Friday, December 20, 2019

Festive finale Friday

Hello all!  It's 27 degrees here today, and there has been water running down my street from a broken pipe all day. Not my pipe, thank goodness, but a *lot* of water.  They've sent the salt truck down the street twice, but it's going to be treacherous out there in the morning. And the water is still running! My fingers are crossed for the neighbor with the broken lateral pipe, that's for sure.

Today I am showing off my last finish of 2019! It's really the first in my quest to get all of these unquilted tops out of the closet and quilted up, but it's a finished quilt at last:

It's a winter quilt, just in time for a nice cozy Christmas!  I finished the top for this in January of 2015. Yes, I am deeply ashamed that it hung around that long, but maybe it just needed to age a bit.  It was definitely ready to be quilted up, though.  This was a year-long quiltalong from Cindy at Quilt Doodle Doodles, and you can buy the whole pattern from her.  It was super-easy to make and fun, too, plus it used up a whole lot of my scraps at the time.  (She has a lot of other fun patterns, too, so take a look around.)

This was quilted by Alycia at Quiltygirl, and she did an amazing job with it.  I told her that she could do whatever she wanted and I can tell she had a lot of fun with it.  There are so many fun things quilted in here.  Take a look at the great textures:

A closeup of the trees:

I love all the swirls, and the limbs on the trees, and take a look at the cups:

Isn't that heart cute?  She also quilted in a few snowflakes, and they blend so well on the front that I had a hard time getting a good picture, but here's one on the back:

The backing is a really nice quality flannel sheet from L.L. Bean, and it makes this quilt extra cuddly. For the binding I chose a red dotted print, which gives the edge just a little zip. 

That's probably too many pictures, but I'm very excited to have this out of the closet and ready to keep me warm. It wasn't doing anyone any good in the closet, after all!  I am so, so grateful to Alycia for her great work on this quilt. (I'll bet she'd be willing to quilt one for you, too!)  I could not be happier with the results, even if it was a long time coming.

And with that, I am closing the sewing room for the holiday so that I can bake up some cookies, wrap some presents, and generally relax with the people I care most about.  It's time for some old-fashioned celebration, and I intend to make the most of it. 

I hope that all of you who celebrate Christmas have a wonderful, restful holiday filled with good food, good friends, and family.  If you celebrate another holiday this time of year, or no holiday, I hope you have a wonderful, peaceful end to the year and a nice restful time with people you love.  I have a wrap-up post scheduled for next week, but otherwise I will see you all in 2020!  Happy holidays, all!

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Finished or not Friday.


  1. Great finish
    Have a happy and safe festive season...

  2. Super cute! Wonderful way to finish the year! :)

  3. Nice! I am always attracted to row quilts. Great job! And Merry Christmas 🎁🎄 to you and yours!

  4. Cute Christmas quilt. Enjoy a wonderful holiday season and stay safe and warm.

  5. that is a cute quilt and I love the backing fabric! have fun baking and visiting with your family - it is just a small amount of people here and so I kind of stick to my routine but add baking in - I did a volunteer time at the library yesterday for serving cookies and cocoa for Christmas story time and that is the extent of my socializing lol - daughter will come over Christmas Eve and then it is just hubby and me for a quite day

  6. Mari, that is an adorable quilt! I love the rows of fun and colorful Christmas and wintry items. Great finish! Have a wonderful holiday!

  7. What a fun way to wrap up your year! Cindy lives very close to me, but we've never met. She does have some cute patterns, so her site is definitely worth a look! That quilt is a cute one. I was really tempted to do her recent snowman QAL, but I behaved myself. Have a wonderful Christmas!

  8. Adorable winter quilt and the flannel backing will make it cuddly. I don't remember seeing this one, but I wasn't following you back then. Enjoy you holiday celebrations. I'm sure they will be fun with the grands. We celebrate on Christmas Eve with my daughter, but the rest of the family is in Texas and Florida. See you in 2020.

  9. How fun is this quilt?? What a great finish, and just in time to enjoy for both the holidays and all winter long. Great job! :)

  10. It couldn't have been the perfect quilt to end with for the year. It has to feel amazing to have it finished after hiding away in the closet. The flannel sounds cuddly soft and the quilting is wonderful!

  11. Just the right dose of color, joy and holiday cheer that is needed on a cold, dreary day. You brighten the blogland, Mari!! Happy Holidays to you!!!

  12. That was a super fun quilt to quilt! you did a great job! Thanks for the shout out!! and Merry Christmas to you, have a relaxing time!!!

  13. What a fun finish! Love that blue background and the quilting. Have a very happy holiday and great New Year!

  14. Love the quilt. Thanks for the reveals of the fabulous quilting.

  15. Never too many pictures!! What a fun quilt, Mari! The custom quilting looks perfect for it, too. Happy snuggling—all through the holidays and all winter long!!

  16. I would LOVE to get all of the quilts waiting to be quilted (seventeen currently) out of my closet but I am the quilter so . . . guess I need to stop piecing (my first love) and spend some time with Max. Congrats on a very fun quilt -- Merry Christmas!

  17. What a cute quilt! Love the blue background and the quilting is beautiful. Great finish!

  18. What a cute holiday/winter quilt. Fun rows for sure - Alycia's quilting is amazing.

    Happy holidays Mari - enjoy the rest and relaxation. We had two parties at our house over the last two days. So I am ready for some quiet. This morning is for coffee and catching up on blog posts1

  19. So many beautiful quilts you have finished! I really like your scrap quilts. It's amazing to see that scraps can turn into beautiful quilts. Happy new year! :-)


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