Saturday, November 23, 2019

Bright spots for a gray day

Hi everyone! Are we all feeling motivated today? Hah! I am feeling a bit more creative than I have for the past few weeks, and I've actually pulled out a couple of RSC projects that I think I can get finished up pretty quickly. And hey-- I have a few days off next week for some small, obscure holiday, so I may have some actual sewing time, too!

The first little project I want to finish up is actually from last year's RSC. You may remember the hollow 9-patches that I made to use up some 2-inch squares. I ended up with quite a few of them, enough for two small quilts. Here is the first one:

Wow, nothing like a shot of color to wake up your creativity, is there? I've played with these for a while, and I think this will be the final layout. Maybe I'll move a couple.  I'm just going to use a plain narrow white for the sashing, and I haven't decided about borders yet. It will be small, but it will make a nice child-sized quilt.

Here's what I'm doing with the remaining hollow 9-patches:

Putting them on point!  This will be another kid size quilt, but it will still be a usable size. Thankfully, too, I know some small people who like colors.  The best part of these two layouts is that they mean that I have only 4 of the hollow 9-patches left over, and I just might stick those on the back.  Win!

So there's the plan for one set of older blocks. The other project that I pulled out to finish pretty quickly is from this year, and it's these blocks:

These are the Cut Glass Dish blocks, and I love them. I just don't want to make any more of them! The plan was to make 30 blocks, but I think a quilt made with just 20 blocks will still be a very nice lap size. Plus, the blocks will not be waiting in the closet any more but will get to be in a nice, happy quilt.

I need five more blocks, and I was thinking about using pink and purple, but what colors would you suggest? The red always throws me off, so I do need something to balance it. Do you think the purple would do that?  Plus, I thought I liked the layout shown above, but, wow, I really don't. It looks like I'll have to play with those blocks a bit more.  They do look like cut glass, don't they?

That's the update from here for now. I'll be stitching these together and trying to figure out a layout for the Cut Glass blocks. Oh, and then I might have to go to the grocery store. I'm wondering if it will be very crowded this weekend. Probably not, right?

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC19 (soon to be RSC20-- eep!)


  1. The cut glass blocks would look amazing on point with the side triangles in the colours used. It would be lovely.

  2. So many beautiful rainbow blocks! I love both of your arrangements of hollow 9P blocks, and the Cut Glass Dish blocks are stunning! I can understand why you wouldn't want to make many more of them. I think pink, purple and blue would be good additions. Of the two layouts you showed, I prefer the first, but on point is an interesting idea too.

  3. Getting to put together finished quilts is such a great reward for a year of sewing. I like the layouts you have planned. Enjoy putting them all together!

  4. Oh , I’m so glad you brought out the hollow 9 patches. They reminded me that I wanted to try them! Thanks! I really like the cut glass blocks too! I’m not sure about other colors. Maybe if the pink is not too pale, and the purple is more eggplant than lavender. I’d just have to experiment!
    Funny observation....when your photos are thumbnails at the bottom of your blog, the cut glass blocks take on a whole different look!
    Whatever you decide, will be wonderful!

  5. Glad you have your mojo back! I'm with JudyB, so glad you showed the hollow 9Ps as I've been wanting to do them, too. Love the cut glass blocks, too. I think purple will help balance the values.

  6. I like both of these quilts I need to get busy and finish mine up

  7. Definitely incorporate those extra blocks into the backing and make them the label as well!! Total win!!! I can see why you would not want to make any more of the cut glass blocks - what a ton of work!! Purple and pink would be perfect. On the layout, what would it look like if you took the first layout and rotated every other row to make it like a zigzag? Lightening is what that would remind me of.

  8. Loving your colorful post today! The onpoint blocks are great. Would sashing with a cornerstone help you like the setting of the Cut Glass blocks more? And it will increase the size if you really want it bigger.

  9. I think anything set on point looks great

  10. Oh what bright fun -- I love the cut glass blocks. No idea on what color next to balance the red, although I don't know if you need to? I'd audition some colors and see what you think.

  11. I've always liked your hollow 9 patches - so glad to see them come out again, Mari! They seem perfect to make two colorful quilts for the little ones! The cut glass dish blocks are amazing, but they definitely do look labor intensive. Have you thought about adding any shades of blue to what you already have? I don't know what that would do with the colors you already have there, but I did notice you hadn't made any in blue yet.

  12. If the red throws you, then take it out and re-do your color plan so you love it laid out 4 x 5 (I would go with straight set rather than trying to form rings - but that is just me).

  13. p.s. you could also try running the colors in diagonals rather than in vertical/horizontal rows.

  14. I'm glad to see the hollow nine patches get finished. I'm going to be the outlier on using purple. I think a dark purple would stand out more than the red, but maybe a medium value blue/purple. And I'm sure the grocery stores will be virtually empty this weekend.

  15. Ooh the hollow nine patches. I had forgotten about them. I remember wanting to make them when I saw them last year. I’m glad they are making their way into two (!) quilts. I’m not sure what to suggest for the cut glass because pink and purple aren’t my favorites even though I use them regularly in my RSC. I would suggest putting some fabrics up of various colors and seeing which ones have a similar value to the red, because I think that might be the issue. Maybe use some deeper values of some of the colors you already have? And then add in a coral to be in the same color family as red?

  16. wow so much color! Love this. I like the first setting, not that that matters lol. How's Baltimore? It's snowy here, 9th snow in last month an a half. happy thanksgiving

  17. First of all, congrats on voluntarily making so many lovely blocks with HSTs. They are beautiful. I made one last month and it’s simply awful, but oh well. I know you’ll come up with a super solution, just as you’ve done with your hollow nines. Can’t wait to see those quilts finished!

  18. I do like your "hollow" nine patch blocks, as you call them. Simple but really effective, especially in all those gorgeous colours.

  19. Love those hollow nine patches... especially the ones on point! Might have to try some next year.

  20. Lots of amazing work. Love the Hollow 9 patches making 2 lovely quilts. The on point one is excellent.

  21. I love the way your whole nine patch blocks turned out. It’s going to be on my list for 2020 RSC. Amazing that you got the quilts out of it.

  22. I prefer the on-point layout for the hollow nine-patch blocks. It looks gorgeous!!! Let me know if you need any ideas. I just have too many bubbling up in my head. Of course that means that we have to meet and hang out :-p
    What are the other blocks called? Have you considered putting them on point as well?

  23. Both of your sets of blocks are gorgeous!

  24. All beautiful quilts. Purple and pink would look great with the cut Glass Dish blocks. I love those hollow 9 patches and both quilts.

  25. Lots of color up on your design wall. Those blocks should all stitch together pretty quickly. Hope you've been able to get lots done over the holiday.


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