Saturday, February 29, 2020

Leaping over orange

Hello all, and happy leap day! I know why we get an extra day in February every four years, but wouldn't you all rather have an extra day in June? We had a minor snow squall here today, so I'm going with yes on June 31 instead of February 29.

There is a *lot* going on in my life right now. I mean, a LOT.  We went to my grandson's 4th birthday party and got to see all the grandkids, and as soon as we got home we both got hit with the worst colds ever, the kind that feels like you've been hit in the head with a hammer.  It could have come from anywhere, but I'm betting on our sweet 2-1/2 year old granddaughter, who hugged me around the neck and  said, "I love you guys," just before she sneezed right in my face. I think I have to forgive her, don't you?

Today all I have to show off is the last orange bit for this month:

It's the orange slab, quilted up into a new orange scrap basket!  And in the orange month, too, I want to point out. Yay me! I originally had the next picture at the top, but then I realized that a trick of perspective makes it look like the basket is as big as a car (it's not!):

Like the last basket, every bit of this piece is a scrap, including the batting and the binding.  I feel very virtuous about this, though it did not seem to make much of a dent in the scraps. But at least I now have somewhere cute to put them!

This one turned out a bit bigger than the last one, and I'm okay with that. They're improv, right? And the green one may have lost a bit of height because I messed it up a few times. The orange one went much, much more smoothly.And I love that I got to use a bunch of little pieces in the orange one.

I'm afraid that's it for my orange adventures, sadly. I spent a little time while I was outside taking pictures trying to get a photo of the bright orange foxes that live near our property, but they were shy and it was cold. Oh, well.

Hope you are all having a good weekend. I'm looking forward to a new color and some more cold meds. My head is still pretty fuzzy.  And hey-- if you need a gift for a smallish person, try these Bugnoculars.  They were a huge hit with the short set. (No affiliations, just a happy grandma!)

Sharing at soscrappy for RSC2020

UPDATED TO ADD:  I've just learned that Paula B, who posted at the RSC often, has passed away. This is very sad, as she was a lovely, gentle person. If you would like, click over HERE and leave her family a message and read her obituary. She was more awesome than she let on. I will miss her.


  1. Oh your scrap baskets are just lovely--sorry 'bout that cold;000
    hugs, Julierose

  2. Great orange scrap basket. So many tiny bits all lovingly sewn together.

  3. Really cute scrap baskets!
    The bugnoculars look like a lot of fun...maybe for the big kids, too! :)

  4. Great baskets! I made one a month a few years ago and they are so handy and pretty too. Unfortunately the orange one was nearly empty, and teal shares with blue, and it's full of blue! I shall have to cut some scraps this month!

  5. LOL yes the basket looks huge! on the cold - bet the granddaughter did it!! I hate those kinds of colds and hope I do not get one this spring.

  6. Colds from little people - happened here, too (sigh). Taking me a long time to get my mo-jo back. Your oranges are wonderful - so bright and cheerful. Feel better soon.

  7. Well, you know I love the orange, and green is my secondest favorite color, particularly a bright lime green. So I love your baskets, and what a great idea. I may have to add that to my project list that is never ending! Sorry about the colds - hope you are both feeling 100% again soon and that sunshine and warm weather comes your way as well!

  8. High five! We’re both doing scrap baskets this year! Yours I are darling, and I particularly enjoyed the picture of the Giant Scrap Basket From Outer Space in your driveway! Hahahah

  9. Got to love when the grands share their colds with you! Love your scrap basket in both orange and green. Hope you both are on then mend this weekend.
    Thank you for the update on Paula. She was a delightful blog writer and I so enjoyed reading her posts.

  10. Oh no, I'm sorry to hear about Paula. I always enjoyed her posts and comments, too. Your scrap baskets are so much fun - I love looking at all of those pretty bits of fabric! Hope you feel better soon, Mari!

  11. Thank you for telling us about Paula, although I didn't know her, I always enjoyed reading her blog. She was a valued member of RSC group and will be sadly missed

  12. I can't believe you made an ORANGE basket that was as big as a car... SEW awesome!! Thank you for the update regarding Paula's passing. I appreciate that you included a link for us to reach her family.

  13. Love your orange bag!! and congrats for finishing it so quick! Feel better soon!!


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