see this taking shape. I think you have post-moving stress slump, perhaps? You've had so much going on. Starting a new project was a good idea -- you'll be back and sewing up a storm soon. Enjoy that lovely design wall!

  5. I think maybe you just needed some time to soak up the wonderfulness of your new design wall. It will probably never be empty again and your sewing slow down can allow you to appreciate that vast expanse of possibilities! :)

  6. Wow! I am in love with your design wall! Blessed are you! :)

  7. While I really like your color choices for Alycia's Mystery, I absolutely LOVE your MASSIVE new design wall!!!

  8. Yay for you choosing a small project to get the sew flow going. I’m not real into blue either in my daily life (just ask my husband for my reaction when he talks about navy blue cars), but I like blue and green together (makes me think of the lake) and the yellow is such a fun spark. Have fun with it. Your design wall—wow! You are going to have a wonderful explosion of color on that side of the room. It’s sure to get you back in the sew!

  9. Your colors are going to be amazing!! and really - I am the most distracted stitcher in the world - so you make me feel good!!! Hopefully it kick started your mojo and you will be up and running!!

  10. So excited you are doing the QAL qith Alycia too!! It will be a fast one, but you are totally correct, she is really fast!! Takes me at least twice as long and we haven't gotten to the technical stuff yet!!! Love the colors you are using!

  11. You are truly blessed to have such a design wall, and room to put it in! Soon you will have so much to share as you get frenzied sewing done in that space! (when you are not working for $$ otherwise!)

  12. What a great wall. So far, I've only had time to print out Alicia's clues. Maybe next year I can work on it. You'll get your mojo back.

  13. Alycia sews faster than I do too! Very envious of your design wall. Hope your mojo is back and you've gotten lots done in the sewing room.


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