Friday, January 24, 2020


Hi all! How are you? It has been a very, very stressful week for me. Mostly work stuff, but also we're gearing up for some home remodelling, and you know how that goes. I have to tell you, we haven't even started and I'm already tired of it.  At least the gray will be entirely gone and there will be a lot of satisfaction in that. And there will be an actual closet, which will be a huge bonus.  You don't really think about closets until you don't have a place to put your coat, and then you really need one.

I was so stressed this week that my husband said, "don't you have anything to sew?" and pretty much forced me into the sewing room.  The one thing I finished was all done by hand, though:

Yep, it's the little Prickles stuffie that I got from Bernie's shop.  I had thought that I could make it for my granddaughter, but it's really not a children's toy.  It was super easy to make, though, and was pretty relaxing.  It will make a nice "look at" toy for Grandma's house. 

This is really designed to be made by hand, and that's the only way that I could find to make it. It's been a long time since I made anything entirely by hand, and it was not a bad experience.  The one thing I would do differently is baste a bit before stitching, and go get my own thread that matches the dark brown a bit better.  I don't like the way that the floss that was provided doesn't really blend.  Just too lazy to go get my own, though!

I did finish up a couple of blocks, too: 

These are the first blocks for the Color Challenge at Patterns by Jen. These are much, much cuter in person, but it's hard to get a good picture in the brown that is January right now.

Ok, back to the grind! Hope you all have a wonderful weekend and get some stitching in. I'll be working on some RSC projects today, so maybe those will be done tomorrow.  We live in hope!

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Finished or Not Friday.


  1. Will Ms. Prickles serve as your new pin-cushion? She is stinking cute :-)

  2. Very cute little stuffie! Love those color challenge blocks. I like the simplicity of them.

  3. Pickles is adorable! I agree with Preeti... she's stinking cute!

  4. Ah yes - the therapy for stress that is known as studio time. How wise your hubby is to mention it to you. Hang in there - we banished the gray here years ago and have never looked back.

  5. So sorry to hear it's been such a stressful week for you, Mari. I agree that hubby is a smart man! Prickles is pretty cute, and probably was a great project to take your mind off things. I like your Color Challenge blocks, too! I've made one of those myself!

  6. Mr. Prickles is a cutie. Sorry to hear that work has been unhappy. Hopefully it will turn around soon. As for the remodeling, as much as it isn't fun, having it all the way you want it will be a nice change.

  7. I'm sorry to hear about your week, and I fully know how those renov projects can be both exciting and stressful. Sometimes a little slow stitching is just the thing, and Prickles is very cute. Hope you have a restful weekend.

  8. even with all the stress I am so glad you had a finish to link up!!and it is sooooo cute!! heres to a better week, and super fast house remodels~!

  9. Hmmm, interesting to see the floss color for Prickles - it is a bit off. Sorry to learn that. Otherwise, he is very sweet. Hand sewing can be meditative for me, even just sewing the back side to a binding.
    As for remodeling, I do not envy you - especially since you did quite a bit of that in the Delaware house. I hope this is a much simpler plan. Have a nice (restful) weekend Mari.

  10. You seem to be stuck in a perpetual pattern of moving and remodeling. I've never understood the appeal of gray walls or gray backgrounds in quilts, but to each his own. How nice that your husband suggested that you head to the studio for some quilty relief.

  11. Prickles is adorable! Sorry that life is so stressful... sewing is the best remedy for that!

  12. We are 'discussing' some home improvement projects also. Very unsettling!


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