Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Partially pieced

Hi everyone! How is your week going? I don't mind telling you that it's been fairly good here for the past little while. It has been unseasonably warm and mostly just lovely outside. I spent last weekend at an academic conference in Washington DC without a coat. In January. It was so nice that a couple of us skipped out on the afternoon session and went sightseeing-- and we walked. It was awesome. The conference might have been okay, too. At least my paper was!

So now I'm home and I have a ton of work to do, and the temperatures are about to plunge, just in time for the first day of class. I might even get to wear the new coat that I bought just because it reminded me of the coats I wore in Wisconsin. While I'm waiting for that, though, I've been working on a couple of things.  First up are these:

These are half the 4-patches I need for the January blocks for the Color Challenge at Patterns by Jen. A friend and I decided to make these together, but I read the directions wrong so I only have half as many parts as I needed. Yeah, I know they wouldn't have taken long to finish, but in my defense, it was very, very nice outside.

The other thing I'm working on is this little stuffie:

This is a very cute little kit that I got from Bernie's shop that I've been wanting to make for my tiniest granddaughter.  She turns one year old really soon and I thought this would be a cute little gift. The kit really does come with everything, including stuffing, a sewing needle, and straight pins.  Because she's just a tiny girl, I'll have to embroider the eyes and nose instead of using the buttons that came in the kit, but I think I don't mind that.

The only other thing I'm doing is continuing to put all the new fabric I bought over the last couple of weeks on boards and put them away. I really should not have shopped quite as much, but it's just so easy, you know? I got these pretties from Shabby Fabrics:

I have a plan for the one on the right edge, but the others are just because I had no blues at all and these were a good price.  And these lovely batik pieces came from Jinny Beyer's shop:

I'm planning to use these lovely batiks (plus plenty of others) to finally make a (gigantic) quilt for my own bed. Somehow I've forgotten to do that for all these years.

That's what's up around here for now, along with waaayyy too much computer time.  When I became a professor it was all about the books.  Now it's all about the course website. The world has changed and we must change with it, but I never thought it would involve this much typing!

Happy stitching, friends!


  1. You have some beautiful fabric. Have fun using them..

  2. I love the fabrics you got from Jinny Beyer's shop! We are to get a cold spell next week and I will be able to wear the winter jacket I go - maybe for more than one day. Where did you live in Wisconsin I grew up in that state and spent the first 20 years of my life there

  3. There's just something so wonderful about fabric cut fresh from the bolt! I love your blues. And that little hedgehog is just darling :)

  4. It is just so easy to shop, and I've been doing some too and have fabric I need to board. I haven't finished my January block for the Color Challenge yet; I need to get a wiggle on. I have a few too many projects going on this month; not sure how I managed that. Glad you had a few days of enjoying warm weather -- enjoy that coat, and I hope your classes go well!

  5. You are so right about things changing and evolving. Julia is experiencing college in a very different fashion than I did. From co-ed flors and bathrooms in the dorms, to renting college texts on Amazon, to having EVERYTHING on line - it is a whole different experience. She doesn't even own a printer because everything is submitted electronically. It seems so foreign. But yep, everything changes and evolves.

    Glad your conference went well. You should look for a conference on the west coast for next time. Hint, hint!

  6. So glad you have been able to enjoy the weather. It is always such a treat to take a break from the cold. Those batiks are so tempting. I have been mulling a larger quilt for our bed as well and batiks would be just the right vibe. Happy sewing!


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