Saturday, November 30, 2019

Simple, hollow, and pointed

Hi all, and hello to all the new followers I got this week! I don't speak Russian, and I have no need for "sexy ladies" at this time, but I really hope you enjoy all the quilts!  (I bet there are a lot of you who know what I'm talking about. Fun, hey?)

Hope all of you had a great Thanksgiving! We went to my daughter's and got to spend Thanksgiving with a tiny girl, and got to see some older grandkids, too. The weather turned out to be great, unlike other parts of the country, so I'm extra sorry for those of you who got stuck and couldn't get over the river or through the woods. Here's hoping the rest of the holiday season is better.

 So yesterday, after some nice leftovers, I finished up the first of the hollow 9 patch quilts.  Here she is:

Yahoo! I think this one turned out to be a beauty, and I am so, so pleased with it.

If you recall, I made 9-patches from 2-inch squares in the color of the month last year for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge.  Since I stitched the colorful squares around a white center, I called these "hollow 9-patches." I got enough of those 9-patches to make two small quilts. I guess I could have gone with one larger one, but I think these will be nice for some small people, and they need small quilts.

The sashing is a white print called Glee from Victoria Findlay Wolfe which turned out to be so perfect for these blocks that I'm also using it for the second quilt. The setting triangles are a print from Kim Schaefer, which also turned out perfect. No backing or binding yet, but I definitely don't want any more of my quilts hanging out here longer than they need to, so I'm hoping to quilt this up over the winter break.

I realized as I was putting this together that these 9-patches are the same size as the Tiny Tuesday blocks, and now I'm kicking myself for not realizing it sooner. I could've combined them or something, though they are very different. And speaking of the Tiny Tuesday blocks:

Up on the design wall! Don't they look great? I think this is the final layout, but they sure are fun to play with. This is another of my "over winter break" projects, I think, though I may not be able to wait.

Hope you all are having a wonderful, restful weekend with lots of sewing time. Apparently we'll be getting nasty weather tomorrow, just in time for the first of December, so I'm might be doing some stitching myself. And I think there might be leftover pie, if the hubs hasn't eaten it yet!

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC19.


  1. Beautiful tops all around! I think you have inspired me to do those hollow 9 patches next year with the challenge.

  2. I love how it turned out. A good block for the RSC (but I'd make mine a bit larger).

  3. Those setting triangles are just perfect. Winter break is just around the corner. Looks like you will have several fabulous finishes to look forward to. Glad that your weather is good so far. The cold never made it this far south and we have a glorious day to enjoy!

  4. oh it's so happy! I like the arrangement. Your tiny blocks are something all together aren't they? Love the last woodsy picture. I think the weather we've been having has moved east but not intensely like ours, so not so bad. Miss the east coast... eat pie. Congrats to the family on a new little quilter.

  5. You are going to be busy over break! That is going to be SEW sweet for a little person. Always good to have enough blocks for TWO quilts... BOGO sale!!! :o))

  6. I love your hollow 9 patch setting! The sashing and triangle fabrics are so perfect to go with the sweet blocks. Hope the weather isn't too nasty for you, Mari. We sure have had a wacky week out west here, and it's at it again today! ;(

  7. I'm also going to consider the hollow 9 patches for next year's RSC. Yours are delightfully cheerful and bright. I've got my tiny Tuesday blocks sewn together, but it may need a border since it's only 42" x 49". I'll have to mull that over for a while. Hope the storm isn't too bad down there. It's apparently going to stay far enough east to miss us.

  8. Perfect choice for sashing and setting triangles. SO cheerful.

  9. Love love love those hollow 9 patches! A good way to use up those 2”squares I’ve been cutting!

  10. Love your "hollow nine patches" and they look great set on point. Wonderful choice for RSC blocks.

  11. That is a great quilt! Love the fabric used for the setting triangles.

  12. Oh, that setting triangle fabric couldn't be any more PERFECT! Lovely quilt!

  13. Love all your fabric choices!! Such a pretty, happy quilt! Hollow nine-patches need to be added to my list.

  14. love your hollow 9s! so much versatility with 9 patches! the setting triangles are the perfect fabric!

  15. I've been wanting to follow along with the RSC for a few years, but didn't jump in in time, but this next year, I need to be ready! If you don't mind, I want to consider making this block as we move through the colors each month. I really love yours! (Yes, I get those 'sexy ladies' as new followers too. Don't they have anything better to do???)

  16. I love your scrappy hollow blocks, maybe it might have given me an idea for some of my scraps. I started cutting 2.5" from scraps with my AccuQuilt a couple weeks ago. I think I need to do more;)

  17. So beautiful! I'm a quilter for only couple years so please forgive me... I don't understand the term hollow blocks.

  18. Sorry, I just reread it, I understand!

  19. Oh, I love your Happy Hollows! They are so simple, yet fancy on point like that. I'm inspired to try these for RSC2020 :)

  20. The hollow 9 patch quilt is striking and the block is interesting have not seen one like that before! YOur Tiny Tuesday quilt is coming along nicely!
    Enjoy the cold weather - wish we could get cold and stay cold - 80 yesterday in the low 60's today! Hugs

  21. Such happy quilts! I love the sashing fabric and the setting triangle fabric; I might have to use one of them for a quilt of mine, so I appreciate the ideas! Yup, I have those followers too; such fun.

  22. I haven't quilted in 20 years or more
    Due to health problems. Now I am 69 years old and starting from scratch. I have time and a husband that encourages me, so where do I start?

    1. I would suggest mug rugs then table runners and move up to a quilt . Start small and move on from there as you get back into the groove.

  23. Both completed "small" quilts are beautiful! I love the idea of a hollow 9-patch. Great idea and great settings. Your fabrics all played so nicely together. RSC2019 is a going to be a beauty too. Love how you just mixed up all the colors (instead of keeping like colors in the same row) so much that I think I'm going to play around with own blocks in the same fashion. Have a great week!

  24. She is indeed a beauty. Is it going to join the other flimsies in your studio or you plan on finishing it? Have you decided on RSC blocks for 2020?
    I am sure the grandkids enjoyed the visit as much as you did. Hope we can get together once more this year :-) and talk about quilty things.

  25. Your Hollow 9 patches turned out beautifully! Hope you can clear the calendar over winter break to get in some good stitching time.


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