Friday, February 21, 2020

Child's play

Hi everyone! Hope you have had a good week! Painting continues at our house, and the place is looking much brighter and sunnier. Much less depressing all the way around.  And hey-- has anyone else noticed that the spell check button is gone on Blogger? This is annoying, so if anything is misspelled today, it's because my eyes were too tired to proofread properly. I need that button back!

I'm just popping in today to show a small child's quilt top that I finished off this week. I had made a resolution that I would stop posting tops and wait to post until they were quilted, as a way of motivating myself to finish things up. Today is as long as that lasted, so take a look at the unfinished top for this fun child's quilt:

Oh, color and happiness.  This was a super-fast quilt to make, mainly because I only made a few of these blocks. I bought most of the blocks and the fabric from Myra at Busy Hands Quilts when she had her giant destash. It worked out because she got room on the shelves and I got a quick quilt top.

Do you like the design choice I made, with a wider border at the top and bottom than on  the sides?  Ha, ha, just kidding-- that was totally a cutting mistake! I kind of like it, though, so I might leave it.

This happy little quilt will get quilted up and donated later this spring. I have a nice piece of the border fabric left, so that might become the backing, and a nice piece of red for a binding.  This little quilt ended up at about 44 by 54, so it will be a nice quilt for a child.

That's all the time I have for now! There is a lot to be done around here, and I'd better get to it. Plus I have this little thing called "work," so I'm hoping to get some of that done, too. It's going to be a busy weekend! I'd better have a brownie or something to keep my energy up, don't you think?

Hope your weekend is really good and relaxing!

Sharing at Confessions of a Fabric Addict and Finished or Not Friday.


  1. Colorful, cheery, and a good size! Fun for a child, although I don't think one needs to be a child to feel good with this quilt! :)

  2. love the quilt. I don't know what I would do without spell checker LOL - I am a horrible speller and although I used to type really well as my hands get more arthritis in them I tend to make more mistakes I need spell checker!!

  3. Blogger had a spellcheck button??? WORK???
    You are killing me this morning. But your lovely quilt top brought me back to life :-) It is so pretty, it brightens the drab yard. Red binding will be perfect.
    Hope you have an awesome weekend, minus that four-letter word - WORK.

  4. This is super cute! I didn't even notice the different size borders, so clearly it was the perfect choice :)

  5. I often make side borders narrower than top/bottom. Cute quilt!

  6. Honestly, had you not said anything I wouldn't have noticed the border sizes being different. It's a very cute quilt, and perfect for a kiddo to snuggle under!

  7. That is a pretty combination of fabrics, Mari!

  8. I've deliberately made borders different sizes...even going so far as to make every one of them different - and it was obvious!! Yours isn't that different, because if you hadn't said anything, I wouldn't have noticed it!! Darling quilt that anyone would appreciate and enjoy!

  9. What a wonderful quilt! So bright and cheery. I think you should leave the borders as they are, until you pointed it out I had no clue.

  10. Work is a 4 letter word - haha!! Love your happy quilt!! Enjoy your weekend!!

  11. Great jump start on your little quilt! I didn't even notice the border variation, but if I had, I would SEW totally think you did it on purpose. Happy painting!!

  12. A quilt top is a finish! Always show them off.


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