Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Leftovers transformed

Hello all! I hope you all are doing well and staying healthy. It's weird and stressful out there! We are now under a "stay at home" order, so we are staying home and making the best of it. I even cooked! Not brownies, actual food! So you know just how weird it really is right now.

It's weird and stressful out there, but in here we have fun and interesting fabrics, cool projects, and happiness. And orange. Today we have some oranges that were left over from the last month.  I've been working like crazy, and sometimes taking breaks, and I've crossed a couple of things off my many lists.  Here is the March block for the Color Challenge at Patterns by Jen:

Normally I dislike blocks with big pieces, but this time it felt pretty good. Non-stressful, you know? These were made with some of the many leftover oranges I have. I have a plan to use up some of the other oranges, too, but I haven't started in on that yet. Maybe next week.

One other thing I started in on was on an adopted project. Apparently that's what I do now, adopt projects. I actually really love it, so I'm not complaining.  Cathy at Crazy by Design made some lovely blocks from selvages:

See? Perfectly beautiful blocks, suitable for many different quilty layouts. However, she was at a standstill with them, so she generously sent them to me. I didn't know what to do with them exactly, but as soon as I opened the package I saw this:

Threads! Of course these should be spool blocks. (That bottom block is curling up, not cut wonky.) I had actually not made spool blocks before, but these pretty much have to be spools, don't you think? I ripped Cathy's blocks apart and trimmed the selvage bits down a bit so that they're taller than they are wide, then experimented with different sizes for the tops and bottoms. If anyone wants to suggest a really good formula, I'd like to hear it.

I think the spools worked out great, and I have a bunch more to make, but I also had to add in some more modern spools, too:

Of course! How could I leave out my favorite thread? I might attempt a couple other types too, but I love these.

For the rainbow scrap challenge at soscrappy, I've pretty much missed this whole month, which was aqua, one of my favorites. I'll catch up, but for now I made this from a leftover block:

This is a leftover 100-patch block made into a nice little zip bag. It was super easy and very relaxing to quilt up, and it makes me happy.

So that was all the leftovers I transformed this week. I think I did okay, considering. I love the 21st century, but I think I hate teaching online. It takes so much time! And I want to actually talk to students again! Meetings can stay online. Those I don't miss.

Finally, I'm making myself go outside every day, so I saw these happy sundrops:

These also make me happy! I hope they give you a smile as well. Stay safe out there, friends. Stay home and enjoy the flowers outside, and stay healthy. If all else fails, make some nice brownies. They'll make you smile and be happy to be home!

Sharing at Patterns by Jen and Quilting is More Fun Than Housework.


  1. well there are some pretty good video's on how to cook out there :) you can do it - You are in Baltimore area now if I remember right, my brother lives near Fredrick so I have been keeping updated on the area out there - we are not on lockdown and I don't know why as the insane people around here need to be told to stay home and stop running around - maybe tomorrow as our governor should by then see how many states are on lock down and we should be too
    Neat quilt - sorry for the rant

  2. I said quilt - I meant all the different quilt blocks!

  3. Oh Mari! Those selvage blocks are perfect for spools! In fact, as I use up my selvages this year (because I’m not collecting them anymore), I’m going to follow your lead and make some spools like that. I saw them somewhere else, too, but this feeble brain can’t remember where exactly. Awesome blocks!

  4. Love your spools. Traditional wins for me..

  5. Mari, turning those selvedge blocks into spools is a great idea! Love them! :)

  6. I love that little turquoise zip bag! Maybe I'll make a few of those here in my confinement :)

  7. Fun spools! I have some spool blocks too, now that I see yours. Not sure where I put them. Hmm. Love the turquoise bag - that will come in handy! I do better with food leftovers than I do with fabric leftovers. Haha!

  8. Fun spool blocks... perfect that you added an aurifil spool because that's my favourite thread!

  9. LOVE the rework you did on Cathy's Selvedge blocks and the fact that you did a bit of TEAL sewing for the Rainbow Scrap Challenge, too!!

  10. If I was a fabric designer, I would design a line inspired by selvedges. Folks want them and there is no more than a skinny strip in every bolt. I love your spool blocks even more than the big blocks and you know how much I love big blocks :-) Stay safe and try staying sane. Safety is required but sanity is optional. Miss you!!!

  11. Well, I have to say when I saw your post title I thought you were going to give us some magical ways to use up leftovers in the fridge... But these are good too. I love big piece blocks - so the orange blocks are lovely. The thread blocks are genius. What a great way to use up those lovely selvages. So great!!! Hang in there Mari. I feel for all of the teachers having to deal with this on-line conversion in such a hurry

  12. Even under Stay at home - you are being very creative!! I like it ( we have been under them for a few weeks now so I feel you!) Glad you had the time to cook ;-) What did you make? Enjoy every day - hugs!!!


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