Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Not a mystery to me

Hi everyone! Are you all done Christmas shopping? Me neither! I went out shopping last weekend and mainly just looked at all the decorations and enjoyed some Christmas spirit. I bought one thing, and I'm happy with that. I've actually only got a few things left since I got almost everything online. My parents have forbidden all of us from buying any more presents for them and the grandkids are still small enough to be happy with a box, so that only really leaves my husband. Anybody out there have ideas for a kinda nerdy engineering type who insists there's nothing he wants? Yeah, me too!

Anyway, in addition to being somewhat merry, I've also worked some on my repurposed Bonnie Hunter mystery quilt from several years ago.  Here's where I am:

For anyone who doesn't remember, I have 12 blocks from the original En Provence mystery quilt by Bonnie Hunter, and tons and tons of parts and pieces that I made for that project. I'm recombining them into a different, smaller quilt, just because I don't want to make any more of the parts or pieces, and I want something usable that gets this project out of my closet.

As I said, I have 12 blocks, so I've been working on putting leftover pieces together to make pieced sashings.  I think I did okay with these, though now I'm wondering if I shouldn't have used more purple 4-patches instead of the neutral ones, but I'm too far along to even consider ripping those darned things.

Now it's on to considering border options.  Above is a picture of the quilt blocks with no border, which is okay, but I'm bothered that the stars along the edge are unfinished.  (Ignore the magenta and green star centers. I was trying to decide and settled on the purple 4-patches.)  The photo at the top of the post is one possibility for a border-- just the neutral 4-patches and enough other pieces to finish the stars.  Here is another possibility:

This would use up more purple parts, but it's kinda weird and I don't like the hsts in there.  And before anyone suggests it, I'm not expanding the border to let me make stars in the corners, too, mostly because that would mean making more 4-patches, and I already have hundreds of those suckers to use up.

The final idea I had was just purple 4 patches:

I don't like this either, so it looks like the best option for me is all neutral 4-patches. If you have another idea, I'd love to hear it!  The good news is that I might not have to make any more, and I'll almost certainly use up the ones I already have. That would be a major win for me.

Tomorrow I am taking the last packages to the post office and then I might make Christmas cookies, then I have to wrap some more packages. Gosh, that's an awful chore, isn't it? Just kidding-- it's making me very happy right now. And just to add to the Christmas feeling, look what we woke up to a few days ago:

It's not a lot of snow for folks from Wisconsin, but it's enough to melt any Grinchy heart, isn't it?

That's all for now! I'll have a finish on Friday and then I think that may be it for the year for me. There are grandchildren to video chat with and one close by to cuddle with, and holiday cheer to spread. Hope you are having a festive holiday season and getting some stitches in, too.  Happy holiday time, everyone!


  1. The En Provence blocks are pretty. I think the neutral patches would work well with the purple. Our weather is very cold, but no snow yet. Wishing you and your family happiest holiday times.

  2. I have struggled with that EP, too. Will be interested in your solution.

  3. it is bit of snow for me considering the weatherman is saying it will be in the 65/45 range on Christmas day that means no snow this year probably - maybe next year? more cookies need to be made here too

  4. Consider the book Quirky for your husband.

  5. Love the four patches in the stars! Neutral four patch border with the purple corner ( not the weird one) look great.

  6. I would add the star in the corners. You wouldn't have to expand the border. The stars will fit.

  7. Think the neutrals are fine - I like the red that you are using - really makes the blocks pop! will be pretty!

  8. I like the red centers for the stars. Not sure what to suggest for those corners, but I agree about the HSTs. That's a tough one. My hubs is a hard one to buy for too, but I actually got him done first this year. Now I just need to keep it hidden; he'll know what it is as soon as he sees it.

  9. For the hubby you might consider funky or not robots... They have neat ones to build and it might tickle him. Yes they are a toy or not.... Thats part of the gift to make us young again.

    on finishing the quilt
    do you have enough pieces and is the size right to use that center 9 patch from the stars for the corners?

  10. The mostly neutral border will really make the main blocks shine! Is your DH a beer drinker? If so, a "beer of the month" club might make a fun gift :)

  11. I like ButterZ’s idea of the star in the corner. She’s right that you wouldn’t need to expand the border. My hubby is also a nerd, and he likes books (or book gift cards), “toys” like geeky fans, mini-speakers or audio equipment, or hobby-echoing decor for his man-cave/laBORatory.

  12. Looks like you've got a good handle on how to finish off En Provence. Good luck. I feel your struggle in buying for an nerdy, engineering type who said they don't want anything. I'm married to a nerdy physicist type (very similar to the engineering type). Thank goodness he has a few hobbies.

  13. I gave up on En Provence. I have finished ONE block. That's it! (If I even got that far.) Honestly, I didn't do much better with On Ringo Lake either. Best of luck using up those pieces and parts!!

  14. I love the neutral four patches and the purple corners - I am just glad you. are making something with all the pieces. You've already put so much effort into it - what a shame it would be to leave it in pieces.
    Ray and I don't do Christmas gifts these days. We just don't need anything so we decided to stop exchanging. We do birthdays but not Christmas. Yesterday I mailed off the last box and it will likely arrive after Christmas but that's ok. Happy Holidays Mari!! Enjoy the season. :-)


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